The spirit of LucasArts is invoked for a brand-new graphic adventure featuring some impressively realistic looking visuals…

If you’re still invested in the world of graphic adventures then you’ll know that while most mainstream companies no longer have anything to do with them there is still a thriving indie community for the genre. And for some reason most of the developers tend to be German. As the seat of power for the genre has shifted from California to Germany that’s inevitably caused some changes, and Trüberbrook illustrates some of the best and worst aspects of them.
Germany’s love for the genre seems to stem simply from the fact that the PC has always been the primary gaming format in the country and LucasArts adventures, in particular, have always been very popular there. As such, a lot of the homegrown entries have tended to be similar in style to mid-era LucasArts titles such as The Dig and The Curse Of Monkey Island.
That’s certainly true of Trüberbrook, which has a very familiar-looking interface and a mostly side-on view of the world. Despite being set in rural West Germany during the 1960s there’s a lot of obvious influence from modern fantasy shows such as The X-Files and Twin Peaks, but the most immediately remarkable thing about Trüberbrook is its graphics which rather than being computer-generated are all handmade, miniature scale models. Which technically means this is the most realistic looking adventure game ever.
Although the game is filled with authentic German accents the protagonist is an American scientist named Hans Tannhauser, come to holiday in the small town of Trüberbrook after winning the trip in a lottery he doesn’t remember entering. That proves to be just as suspicious as it sounds, as his attempts to overcome a mental block while working on his PhD paper leads to a gradual unravelling of just how strange a place Trüberbrook is.
The idea of using miniatures to create the graphics for a game is not an entirely new concept, with Lumino City being perhaps the best-known recent example – although Nintendo has also tried to replicate the general look in a number of games, including the upcoming Yoshi’s Crafted World. Developer btf’s background seems to be in filmmaking as much as games and as such the models and dioramas they’ve created are wonderfully beautiful.
They’re hugely impressive in terms of artistic design, with amazing attention to detail, but also on a technical level. Most of the sets are reused in different lighting and weather conditions, and where possible all the effects are purely physical – from torch beams casting about on walls to falling snow. All the human characters are computer-generated though and perhaps the most remarkable achievement of all is that they blend in perfectly with the backdrops and never look like they’re just walking in front of a greenscreen.
However, the way the characters are posed is often weirdly uncinematic – as they chat away about important plot points with their back to the screen and you realise that the game’s inability to zoom in is a considerable detriment; even though that could be brushed off as purposefully sticking as close as possible to the LucasArts formula.
Despite their limitations, the graphics in Trüberbrook are hugely appealing, but as soon as you start playing the game in earnest you realise the real problems. For a game trying to evoke the golden age of LucasArts the puzzles are disappointingly illogical and unsatisfying. Rather than lateral thinking the main skill you’re forced to practice is that old mainstay of lesser adventure games: use everything with everything until you stumble across the solution by accident.
You’ll find there’s already a button you can press to highlight all interactive objects on-screen, but while that means you’re never stuck for too long we failed to understand the logic of many puzzles even after we’d beaten them. Together with the overly streamlined interface and linear progression it becomes a surprisingly trivial task to progress through the game, which is a problem in itself as it’s only about four hours long and quite expensive.
We’d say that maybe btf should’ve just made the game as a short film but that’s not going to help the even greater problem of the dialogue. The game appears to have been written in German and translated into English, at times it seems by Google Translate. You can understand everything, but the sentence construction and phraseology is often extremely awkward. So much so that we thought at first that the game was trying to simulate the locals speaking to Hans in purposefully strangled English. But he does it too, so it’s obviously not that.
What also doesn’t help is that Hans himself is not a very interesting character and yet large sections of the game only feature him talking away to himself and doing a poor impression of Guybrush Threepwood. The attempts at humour are often weirdly inappropriate too, considering what’s going on in the story at the time, and it all comes across as rather desperate and amateurish.
As has been the case for video games throughout the ages, good graphics do not make a good game. And it doesn’t matter whether the visuals get their beauty from a handcrafted model or a clever bit of programming – if a game’s not fun to play then it’s not much of a game at all.
In Short: One of the best looking point ‘n’ click adventures ever made, but the unique visuals don’t compensate for illogical puzzles and a weak script.
Pros: The graphics are fantastic, with wonderfully detailed scenes and some clever technical tricks to combined real-life models with computer-generated characters.
Cons: The puzzles are illogical and unsatisfying. The tonally inconsistent plot never really works and the dialogue and voice-acting is highly variable. Boring protagonist. Too short and too expensive.
Score: 4/10
Formats: PC (reviewed), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch
Price: £24.99
Publisher: Headup
Developer: btf
Release Date: 12th March 2019 (17/4 on consoles)
Age Rating: N/A
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