The evening Inbox considers the price of influencing influencers, as one reader considers Phantom Doctrine vs. Mutant Year Zero.
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New tactics
If Sony buy Rockstar then that is going to be a massive change to everything. GTA V is still in the top 10 a gazillion years after it was first released and god knows how much money GTA Online must be bringing in every day. The PlayStation 4 seems to have been a fairly easy choice for what console to buy this year but if GTA VI is a PlayStation 5 exclusive then Microsoft (and Google and whoever else aren’t Nintendo) might as well give up then and there.
Does that mean it’s true? Obviously not, and to be honest GC’s breakdown of the rumours made it seem more likely it was just idle gossip. But these are the sort of tactics I think we can expect to see if the next gen gets nasty with a lot more players. Take-Two must be a prime target too as they’re a weak company with one very strong asset.
Personally I’m against any kind of paid-for exclusive and that includes buying a whole company to get one. But it’s business, I realise, and the only thing that’s going to stop Sony is whether they think they can spare the cash or not.
Paying for influence
I always laugh at how some people seem to think that influencers are somehow more honest and ‘real’ than professional games journalists and yet again and again we see that not only are they paid to do and say everything but there’s a whole industry facilitating it. Imagine how many PR people and lawyers must’ve been involved in agreeing what Ninja would say and how long he’d play Apex Legends for!
I’m going to bet GC and the other journos weren’t paid a penny to do their previews and reviews and yet they’re the ones that are constantly being accused of being bribed or biased or whatever other nonsense.
I realise it’s mostly kids that watch Ninja and the others but it’s disturbing to think they look up to them when they’re really just salesman who will say and do anything for money.
GC: We did get some free sandwiches out of the hands-on event.
New battlefield
Does anyone else find it suspicious that we’re suddenly getting so many game announcements at this seemingly random part of the year? I have a feeling that the Google event next week is going to be massive and probably things like Back 4 Blood, Firestorm, Borderlands 3, and maybe even Cyberpunk 2077 are all being lined up for a reveal, and probably more as well.
We really don’t know anything about the next gen yet and I think we’re going to find that the battlefield is very different than we’re used too. It’s going to be a fight over who’s got the best streaming tech, who’s got the best exclusives, and who’s the cheapest. Graphical power and other gimmicks are, I think, going to be largely irrelevant now.
I agree with the reader who said that Microsoft would rue the day it took its foot off the pedal with first party exclusives, especially given how long it’s take Phil Spencer to right that ship (if he even has – we still haven’t seen any of the games yet). Sony though are in prime position, especially if they really do buy Rockstar.
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Super Luigi
I’ll join the reader in praise of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. I still chuckle (even as I write now) at Mario when he pretended he was interested in Luigi’s conversation about the adventure he was submerged in and then within 20 seconds he’d be sound asleep. It was always the first bit where he’d yawn that set me off.
In fact, most of the game was generally excellent and the witty script was perfect from start to finish. Bizarrely, the final scenes where Goombella tells Mario (in an email if I remember) about how everyone is, and thanks him for his help, were actually quite a lovely touch which added a little poignancy to everything after all the madcap laughs that you’d shared along the way.
See how easy it is for games to add emotional depth with a simple bunch of classic Nintendo characters?
Lord Monty Don Mont du Baton
Time extend
Been catching up on all things GC, and just read the interview with the Days Gone guy. I think the most telling part of the entire interview was that you were the one who mentioned you were being asked to wrap up and ended straight away! Usually when you’re having a good interview (practically every other time) the PR person practically has to drag you out the room!
Sparky the Yak
PS: On an entirely separate note, looks like Wargroove has been patched to add checkpoints. More tempted by it now.
GC: To be fair they told us the interview was only 10 minutes before we started and we still went over a bit anyway.
Tactical decision
There’s been mention of XCOM alternatives and I’m currently torn between Phantom Doctrine (now reduced on PSN Store) and Mutant Year Zero….
I love the idea of a Cold War XCOM but I’m also intrigued by the more freeform nature of Mutant Year Zero.
I’ve just finished XCOM 2: War Of The Chosen (which I felt was too convoluted for its own good) so maybe a different genre would be the best option. I’m tempted with Vane, although I wonder if it’s too similar to Ico…
Thoughts from you and fellow readers?
GC: Phantom Doctrine is quite good but Mutant Year Zero is more original and we enjoyed it more.
Animated adventures
A bit of a shame for that One Piece game to turn out so poorly. I’m not into One Piece, but still. Seeing the review reminded me about Adventure Time: Pirates Of The Enchiridion.
I saw the release trailer for it, got excited and then… it was released with very little fanfare. I didn’t notice either you or Eurogamer mention it beyond the release trailer. Did it even come out in the UK? If so, did you play it? Was it any good?
Joseph Dowland
GC: It was released here but we never played it. Perhaps a reader has though.
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Killer app
If this story about Sony buying Take-Two (and let’s be honest that means Rockstar to most of us) is true then what an amazing purchase that would be from them. The Grand Theft Auto games seem to be so popular now that if they appeared on only one console the rest are doomed before they even try to get going (not counting Nintendo in this, who march to their own beat).
Microsoft must be poopin’ themselves because after the experience of the last generation why would most people choose an Xbox when the calibre of game offered by Sony is so high? A reader wrote the other day about what he believed was the zero chance of there ever being only one console – this might be about as close as it gets if it comes true.
I reckon Microsoft would have to buy EA to fight back, which I can’t see ever happening. Perhaps I’m overestimating the impact of GTA games but If Sony make this happen the next generation already seems won!
Inbox also-rans
Yay! Left 4 Dead 3, or at least the closet to it that we’ll ever get. I will never understand why Valve stopped making games. Never mind Sonic in Mario games, tell me 15 years ago what Valve would become today and I’d never have believed it!
We’re used to publishers not seeming to know when competitors’ games are out but EA doesn’t even seem to know about it’s own. Sad to think that Anthem and now probably Battlefield V Firestorm are both going to be ignored because of Apex Legends.
This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Ishi, who asks what is your favourite video game soundtrack of the current generation?
That means anything on the Wii U, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, 3DS, or PS Vita – or any new PC game from early 2011 onwards. You can recommend a single song or a whole soundtrack, but we want to know what you think has been the best video game music for the modern formats?
What do you think of current trends in video game music and do you think this generation has been better or worse, in general, for video game music? And do you own any recent soundtracks separately, either as downloads or on CD or vinyl?
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The small print
New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.
You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word 4Player viewer features at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.
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