Kim Kardashian has agreed to pay former prisoner Matthew Charles’ rent for the next five years and is now appealing to landlords, after his lease application has been rejected again.
Kim has been fighting for prison reform in the US and has personally been fighting on the behalf of prisoners she thinks have been dealt with ‘unfairly’ harsh sentencing.
New prison reform laws saw Charles released after serving 20 years of his 35-year sentence for non-violent drug and weapons charges and on hearing about his case, the reality star reached out to him.
She offered to help Charles pay his rent and find him a ‘stable place to live’, but it seems her quest has proven to be a bit of a struggle.
Taking to Twitter on Friday, Kim revealed that Charles has had his lease application rejected again – even with her listed as paying his rent for him.
She made a public appeal to landlords on his behalf, asking if anyone is willing to give Charles a ‘second chance’ and provided contact details.
Kim tweeted: ‘Matthew Charles’s lease application was rejected again bc of his criminal record (even w me paying his rent in advance). If there are any landlords w a 2 bedroom in Nashville willing to give Mr Charles a 2nd chance.’
Us Weekly reports that Charles is planning on saving to be able to buy a home of his own while Kim takes care of his rent for the next few years.
He had thanked Kim on Facebook for her generosity towards him in a heartfelt post that read: ‘Kim Kardashian-West heard about my situation, was moved and has decided to help me. And to me in the most unbelievable way.
‘Kim did not do this for attention or publicity, but I had to share it, because it’s [too] good not to, and my heart is about to burst with happiness, that I wish you to rejoice in this news with me.’
It’s not the first time Kim has stepped in to help, as she previously secured the release of prisoner Alice Johnson after persuading US President Donald Trump to grant her clemency.
Johnson had been serving life without parole for a first-time drug offence. Kim was successful in securing her release and is now hoping to do the same with a second inmate, Chris Young.
30-year-old Chris has been sentenced to life for a marijuana and cocaine possession arrest in 2010.
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