One of the most original puzzle games of recent years allows you to control the game from the inside out.
Baba Is You is one of our favourite games of the year so far, but it has several problems. It has a weird name that doesn’t tell you anything about it, there’s been zero marketing, and the concept is so unique it’s initially hard to get your head around. In other words, all the typical problems suffered by most indie games – where being original and inventive is not always given fair reward. But hopefully Baba Is You will be able to break the rules in terms of sales, as well as its gameplay.
We don’t mean to imply that it’s anyone’s fault when indie games don’t sell. People have a limited amount of time and money to risk on unknown quantities, and there is very little about Baba Is You that looks appealing from the screenshots. The trailers though do a pretty good job of explaining the premise, odd as it may be.
You play as Baba, a weird rabbit-like creature who is trapped in a series of single screen rooms with no natural means of escape. They’re filled with various obstacles and objects, from immovable rocks to deadly lava flows, but also three-part sentences such as Rock is Push, Flag is Win, and the titular Baba is You. Each part of theses sentences can be move around separately and combined with another, allowing you to change the rules of the level and essentially cheat your way to victory.
There’s no single solution for any of the puzzles though and we’re certain that some of them were probably not intended by the developer (Finnish one-man band Arvi Teikari). For example, in the first stage you can change Rock is Push to Rock is You and suddenly you’re a rock and can move yourself around and out of the way. Or you can just remove the ‘Stop’ from the end of Wall is Stop and the wall can be passed straight through because it’s now completely undefined.
Most cleverly of all you can switch what the win condition is, from the flag to the rock to Baba itself – so that all you have to do is touch the relevant object and you win. It’s the sort of idea only a programmer would come up with but because it is, by its nature, so ruthlessly logical the amount of freedom it gives you to work out your own solutions, and then to kick yourself when you didn’t think of the more obvious ones, is immense.
As the levels progress the challenge is increased by adding more and more sentences and introducing the ability to attach words both vertically and horizontally, so that two statements are true at the same time. As the difficulty ramps up some sentences are wedged into the corner of the levels, so you can’t move them, and more and more words get added to the game’s vocabulary so that it begins to feel like you’re reaching into the game and breaking it – making water float or lava melt.
Once you become confident with how things work you can really start to mess with the game, in a way we’ve not seen since Double Fine’s underrated Hack ‘N’ Slash. Play around with the variables and you can make lakes out of an army of Babas or create a literal wall of text. Sometimes this helps and sometimes it doesn’t, but it does underline that everything is under your control and the game isn’t just giving you the tools that will help you to win but the whole functioning game world.
The inevitable problem with all this freedom is that getting stuck feels even more frustrating, when you know there must be multiple solutions but you can’t see any of them. It doesn’t help that there’s no hint system of any kind, so if you don’t click with the game’s logic in the early stages then it starts to seem impossible by the time you get to the genuinely difficult challenges.
You would’ve thought that offering hints for the most straightforward solutions would not have been a problem, especially as the game does have a fair amount of replayability if you go back and try and figure out alternative solutions. The game is at least sensible enough to ensure there’s multiple stages available at any time though, and there’s a useful undo button that avoids any unnecessary repetition.
The visuals may look simplistic but they work perfect in context with the basic computer logic that is at the heart of the game. Many games talk about offering freedom but very rarely does this mean anything but a few different alternatives, all just as carefully orchestrated by the developer. Baba Is You is the real deal though and it only feels so difficult because most games never allow you so much power and flexibility.
Baba Is You
In Short: A hugely original puzzler that relies on raw logic in a way only a video game could, providing some of the most satisfyingly open-ended challenges of the generation.
Pros: Fantastic premise that manages to get across complex, and ever-evolving, concepts with simple controls and endearingly uncomplicated visuals. Excellent value for money.
Cons: Later puzzles can be extremely difficult to get your head around and the lack of any hint system seems unkind.
Score: 9/10
Formats: Nintendo Switch (reviewed) and PC
Price: £11.29
Publisher: Hempuli
Developer: Arvi Teikari and MP2
Release Date: 13th March 2019
Age Rating: 7
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