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Games Inbox: Nintendo’s VR plans, Sekiro graphics, and Days Gone vs. Dead Rising

The contents of the all-in-one kit
Nintendo Labo is sate-of-the-art cardboard

The evening Inbox asks what order to play the Life Is Strange games in, as one reader recommends Titanfall 2 for just £4.99.

To join in with the discussions yourself email gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk


Different reality

I wrote in just a few weeks ago to communicate my hope that Nintendo would get their act together and create a VR add-on to play their amazing games on. Nintendo Labo VR is definitely not what I hoped for. Now I’ll admit I’m probably not the demographic this is aimed at (I’m not really sure who is) but I’ve always looked at Labo as one of those weird things that Nintendo does sometimes.

I don’t know of one person who uses it but I assume it must be making them money some way, so good luck to them. It just seemed like none of my business, which is totally fine. I should probably wait until you review the VR Labo set before commenting, however it just seems so tacky and disappointing.

VR is the future, I don’t think people want to start sticking pieces of cardboard together so they can play some non-essential Nintendo games. I love them but I swear sometimes I think they go out of their way to be difficult!

GC: Labo is aimed primarily at children and their parents. We’d never describe them as tacky though, the designs are ingenious – not just in terms of the carboard creations but the way the Joy-Cons are used. The Switch is nowhere near powerful enough for a proper VR experience, so it was this or nothing.


Anti-social gaming

I can’t say I’m surprised by Nintendo’s announcement of more Labo kits. If you watch the reveal trailer from last year there were plenty of ideas that never came to fruition until now, so I knew they had more up their sleeve.

I’m dubious about the VR though, it seems to be the main selling point but until they can bring
games out into the room (don’t ask me how) for everyone to enjoy then it’s just the equivalent of someone sticking their head in a smartphone all night as far as I’m concerned.

Anyway, are you looking to review Hard West on the Switch anytime soon? I loved Shadow Wars on the 3DS and hope it’s very similar.

GC: Shadow Wars? Wow, that’s old, but could be added to the list of quality turn-based strategy games. We’ll see about Hard West too.


Safe option

Some very interesting previews yesterday but the thing I still can’t get over is the idea that a developer, who hasn’t done anything of note since the PS1 era, is given the chance to pitch anything they like to Sony and they go with a ‘grounded’ open world zombie game. That sounds like something a committee of marketing execs would come up with, or a computer algorithm, not a team of passionate gamers.

I’m sure it’ll do okay but what a boring way to end Sony’s run of good games. Although I guess maybe they picked something like that because they thought it’d be a sure fire thing, because they didn’t want to get shut down if the game didn’t work out and they’d bet everything on that.

I think we forget just how much money, and how many jobs, are involved in making video games nowadays. If I was someone in charge of 130 people I might think twice before suggesting some crazy Suda51-esque adventure instead of something nice and sane that has a guaranteed audience. Not a very romantic way to think of things but I think you probably have to.


E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk


Too much money

Regarding the concern that From’s games aren’t mainstream enough and should have wider appeal while requesting a higher budget, the whole problem with most big third party developers is that they bloat their projects to the point that profit expectations are unreasonable and any element of risk is unfeasible.

One of the reasons From games are so celebrated is they work so well and make a healthy profit without having to have mountains of cash pumped into them. If they sell a decent number of copies, it’ll do well. If it costs 10 times as much to make and sold a ‘great’ number, it would still risk being regarded as a big disappointment.

The way things are, they can probably afford to risk being more niche given their cost, and that’s what makes these games unique (well, until everyone else ripped them off).

You could almost say that pumping in more money would pose a greater threat to their games than keeping them relatively mid-budget and merely sensibly profitable.


Sensible budget

Well, Sekiro certainly seems to tick all the right boxes. An intoxicating mix of gameplay mechanics, developer track record, and of course ninjas!

One section of your excellent preview got me thinking however. You stated, (and excuse me if it’s not a direct quote), that graphics-wise it’s obviously produced on smaller budget. This surprised me somewhat. Surely the success of previous games by FromSoftware have given them enough financial success to push the boundaries with graphics as much as they do game design? Or are they a developer that deliberately keeps production costs down? Or maybe the previous games were not as successful as I had imagined.

Also, in your opinion how does a lower budget impact graphics? Is this textures, lighting, aesthetic detailing or general polish?

Sorry, I realise that’s a fair few questions.

Keep up the great work.

GC: Thanks. The game certainly isn’t ugly but the geometry is fairly simply and there isn’t the layers of detail you might see in a higher budget game. None of From’s games have ever been mega hits but we think the previous letter has it right in that being sensible with the budget allows them a lot more freedom in what exactly they make.


First things first

Having heard glowing reviews for the Life Is Strange games from GC and readers (with the exception of Life Is Strange 2 I guess, as the season is not yet finished), I’ve been keeping my eye out for a deal on the first game and it’s prequel, Before The Storm.

I’ve just picked up the season pass for Before The Storm for £3.99 in the current PlayStation Store sale but haven’t yet picked up the first game (I’m waiting for, hopefully, a similar bargain).

These games sound right up my street (I’m a big fan of Telltale and narrative games) so I’ve purposefully stayed away from learning too much about the plot of either game, which is where my question for GC and readers comes in: can/should I jump into Before The Storm before playing the first game? Or should I hold off on playing Before The Storm until I’ve completed the first game?

GC: The answer to this is the same for any series, particularly one with prequels: always play them in release order. While Before The Storm takes place before the original series many of the encounters and characters have much more weight when you already know who they are and their relevance to the overall story.


Ultimate price

Holy moly, Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition is currently only £4.99 on PSN right now. The single-player is excellent on it so worth the money for that.

It’s sad to see it in the digital equivalent of an old tatty bargain bin you might have seen in Blockbusters, which makes it really nice to see Respawn smashing it with Apex Legends. Can’t wait to see their Star Wars game.
Simundo Jones


Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here


Limited ownership

Over recent years I have been a PC gamer so pretty much every purchase has to be digital-only (helped by the fact that I have fast broadband). Probably three-quarters of my games I get through Steam, though I often get Steam codes from cheaper sources such as CDKeys or G2A so my money doesn’t always go directly via Valve. As I mostly get everything when it is on offer I generally get great value and enjoy the easy storage/access to my games, so I have definitely bought into digital-only.

But… what if Valve and Steam go belly up in the future? At the moment we tend to think of Steam as being as constant as death and taxes, as the business seems rock steady but these things can change. Steam have competition from EA Origin, Uplay, etc. but it seems that they don’t impact Steam too much. However Epic has entered the market and who can say that some other big tech firms with money to burn couldn’t try the discounted loss leader approach to get a decent share of the market in the coming years, causing problems for Valve’s cashflow.

My worry is that at some point in the future, access to all the games I ‘own’ could disappear if my supplier’s game platform ceased. This is equally true for PC gaming, console gaming or any digital purchases.

That access could disappear as well if my supplier of choice felt that I had broken their terms and conditions and blocked my account. I would stress that in this instance I am talking about digital retailers in general rather than any one company. I would be happy to be corrected but it seems that if your supplier blocks you, you often have very little (or no) right of appeal… please take your coat at the door on the way out of the building.

I don’t exactly lose sleep over this issue but I do worry that digital ownership is effectively long term renting and means that someday I could lose a large chunk of my games library and have very little I could do about it. Out of general curiosity it would be interesting to hear from somebody more knowledgeable than me about what people’s rights are with digital retailers especially if there were a seismic event like Valve going out of business.

GC: As we understand it you have it pretty much right, although it depends on the company and the issues have rarely been tested. We’re not sure anyone knows exactly what would happen if a company the size of Valve went down.


Inbox also-rans

Aight, so Days Gone is Dead Rising without all the fun silliness, yeah? Sound about right? I have to admit, I though the game actually came out this week, when I saw Left Alive was on the list of releases for this week…

GC: Apart from lots of zombies the two games don’t have much in common. Although Days Gone definitely isn’t interested in fun silliness.

To me it looks like the goggle part of the Nintendo Labo VR has some kind of plastic interior, so I don’t think it’s all cardboard. I don’t understand why there are no videos yet.


This week’s Hot Topic

The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Edone, who challenges you to name the worst part of your favourite game.

Nothing’s perfect, so what is it you don’t like about the game or games you otherwise love? Is it a trivial detail or something that actually impacts your enjoyment of the game? How would you fix the problem and what effect would that have on how you – and the wider world – think of the game?

How tolerant are you in general about games with obvious flaws and are there some things which you regularly give a pass to? Or are there some flaws which instantly put you off a game, no matter what else it gets right?

E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk


The small print
New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word 4Player viewer features at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

LGBT+ Game Of Thrones fans not happy as blood drive competition excludes them

Fans of the show were annoyed they were ineligible for the competition (Picture: HBO)

Game Of Thrones has upset a number of American LGBT+ fans after a blood drive competition to win premiere tickets for the final season has left out its gay fans.

The Bleed For The Throne blood drive has been launched in association with show creators HBO and the Red Cross in order to encourage more people to donate – with everyone who gives blood getting a special edition t-shirt and put in a ballot for premiere tickets.

However, donation laws in the US (and the UK) forbids those who have engaged in male-to-male intercourse to give blood, as well as women who have had sex with bisexual men 12 months prior to the donation date.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Official Trailer (Picture: HBO)
The Bleed For The Throne drive inadvertently singled out LGBT fans (Picture: HBO)

So as a result, if you’re a sexually active member of the LGBT community, you won’t be able to take part in the competition in any form.

In the US, this policy was put in place back in 1983 as a federal law banning all donations from gay men, but it was amended to the 12-month policy in 2015.

It was originally put in place in the height of the AIDS crisis in a bid to stop the virus from spreading via blood donation, but medical discoveries and facilities means this is a lot less of an issue.

When the show promoted the blood drive, gay fans, as well as fans who for medical reasons also weren’t able to give blood, reached out to them in order to understand how they can get involved.

HBO and The Red Cross released a joint statement regarding Bleed For The Throne and asserted that if you were to wait in a standby line, you could still access their immersive experience at SXSW Festival this weekend.

Those who are unable to donate blood themselves can enter the sweepstakes by contacting the Red Cross Donor Support Center, they told The Daily Beast.

Game Of Thrones season 8 launches 14 April

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Emma Thompson praised for John Lasseter decision as Times Up UK launch #4percentchallenge

Emma Thompson  has ‘paved the way for female filmmakers’ (Picture: Getty/Rex/AP)

Andrea Riseborough and Dame Heather Rabbatts have praised the ‘wonderful’ Emma Thompson for paving the way for female filmmakers, after the actress chose to leave a job due to the hiring of a man accused of sexual harassment.

‘I wanted to have a glass of red wine and have a bath and light a candle,’ laughs Andrea when asked how Emma’s decision made her feel.

John Lasseter left Disney company Pixar after claims that he had sexually harassed female co-workers but was then hired by Skydance; although Emma had already started work on the film Luck, it was revealed that she had immediately begun discussions about her exit from the production and then decided to leave.

‘We all wanted to hug her,’ says Dame Heather Rabbatts, ‘it was the most eloquent letter, and the fact she stood up means such a huge amount to all of us in the industry and for all those young women coming in to the industry.’

Andrea adds: ‘It paves the way for them to come to the realisation that they do have a choice.’

Emma chose to not work with John Lasseter (Picture: Getty Images)

On Thursday Andrea and Heather, TIME’S UP UK Chair, launched Times Up UK’s #4percentchallenge, an initiative that calls for the British film industry to commit to working with female directors on feature films in the next 18 months.

In the past decade, women made up only 4% of the directors who helmed the top grossing 1000 films – and although that may not surprise you, it does, as Andrea puts it, ‘suck’.

‘We need to move on from those statistics so there is a suggestion from Times Up that we all commit to working with a female director in the next 18 months which seems small but could make a huge difference,’ says Heather.

There are no British companies – Film 4 or BBC for example – nor British actors on the list yet but the women insist the call has just gone out and they are hopeful that more names will join the campaign.

Emma Watson helped to launch Times Up in the UK in 2018 as hundreds of actresses including Natalie Portman, Reese Witherspoon, Cate Blanchett, Eva Longoria, Emma Stone and America Ferrera, made the announcement via a full-page advert printed in the New York Times.

Times Up was launched at the Golden Globes in 2018 (Picture: FilmMagic)

It’s been over 16 months since the Me Too movement led to the downfall of Harvey Weinstein, the uprising of female voices worldwide and the launch of Times Up.

With so many sexual harassment stories by women against powerful men still coming out, there is a worry that people become desensitised or weary of the fight – but Heather believes that all depends on the audience.

‘I don’t think women audiences or directors or writers are desensitised,’ she insists.

‘It is the same problems we’ve had for the last 80,000 years of human existence but it’s just under another name,’ laughs Andrea.

‘Yes of course, being desensitised towards violence towards women is something the human race has always struggled with. The point of Times Up is we hopefully can present a platform for other industries to have a voice about what’s going on there and the disparity they experience.’

Ava is a great example of pushing for women behind the scenes (Picture: Getty Images)

With TV arguably becoming a bigger industry than Hollywood and the number of platforms for films and TV increasing, there are fewer excuses for the lack of women behind the scenes and one women who is pushing harder than anyone else is Ava DuVernay.

‘Ava is a great example, she commissioned women to be part of Queen Sugar [the OWN drama series] but has then also put women in positions of power when she has been structuring sets so they get opportunities they never had,’ says Andrea, ‘and everyone gets a chance to work on their CV.’

‘On a grassroots level as well, it is really helping women gets jobs in the industry.’

Andrea uses the inclusion rider in all her features (Picture: Getty Images)

Andrea herself is no slouch when it comes to helping women though; Mother Sucker is Andrea’s female-led production company and one which she began when she was screwed over by a studio, and she uses the inclusion rider on all her features.

Nancy, her company’s 2018 film, was named as one of 20 movies certified as a gender-balanced production by the ReFrame coalition of industry leaders and IMDBPro.

‘It’s so easy not to be inclusive, to just flow with the tide rather than sitting down and looking at the numbers and taking responsibility,’ she says.

‘[Nancy] was 90% female crew, 60% persons of colour, so that felt like a real achievement.

‘But what I would say is, I am asked by guys if that is sexist. And I understand because on a microcosmic level it is, but if you stand back and look at bigger picture, in terms of the balance? Giving those 30 women a job is so minor that it doesn’t even tip the scales in terms of getting to 50 50 by 2020.

‘So that’s my reasoning, and I hope in the future we don’t have to do that but we do need, in this transition, to be mindful of who we employ.’

TV has also become home to the rise in popularity of true crime stories, many of which glorify sexual violence and murder on screen, and covering these stories in a way that don’t exploit women can be tough.

There’s no easy answer to this, with Andrea suggesting that ‘any retelling of any story that is so harrowing is always traumatising and so that’s difficult’ but as Heather points out, female writers and directors would help to bring ‘a different lens to that issue of violence against women and the portrayal will be different’.

TV is certainly not without its problems, and Heather suggests there is still a big challenge in getting female writers commissioned.

‘We know we have heavy lifting to do but what is amazing is we are living through a new age in TV with so many platforms,’ she says, ‘and therefore with so much more content being created and produced we should hope to see much better gender balance across all sets.

‘One of the advantages we have now compared to our colleagues years ago, is that through social media you can reach out and find your director of photography and editors.

‘If you look you will find us.’

‘It’s not hard to take a few minutes to source a female grip, there are so many platforms online, it’s easy to do that recruitment,’ adds Andrea.

And, as Andrea reflects: ‘It is not an excuse to say, “I wanted to hire a women but I couldn’t find a women”. We make up half the world’s population, we are all over the place.’

Times Up UK’s pledge for the #4PercentChallenge comes ahead of International Women’s Day on Friday 8 March.

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Batman’s 80th anniversary to be celebrated with 1.5 million bats and bat-signals around the world

Batman is celebrating his 80th anniversary (Picture: DC Comics)

DC Comics has announced plans to celebrate Batman’s 80th anniversary, involving worldwide bat-signals and the flying of bats across Texas.

Batman’s 80th is set to be celebrated with a series of events this year, kicking off at SXSW in Austin, Texas next week, with a special exhibit featuring limited edition merchandise, photo opportunities and the unveiling of a new mural.

During SXSW, DC are also planning to fly 1.5 million bats over the Congress Bridge in the city.

Two anniversary comics will also be released, a hardcover of Detective Comics: 80 Years Of Batman – The Deluxe Edition on 19 March, and the extra-length Detective Comics No. 1000 on 27 March.

The Dark Knight Rises for an 80th year (Picture: Warner Bros)

A bunch of other events are also planned throughout the year, happening across Warner Bros. theme parks, exhibitions at the MONDO gallery in Austin, Madame Tussauds celebrations in Orlando and Sydney and special programming throughout March and September on Cartoon Network.

This year’s Batman Day, which happens on 21 September, will also be the most ambitious yet – with cities around the world shining bat-signals into the sky.

Batman’s official anniversary takes place on 30 March, while Batman Day will take place on 21 September.

MORE: Ben Affleck admits he ‘was never happy’ with his script for The Batman so he decided to quit

MORE: Zack Snyder hails Ben Affleck the ‘best Batman ever’ in ballsy statement as actor quits role

Radio 1’s Scott Mills and Chris Stark raise £250,000 for Comic Relief after 24 hour LOLathon


BBC’s Radio 1 has managed to raise over £250,000 for Comic Relief during the 24 hour LOLathon.

The last 24-hour LOLathon was two years ago in 2017 when Scott Mills and Chris Stark spent 24 hours on-air telling jokes to raise money in aid of Red Nose Day.

Presenter Nick Grimshaw was in the studio when the hefty amount was confirmed to listeners at home.

‘The total for the 24 hour LoLathon for Comic Relief – We’ve cracked it – it’s over £250,000,’ Scott Mills announced to the packed out studio.

The studio celebrated the huge amount (Picture: BBC/Twitter)

‘We don’t know the exact figure yet,’ Scott said after the studio erupted in cheers. ‘But we know that we have done it but Grimmy would have the exact total for you very soon.’

Grimshaw joked: ‘I’m going to count now. I’m going to count all them fivers.’

Other stars that took part in the LOLathon included singer Anne-Marie and TV presenter Lorraine.

Earlier in the marathon, Andy King made an appearance and lent his services to raise money for Comic Relief.

Scott Mills announced the amount to listeners at home (Picture: BBC/Twitter)

The American businessman became an unexpected hero this year after the release of Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened, when we learned he was willing to trade oral sex for Evian.

And he’s continued to prove he’s the most selfless and self-deprecating man there is. A true icon for 2019.

Two hours before the end of the epic lol-fest, Andy dropped by to prove he’d do anything for customer service, and a british charity.

Andy King - Netflix Fyre Festival
The man, the myth, the legend (Picture: Netflix)

The Fyre Fest doc star appeared via video link on Radio 1, with Scott asking: ‘It’s two hours before Miley Cyrus comes on stage at Radio 1’s Big Weekend in Middlesbrough, but her Evian hasn’t arrived. It’s being held at the port of Middlesbrough. What do you do?’

Andy said: ‘I’d probably take one for the team. Well, you know, somebody would have to do the research for me, because that’s sort of the awkward part. Then I can just perform.’

Chris said: ‘You’re a legend’, before pressing: ‘It’s an hour before Lewis Capaldi comes on stage for his homecoming gig in Glasgow. It’s sold out, Andy, 20,000 people. And the Evian hasn’t arrived!’

Explaining what he’d do to get the water freed from the Glaswegian port, Andy said: ‘I’d probably take a shower, change my clothes, simple bit of mouthwash…’

And if Glastonbury found their water supply held at the port – in glass bottles, seeing as plastic has been banned – Andy would step up, as he told Scott and Chris: ‘I am going to take one for the team for sure.’

Basically, Andy is proving to be a team player.

Although we do not want to encourage anyone to feel obliged to swap sexual favours for supplies. Not okay.

Andy became an instant meme when Netflix debuted their Fyre Festival documentary, when he revealed the length he was willing to go to to have a water shipment freed from customs.

The event producer said: ‘I literally drove, took a shower, I drank some mouthwash and I got in my car to drive across the island to take one for the team. I got to his office fully prepared to suck his dick. But he couldn’t have been nicer.’

Thankfully, Andy is loving all of the memes, and has even seen TV offers rolling in.

Well, if anyone deserves them…

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MORE: Love Island star Chris Hughes confirms Jesy Nelson romance: ‘The happiest I’ve ever been’

Chris Hughes fondly calls Jesy Nelson his ‘little side bit away from work’ after confirming romance


Chris Hughes has said that Jesy Nelson is his ‘little side bit away from work’ after confirming their romance.

It’s official, the 2017 Love Island contestant has managed to find love in the Little Mix singer and he is over the moon about it.

After that kebab shop kiss, the new couple went public with their romance on Instagram and now Chris, 26, admits he’s never been happier in a relationship and he can’t wait for Jesy to meet his new dog, Busta.

Speaking about his new flame, he said: ‘Everything is going really well. I met a girl who is really lovely.’

Chris and his dog Busta (Picture: Kennedy News)

Although the pair are both recognisable figures when it comes to British showbiz, Chris feels that with Jesy being an X Factor winner and him finishing in third place on the ITV dating show, that they are from two very different worlds.

‘We get on like best mates as well that’s obviously nice because it gives you that little side bit away from work and we are from two completely different industries,’ he explained while sounding absolutely besotted.

Anything to be romantic, eh? Chris isn’t the first person to find romantic symbols all over the gaffe at the start of a relationship.

It also seems as if Chris is ready to take things to the next level by introducing Jesy to his beloved spaniel.

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The only inmate I’ve ever needed 🧡

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Speaking at the world’s famous Crufts dog show in Birmingham today, he continued: ‘Jesy hasn’t met Busta yet but I know she will get on with him, she’s got two little puppies so hopefully everything will be good between them all.

‘She hasn’t met Buster yet, she will get on with Buster. But she’s really lovely.’

Chris owned his first dog, a black Labrador named Rolan, as a four-year-old and believes that life with a four-legged friend has helped him in his battles with mental health.

He said at the event: ‘I suffered from mental health myself and anxiety in my late teens.

‘I spoke to my mum, I saw a hypnotherapist and by the age of 21 I haven’t had too much anxiety, I think owning dogs is a great way to help too.’

Jesy and Chris made their romance official this week and confirmed their love on Kiss FM’s breakfast show. 

But the Love Islander might have some explaining to do with Jesy though, as the TV star was asked when her birthday was and said it was 15 June 1991 – it’s actually the 14th. Awkward.

While Chris is floating on cloud nine, his new relationship doesn’t exactly bode well for his bestie Kem Cetinay, who is worried he’ll be sidelined.

The Dancing One Ice presenter said: ‘I’ve never seen him like this, and we’re very close. I know we’ve only known each other two years.

‘But I’m a little bit worried… What happens to me now? Where do I go? He’s got a new love of his life, what happens to the old love? What happens to bromance? I’ve been pushed to the side!’

Kem shared his concerns about spending less time with Chris earlier in the week, saying on Good Morning Britain: ‘He seems really happy and that’s all that matters so as long as she doesn’t take him away from me too much, then I’m alright.’

Aww, what a lovely trio they make.

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MORE: Emma Thompson praised for John Lasseter decision as Times Up UK launch #4percentchallenge

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Kelly Hoppen reveals gruelling Celebrity Apprentice regime and how it almost didn’t happen: ‘It looked impossible’

For use in UK, Ireland or Benelux countries only Undated BBC handout photo of Kelly Hoppen, one of the candidates for Celebrity Apprentice for Comic Relief. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Tuesday February 26, 2019. See PA story SHOWBIZ Allardyce. Photo credit should read: BBC/Comic Relief/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: Not for use more than 21 days after issue. You may use this picture without charge only for the purpose of publicising or reporting on current BBC programming, personnel or other BBC output or activity within 21 days of issue. Any use after that time MUST be cleared through BBC Picture Publicity. Please credit the image to the BBC and any named photographer or independent programme maker, as described in the caption.
Will Kelly Hoppen come out on top in Celebrity Apprentice? (Picture: BBC)

She’s best known as one of the toughest Dragon’s of the den but tonight Kelly Hoppen will be getting stuck in to Celebrity Apprentice for Comic Relief.

The 59-year-old led the girls’ team – made up of Rachel Johnson (watch out for her), Amanda Holden, Ayda Williams and Tameka Empson – and, naturally, she meant business.

But it almost didn’t happen for the celebrity interior designer, who had to ‘move heaven and earth’ to get involved after Lord Alan Sugar personally called her up for the challenge.

‘I immediately said yes,’ Kelly exclusively told Metro.co.uk. ‘But I looked at my schedule and it looked impossible.

Celebrity Apprentice line-up
Here’s who will be competing in Celebrity Apprentice (Picture: BBC)

‘We moved everything around to make sure I could be involved because I supported Comic Relief before for Kenya a few years ago, and I love the Apprentice so it was kind of a no-brainer.’

And while we always thought the celebs get to lap it up in the life of luxury they’ve become accustomed to, over the two days Lord Sugar put the 10 famous faces through their paces.

Their mission: to raise as much money as they can by utilising all their wealthy pals, while also setting up a cabaret by roping in whatever acts they can find. It’s…. eventful.

Although, the task was made much more difficult by rules which we’d never heard of. According to Kelly, candidates can only make money while they’re on camera, which made the logistics somewhat problematic.

‘We were there to raise money for a great cause and that’s hard when you’re doing that and you can only raise the money when you’re being filmed and there’s a limit to how many cameras are on you,’ she explained.

‘But it was hard work; we were up at 5.30 in the morning and working late, late, late into the night. It was incredibly rewarding, I have to say. It has to be filmed when you’re asking for money.’

However, underneath the charity fundraiser there’s a serious battle of the sexes – who will come out on top?

Celebrity Apprentice for Comic Relief airs tonight at 9pm on BBC One.

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MORE: Celebrity Apprentice’s Claude Littner says ‘girls had an advantage because they could ask for money’

MORE: Which stars are in the line-up for Celebrity Apprentice’s Comic Relief special?

Lord Of The Rings Amazon series completes the poem and confirms its story

Editorial use only. No book cover usage. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Pierre Vinet/New Line Cinema/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock (5885769w) Ian McKellen The Lord Of The Rings - The Return Of The King - 2003 Director: Peter Jackson New Line Cinema USA Scene Still Games Seigneur Des Anneaux: Le Retour Du Roi, Le
The Lord Of The Rings TV series is coming (Picture: Rex)

Lord Of The Rings new TV series has been keeping us holding on for the past few weeks as it painfully retold us the iconic One Ring epigraph line-by-line.

Most came to the assumption that the end of the poem would bring about an announcement – and it has, with the plot finally being revealed.

As part of their tweet storm, the show pledged: ‘Welcome to the Second Age,’ as it expanded on the world map that they have been showing us throughout the teasers.

In the final reveal, the island of Númenor was shown, giving a massive hint that this will be the location for the new tale.

MORTENSEN...Actor Viggo Mortensen is shown in the role of Aragorn, in this undated production still from the "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King." Aragorn is a reluctant hero who helps defeat the ancient evil of Sauron in New Line Cinema's "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. (AP Photo/New Line Cinema Productions)...A...PXL ENT
The story originally rumoured to be focused on Aragorn (Picture: AP)

Númenor was never seen in the films, as it was destroyed thousands of years before we met up with the Hobbits in the Shire.

With the epigraph of the rings becoming such a focal point to its teasers, the story could well be related to their creation.

In the poem, the story of the 20 rings and who they were given to play out – with the final and most important ring of all belonging to the Dark Lord himself.

Three are given to Elven Kings, Seven to Dwarf-Lords and Nine are handed to mortals (who are doomed to die).

In LOTR lore, the Second Age of Middle Earth is a period of history that occurs before the original story, spanning 3441 years and ending with the first downfall of Sauron.

However, with the revelation ends speculation that the story could focus on a young Aragorn, which in the film was played by Viggo Mortenson.

In fact, unless they tamper with what we already know, the character may not exist at all, as he was born in the Third Age of Middle Earth.

How far the show is into its creation still remains to be seen, however we’re in for one hell of an epic following Amazon’s announcement that they have signed up to multiple seasons straight off the gate.

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MORE: Lord of The Rings teaser hints at new plot details and shuts down that Aragorn casting call

MORE: The new Tolkien trailer is just as dramatic as the Lord Of The Rings movies and we’re here for it

Cheryl shares ‘big hug’ with ex Liam Payne as they reunite at Global Awards

Cheryl and Liam Payne shared words at the Global Awards (Picture: PA/Getty)

Cheryl and Liam Payne had a potentially awkward reunion at the Global Awards, who were seen exchanging words at the event.

The pair split in July 2018 after two years together, and have a child together with one-year-old son Bear.

According to The Mirror, Cheryl and Liam appeared ‘very friendly’ on the Global Awards 2019 red carpet, which took place at the Eventim Apollo on Thursday night.

Speaking to the publication, a source said: ‘They were smiling and talking and they went in for a big hug. Liam put his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek.’

The Global Awards at the Eventim Apollo in London, UK. 07 Mar 2019 Pictured: Cheryl. Photo credit: Fred Duval/MEGA TheMegaAgency.com +1 888 505 6342
Cheryl at the Global Awards (Picture: Fred Duval/Mega)

Liam Payne has since been romantically linked with Naomi Campbell, who are believed to have attended a WE Day recently together – despite not being pictured side-by-side.

The One Direction singer has been linked to the supermodel since January after they flew out to Ghana, before being spotted on apparent dates around London.

LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 07: Liam Payne attends The Global Awards with Very.co.uk at the Eventim Apollo, Hammersmith on March 7, 2019 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images)
Liam Payne is rumoured to be dating Naomi Campbell (Picture: David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images)

It was previously believed Liam and Naomi were going to go public with their romance at the Baftas after-party, as well as the Brits last month, however the two are staying quiet about the rumours.

Cheryl, meanwhile, appears to be focusing on her career – having recently featured as a judge on The Greatest Dancer and working on her new album.

MORE: Cheryl calls out for Valentine as ex-boyfriend Liam Payne ‘romances’ Naomi Campbell

MORE: Did Liam Payne date Love Island star Amber Davies after Cheryl split?

How many episodes of Celebrity Apprentice are there and how is it different to the main series?

Karren Brady, Lord Sugar and Claude Littner in Celebrity Apprentice
Celebrity Apprentice brings a few red noses into the boardroom (Picture: BBC)

The boardroom is back on BBC One – except this time it’s got 10 famous faces in it who are taking part in Celebrity Apprentice For Comic Relief.

The likes of Amanda Holden and Rylan Clark-Neal will be among those facing Lord Sugar, Karren Brady and Claude Littner as they prepare to show off their business skills in a Girls Team vs Boys Team battle.

And while there may be drama in the boardroom let’s not forget it’s all for a good cause.

So just how many episodes are there of this special Apprentice – and how is it different from the regular show?

Here’s what you need to know…

How many episodes are there of Celebrity Apprentice For Comic Relief?

There are two instalments of the special, with the first airing on BBC One on Thursday night at 9pm.

The concluding instalment airs on BBC One on Friday night at 9pm.

Celebrity Apprentice For Comic Relief 2019
Will the girls’ team triumph over the boys’ team or will the boys have victory in their grasp? (Picture: BBC)

Both episodes run for one hour, with the task – in which the teams have to put on a charity cabaret show ahead of Red Nose Day – airing tonight.

The girls’ team consists of Amanda Holden, Kelly Hoppen, Tameka Empson, Rachel Johnson and Ayda Williams, while on the boys’ team we have Richard Arnold, Rylan Clark-Neal, Omid Djalili, Sam Allardyce and Russell Kane.

How is the show different from the main Apprentice?

Well the basic premise of the show – run a task, one team wins, the other team faces firings – is pretty much business as usual.

This time around though it all revolves around one task only rather than a series of tasks to determine the winner, with the task and the result spread across two shows rather than condensed into one.

And instead of vying to win Lord Sugar’s investment, the teams are working to raise money for Comic Relief, ahead of this year’s Red Nose Day on 15 March.

However a lot of elements of The Apprentice we know and love will be very much the same – with Lord Sugar, Brady and Littner all doing their bit, the usual boardroom shenanigans present and correct and maybe even some people getting fired.

In other words, it’ll look pretty much like The Apprentice – only with more famous people – and as Littner has explained, the girls’ team had an advantage on that front, especially when it came to using their contacts.

Speaking on This Morning on Thursday he explained: ‘They had somewhat of an advantage because they could pick up the phone to I don’t know who and say “Babe, babe, can I have £20,000 babe” and the answer would be yes and I would be thinking “Who did they phone?” ‘It was remarkable.’

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Roxanne Pallett thanks fans for support following CBB controversy and ‘overdue therapy’ for PTSD

Editorial Use Only Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX/Shutterstock (9826810az) Roxanne Pallett cries in the diary room 'Celebrity Big Brother' TV show, Series 22, Elstree Studios, Hertfordshire, UK - 30 Aug 2018
Roxanne has posted a lengthy message (Picture: REX/Shutterstock)

Roxanne Pallett has posted a lengthy message addressing her disappearance on social media since Celebrity Big Brother, stating she’s been receiving therapy for PTSD.

The ex-Emmerdale actress became a controversy magnet after falsely claiming Ryan Thomas punched her during last year’s appearance on CBB, drawing 27,000 complaints to Ofcom.

Since leaving the house and addressing the issue outside, she’s disappeared from the limelight – only returning to social media recently to support Michael Jackson over new documentary Leaving Neverland.

In a post on her Instagram story, Roxanne has now thanked fans for their support, admitting how she even ‘prayed for God to take me away’.

Roxanne Pallett left the CBB house (Picture: Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images)

Roxanne wrote: ‘Thank you for all your message from over the last few months whilst I was taking some time away & getting some long overdue therapy for PTSD, Panic Disorder & Anxiety. Your support during my darkest days have meant more to me than you could possibly know.

‘I felt so alone & unwelcome in this world that I prayed for God to take me away, but somehow I pushed through. And part of that was because I was shown love, understanding & compassion.

‘When I had no fight left in me, others were fighting for me. The strength from a kind message, a reassuring smile or a hug in a supermarket were all part of the rescue which helped me take a step forward.’

(Picture: Instagram)

‘As anyone who battles mental health knows, it’s a long road ahead. We are all human, we all make mistakes, we are all learning, just trying to get through each day. I just wanted to say thank you [sic].’

After leaving the Celebrity Big Brother house, Ryan Thomas went onto win the show – with Roxanne apologising during an appearance on Jeremy Vine’s show.

At the time, Roxanne said: ‘When I look back on that footage, as soon as I left the house… I got it wrong. Everything in that house becomes heightened, a look, an action, a comment.

‘All I can say is in the moment, it felt worse than it was.

‘I massively apologise to not only Ryan, but his friends, his family, his fans, every single person who watched that and who justifiably saw an overreaction to what wasn’t a malicious act.’

MORE: Roxanne Pallett finally breaks silence after CBB punchgate to pledge support to Michael Jackson

MORE: Roxanne Pallett claims her hair fell out after backlash over Ryan Thomas punch claims

Celebrity Apprentice gets naughty as naked men with balloons over their bits wreak havoc


Rylan Clark-Neal’s face spoke for the nation on tonight’s Celebrity Apprentice when their cabaret act of men covering balloons with their bits went disastrously wrong.

Pro-tip: If you’re going to cover your naked bod with some balloons, make sure that the balloons don’t deflate or that you’ve got a firm grasp on them.

Team Captain Rylan looked mortified when, in a panic to find acts for their show, agreed with team-mate Omid Djalili’s suggestion to bring in a comedy act that covered performed a dance tease with the help of balloons.

Desperately keeping all their fingers crossed for Cher and running out of options in the meantime, Rylan agreed- and soon things went up in the air literally.

Omid Djalili and two men appeared on stage in nothing but socks and balloons covering their modesty (Picture: BBC)

The two middle-aged men were first off, a man down from their trio, meaning a naked Omid had to step in, then they couldn’t quite perform under pressure and deflated.

Happens to the best, you two.

As a mortified room of people watched on unsure of what they were thinking, their high-class night devolved into chaos and Rylan, dressed as a space man, could do nothing but duck behind Sam Allardyce as it all happened.

Afterwards, the group – completed by Russell Kane who acted as compere for the evening – were in agreement that they were in serious trouble.

A stunned Rylan had nothing to say, only muttering: ‘I don’t know what I just watched.’

Us either Rylan!

Rylan was mortified as Omid Djalili and two men performed completely naked (Picture: BBC)

While Rylan couldn’t quite bear to watch what was going on, viewers couldn’t help but find the horrific moment absolutely hilarious.

‘The balloon act is without doubt the greatest piece of TV gold in the history of something none of us will ever be able to unsee,’ one person declared.

‘I’m screaming that they allowed that weird naked balloon popping act but they’ve given Louisa Johnson 1 minute 30 seconds to perform a song,’ added another.

A third also couldn’t resist the cringe factor of it all, and added: ‘OMG The Apprentice makes me CRINGE at times. Balloons and naked men… I felt the audiences pain but bloody hilarious.’

Omid began to realise that the men were just full of hot air (Picture: BBC)

Viewers will have to tune into the second episode to see if the guys get one up on the girls, who held a jungle-themed night at Café de Paris in London with Robbie Williams headlining and Alan Carr as compere.

Meanwhile, the guys embraced a space theme at the Bloomsbury Ballroom, and managed to wrangle a number of acts including Kodaline, Louisa Johnson and Simon Webbe.

They also had to create and host an auction all to raise money for Comic Relief.

So while the embarrassment may be around for a while, the good it will do will last a lifetime!

Celebrity Apprentice for Comic Relief continues on BBC1 and is available on BBC iPlayer.

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MORE: Which stars are in the line-up for Celebrity Apprentice’s Comic Relief special?

MORE: Lord Alan Sugar reveals stars turned down Comic Relief’s Celebrity Apprentice despite being a ‘charitable event’

Peter Andre spotted in Michael Jackson Leaving Neverland documentary losing dance competition

Peter Andre was featured in Leaving Neverland (Picture: Channel 4/Rex)

Peter Andre was featured in Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland as a young kid, seen competing in a dance competition.

The Channel 4 and HBO documentary, directed by Dan Reed, sees James Safechuck and Wade Robson recount their experiences as young kids with the so-called King Of Pop, claiming they were victim to sexual abuse.

One scene in the first part featured a 1987 dance competition, where Andre, pictured wearing a hat and red bow tie, lost out to Wade Robson in winning the chance to meet Michael Jackson.

Andre later confirmed it was him to The Sun, with claims he was ‘devastated’ to have lost to Wade at the time.

Peter Andre spotted coming second in dance contest in Leaving Neverland documentary Provider: Channel 4 Source: https://www.thesun.ie/tvandshowbiz/3839031/peter-andre-spotted-in-michael-jackson-leaving-neverland-documentary-coming-second-in-dance-comp-that-led-wade-robsons-into-paedos-clutches/
Finding Neverland showed a dance competition to win a meeting with Michael Jackson (Picture: Channel 4)
Peter Andre spotted coming second in dance contest in Leaving Neverland documentary Provider: Channel 4 Source: https://www.thesun.ie/tvandshowbiz/3839031/peter-andre-spotted-in-michael-jackson-leaving-neverland-documentary-coming-second-in-dance-comp-that-led-wade-robsons-into-paedos-clutches/
Peter Andre features in Leaving Neverland (Picture: Channel 4)

After winning the competition, Wade was befriended by Jackson, with the former claiming he was later sexually abused by the star.

In the second part of the documentary, Wade claims, aged 14, Jackson attempted to have sex with him in a hotel.

Speaking in the documentary, Wade said: ‘What ended up happening is Michael tried to penetrate me in my anus with his penis.

Michael Jackson and Wade Robson.
Wade Robson and Michael Jackson (Picture: Channel 4)

‘Trying for a while, and was able to for a bit but it was really painful. So he stopped.’

He added: ‘After it wasn’t working, we went back to our regular sexual routine.’

Both Robson and Safechuck previously defended Jackson after he was accused of child sexual abuse by 13-year-old Jordan Chandler. The case was settled out of court in 1994 for millions of dollars.

The Bad hitmaker died aged 50 in 2009, with his estate claiming Leaving Neverland and the allegations made by the two alleged victims are a ‘character assassination’.

Michael Jackson estate's statement on Leaving Neverland

'Leaving Neverland isn’t a documentary, it is the kind of tabloid character assassination Michael Jackson endured in life, and now in death. The film takes uncorroborated allegations that supposedly happened 20 years ago and treats them as fact. These claims were the basis of lawsuits filed by these two admitted liars which were ultimately dismissed by a judge. The two accusers testified under oath that these events never occurred. They have provided no independent evidence and absolutely no proof in support of their accusations, which means the entire film hinges solely on the word of two perjurers.

'Tellingly, the director admitted at the Sundance Film Festival that he limited his interviews only to these accusers and their families. In doing so, he intentionally avoided interviewing numerous people over the years who spent significant time with Michael Jackson and have unambiguously stated that he treated children with respect and did nothing hurtful to them. By choosing not to include any of these independent voices who might challenge the narrative that he was determined to sell, the director neglected fact checking so he could craft a narrative so blatantly one-sided that viewers never get anything close to a balanced portrait.

'For 20 years, Wade Robson denied in court and in numerous interviews, including after Michael passed, that he was a victim and stated he was grateful for everything Michael had done for him. His family benefitted from Michael’s kindness, generosity and career support up until Michael’s death. Conveniently left out of Leaving Neverland was the fact that when Robson was denied a role in a Michael Jackson themed Cirque du Soleil production, his assault allegations suddenly emerged.

'We are extremely sympathetic to any legitimate victim of child abuse. This film, however, does those victims a disservice.  Because despite all the disingenuous denials made that this is not about money, it has always been about money – millions of dollars — dating back to 2013 when both Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who share the same law firm, launched their unsuccessful claims against Michael’s Estate. Now that Michael is no longer here to defend himself, Robson, Safechuck and their lawyers continue their efforts to achieve notoriety and a payday by smearing him with the same allegations a jury found him innocent of when he was alive.'

Leaving Neverland is available to watch on Channel 4 on demand.

MORE: How old are Michael Jackson’s children and what are they up to now?

MORE: Leaving Neverland audience reaches 2.4 million as hardcore fans turn on Michael Jackson

What do we know about Tristan Thompson’s new girl Karizma Ramirez?

Tristan Thompson has been linked to new girl Karizma Ramirez (Picture: Getty)

Tristan Thompson only split with ex Khloe Kardashian a matter of weeks ago, but it’s looking like the NBA star is already moving on.

True’s baby daddy has been spotted with new girl Karizma Ramirez and it seems like they’ve already enjoyed a string of dates.

Tristan was seen leaving his hotel with model Karizma in New York, just a week after they were pictured dining together at A-list favourite Carbone in Manhattan.

That solves the puzzle behind Tristan arriving at his hotel with two Starbucks cups in his hands, and the duo were later seen dining out with the Cleveland Cavaliers player’s friends at Nobu.

We wonder what Khloe’s going to make of all this – she has been left publicly heartbroken after Tristan made headlines for cheating on her (again) with Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods.

New York, NY - *EXCLUSIVE* - Karizma Ramirez spotted leaving Carbone after having dinner with Tristan Thompson, Jordan Clarkson and a friend. **SHOT ON 02/27/2019** Pictured: Karizma Ramirez BACKGRID USA 6 MARCH 2019 BYLINE MUST READ: BlayzenPhotos / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / usasales@backgrid.com UK: +44 208 344 2007 / uksales@backgrid.com *UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*
Model Karizma was introduced to Tristan by a mutual friend (Picture: BACKGRID)
Tristan was caught cheating on Khloe with Jordyn Woods (Picture: GC Images)

Jordyn confessed all in an interview with Red Table Talk, but Tristan has been pretty much left to fly under the radar and evidently shack up with somebody new.

So what do we know about Karizma?

According to Hollywood Life, she’s 28 years old – a year older than Tristan – and is a model currently living in New York.

Some reports say Karizma is from Los Angeles, while others put New Jersey as her home state, confusingly.

Tristan Thompson mystery woman Karizma Instagram
Karizma was linked to Chris Brown back in 2013 (Picture: Instagram)

People claims Karizma took part in a Hooters swimsuit pageant in 2010 and she was previously linked to fellow basketball player Shane Larkin – they are thought to have dated in 2015.

She’s apparently been linked to Chris Brown too.

The model and Breezy were spotted getting flirty on Twitter back in 2013 (in the days he was on and off with Rhianna) and reports seem to think that Karizma is friends with Chris’ ex Karrueche Tran.

Page 6 claims Karizma and Brown met at a bar in New York where she was working.

It’s thought she met Tristan through his teammate Jordan Clarkson and things between her and Khloe’s ex are currently pretty casual, according to Elite Daily.

While Karizma does have Instagram – she’s followed by Rob Kardashian’s ex Blac Chyna – you won’t be able to do any snooping, as her account is actually private.

Meaning if she’s posting any bae updates, we sadly won’t be able to get our hands on them…

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MORE: Emma Thompson praised for John Lasseter decision as Times Up UK launch #4percentchallenge

MORE: Peter Andre spotted in Michael Jackson Leaving Neverland documentary losing dance competition

Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright can’t wipe the smile from their faces as they hit the red carpet on his return to the UK

LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 07: Michelle Keegan and Mark Wright attend The Global Awards 2019 at Eventim Apollo, Hammersmith on March 07, 2019 in London, England. (Photo by Jeff Spicer/Getty Images)
Mark Wright and Michelle Keegan looked so happy while making a rare red carpet appearance (Picture: Getty Images)

Mark Wright has thrown in the towel on his presenting career over in Los Angeles, so he can return to Essex and focus on his ‘perfect marriage’ with Michelle Keegan.

And clearly thrilled to have him back home again, Michelle couldn’t have looked happier as she and Mark made a rare red carpet appearance together at the Global Awards on Thursday night.

That’s one happy lady, right?

Michelle and Mark had huge smiles on their faces as they cosied up together, with the reality star looking dapper in a casual navy suit and Michelle bossing it in a pink power two-piece.

She wore a pair of metallic mules and added a black and white patterned clutch to her outfit, while wearing her hair in big curls.

Michelle Keegan (left) and Mark Wright attends The Global Awards 2019 with Very.co.uk held at London's Eventim Apollo Hammersmith. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Thursday March 7, 2019. See PA Story SHOWBIZ Global. Photo credit should read: Scott Garfitt/PA Wire
Mark has returned to the UK after quitting his presenting role in LA (Picture: PA)

Their red carpet appearance is one of very few lately, as Mark has been busy working in the US on entertainment news show Extra.

But, he recently revealed he has given up his American dream to return to the UK to be with wife Michelle and work on new presenting opportunities closer to home, including his new gig The Bachelor UK on Channel 5.

Speaking to MailOnline, Mark said he is happy to be back in his hometown of Essex and definitely will not miss doing long distance with his wife of almost four years.

‘Michelle was my main factor in coming back and she was always visiting me and I was visiting her, she was one of the main factors for sure,’ he said.

LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 07: Michelle Keegan (L) and Mark Wright attend The Global Awards with Very.co.uk at the Eventim Apollo, Hammersmith on March 7, 2019 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images)
Mark said Michelle was his ‘main factor’ in moving back home (Picture: Getty Images)

‘I wanted to spend more time with her instead of travelling and coming back for weeks at a time. Also, my family, Michelle, work, England itself, everything really. I couldn’t [be in LA] forever unless she moved there.’

He added that the couple are very much work-driven at the moment and have no time for babies just yet, so family plans are on hold.

‘We have no plans for babies yet, we’re both busy with work and have no plans at all at the moment but obviously at some point in the future,’ Mark explained.

But being back in Essex does mean that Mark could have a few run-ins with his exes, and Lauren Goodger – who he dated on and off for 10 years and was previously engaged to – accused Mark and Michelle of blanking her recently.

Awkward, much?

Mark and Michelle first met in 2012 during a trip to Dubai and headed back there nine months later where Mark proposed.

They tied the knot three years later in 2015.

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MORE: What do we know about Tristan Thompson’s new girl Karizma Ramirez?

MORE: Peter Andre spotted in Michael Jackson Leaving Neverland documentary losing dance competition

Gemma Collins is heading to America and wants a part in Game of Thrones

Gemma thinks she’d be great in Westeros (Picture: HBO/Rex)

Gemma Collins has revealed her hopes to crack America now that she’s dominated the UK – and then wants to head to Westeros to be on Game Of Thrones as well.

Er….do you guys want to tell her or should I that Game Of Thrones is nearly over?

The Essex diva is heading to Los Angeles soon in a bid to try and crack the City of Stars itself, and will be documenting it all for a documentary.

Speaking on the show, she said: ‘I’ve never been to LA. The cameras want to be on me the minute I touch down in LA, to follow me having a go at it.’

Wonder what Cersei would make of the GC? (Picture: HBO)

On why she thinks that’s where her future may be on the show, she explained that she was given a sign – by Oprah Winfrey herself.

‘I follow my intuition and last weekend when I was in Paris Oprah Winfrey was there,’ she revealed. ‘This top florist called Jeff [Leatham] who does all the flowers for the Kardashians, I’m really good friends with Jonathan Cheban, Chris Pratt was asked in an interview [about me].

‘The minute I saw Oprah Winfrey in this hotel at the weekend, I thought “I’m going to America,”’ she added.

Mandatory Credit: Brian J Ritchie/Hotsauce Editorial Use Only. No Merchandising - STRICTLY EMBARGOED UNTIL 00.01 FRIDAY 8TH MARCH 2019 Mandatory Credit: Photo by Brian J Ritchie/Hotsauce/REX (10144336ah) Gemma Collins 'The Jonathan Ross Show' TV show, series 14, Episode 2, London, UK - 09 Mar 2019
Watch out LA! The GC is coming for ya (Picture: Rex)

On living her Game Of Thrones fantasy, Gemma revealed: ‘I’ve been so lucky with everything that has happened to me… I’m not saying I’m going to rock up to America and be a big star. I would like a role in Game of Thrones one day, I’m not going to lie.

‘I’m obsessed with the show. I’ll even be an extra. I’ll do it for free! I’ll even work in the canteen and do the teas and coffees. Could you imagine? That is the dream.’

Not going to lie, we’d love to see Gemma giving Cersei Lannister what for if we could!

But whatever happens, the meme queen is 100% making the most of her time in the limelight, and where it could take her in the world.

‘I’ve always dreamed big. My intuition always guides me to the right place. I want to travel the world,’ Gemma told Jonathan.

‘Someone said to me ten years ago “Would you ever leave Essex?” I’m like, “No way, I never would,”  she added.

‘Now ten years on I think there is a lot more out there in the world and I want to see that.’

The Jonathan Ross show airs Saturdays at 9.20pm on ITV1.

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MORE: Game of Thrones season 8 filming disrupted by helicopter during ‘ridiculously sensitive’ scene and we haven’t come this far for leaks

MORE: Dancing On Ice’s Jason Gardiner rejects claims Gemma Collins ‘refrigerator’ jibe is fat-phobic

Naomi Campbell shuts down talk of Liam Payne when asked if they are dating

Naomi Campbell is refusing to confirm whether she is dating Liam Payne (Picture: Rex/AP)

Naomi Campbell is refusing to give anything away when it comes to her rumoured romance with Liam Payne.

It’s been circulating for months now that Naomi, 48, and 25-year-old Liam are a thing, but that doesn’t mean the supermodel is going to own up to it.

She was asked whether she was dating Liam while appearing on The Jonathan Ross Show and point blank refused to discuss it.

Jonathan said: ‘There have been a lot of headlines recently connecting you to Mr Liam Payne, but unfazed by his probing, Naomi simply replied: ‘And?’

On The Jonathan Ross Show this week, Jonathan is joined by reality TV and Dancing on Ice star, Gemma Collins; Supermodel fashion icon, Naomi Campbell; Reigning King of the Jungle, Harry Redknapp; Former footballer and sporting pundit, John Barnes and comedian, James Acaster. Plus Dido performs. Gemma Collins spoke to Jonathan about Dancing on Ice, her love life, ???The GC??? and her TV career over the years. Joining the sofa, she said: ???I am so excited to be here, I can???t believe I???m on The Jonathan Ross Show!??? On fellow guest Harry Redknapp and his long term love with wife, Sandra, Gemma said: ???It???s just so nice to see that long withstanding love.??? When Jonathan asked the longest Gemma has ever been in love for, Gemma said: ???I don???t know, about a year.??? Jonathan asked: ???Are you in love with anyone at the moment???? Gemma replies: ???Sort of and not sort of??? I???m going to get some lessons from Harry and Sandra. [They] should set up a training school for young love.??? When Jonathan later asked if she was ???sort of single??? at the moment, Gemma said of her relationship with James Argent: ???It???s complicated, yeah. I???m sick of blokes. I???m sick of them. I???ve just had enough to be honest. My mum and dad have been married 45 years. I do love the person I am with very much but sometimes our work life gets in the way. We just went on a romantic trip to Paris and then paps turned up, he didn???t arrange it but we really needed some time out and it kind of killed the trip. It???s just hard sometimes but you never know what???s going to happen, things could be alright in the end.??? Gemma spoke about her alter ego, ???The GC???: ???Obviously I???m from a reality background and there is Gemma and there is The GC - it???s a bit like Marmite, you either love her or you hate her.??? She continued: ???The GC is a bit like Lady Gaga, what I???m trying to say is that she is a character??? Basically I became a caricature of myself.??? Jon
Naomi brushed Liam romance rumours off as just ‘another name’ (Picture: ITV)
Shutting down the question and awkwardly palming Liam off as just another rumour, she said: ‘I never discuss my personal life. Another name?’

That’s gotta hurt.

Jonathan then brought up Drake, given the recent rumours that Naomi had been ‘outrageously flirting’ with the rapper despite ‘dating’ Liam.

Naomi smiled and said: ‘I never discuss my personal life. I mean, it’s crazy, it’s like one day it’s one person, the next day it’s another. Who is tomorrow? That’s what I want to know.

‘For me, I laugh. The stories are incredible – it’s humorous. I just get on with my life.’

Mandatory Credit: Brian J Ritchie/Hotsauce Editorial Use Only. No Merchandising - STRICTLY EMBARGOED UNTIL 00.01 FRIDAY 8TH MARCH 2019 Mandatory Credit: Photo by Brian J Ritchie/Hotsauce/REX (10144336z) Naomi Campbell 'The Jonathan Ross Show' TV show, series 14, Episode 2, London, UK - 09 Mar 2019
Naomi also shut down talk of Drake (Picture: Rex Features)

Liam and Naomi have reportedly been dating since December.

They were spotted getting close on a trip to Ghana, he’s been seen outside of her apartment on several occasions and they were seen flirting up a storm on Instagram, liking and commenting on each other’s posts.

The pair have also attended the same events, but have always arrived separately.

We’re yet to see a red carpet couple debut from the pair and it seems we could be waiting awhile, as Naomi is keen to keep things low-key.

Reports claim she had to tell former 1D star Liam not to be so ‘clingy’. He’s allegedly described their relationship as ‘mind-blowing’ but Naomi doesn’t want to commit.

LONDON, ENGLAND - MARCH 07: Liam Payne attends The Global Awards with Very.co.uk at the Eventim Apollo, Hammersmith on March 7, 2019 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images)
Liam and the supermodel have been ‘dating’ since December (Picture: Getty Images)

Sources told The Sun last month: Naomi has told Liam she is enjoying having fun, but that is all she is ready for at the moment.

‘She has said she’s found him a bit too clingy and full-on and does not want a committed relationship at this stage.’

Liam was said to be ‘crushed’ by her comments and his friends aren’t so convinced about his new girlfriend. In fact, his pals have told him they think his new relationship is a ‘car crash waiting to happen’.


Liam previously dated Cheryl and the ex-couple share son Bear, one, together.

The Jonathan Ross Show airs on Saturday 9 March at 9.20pm on ITV.

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Gemma Collins gives Naomi Campbell advice on being a diva: ‘We’ve got to celebrate ourselves’

Two of the UKs biggest divas finally unite on the Jonathan Ross Show (Picture: Rex)

Gemma Collins has told Naomi Campbell to embrace her divaship after the supermodel admitted she thought the name was a negative thing.

The two UK icons met each other on the Jonathan Ross Show, which airs on Saturday night, and during their chat it was revealed that Naomi hated being called a diva.

She told the host: ‘I don’t like that word. Never have. It just gives the wrong perception.’

But Towie star Gemma told her that she should learn to love who she was and take it as a badge of honour, using the opportunity to send some love Naomi’s way.

‘I embrace it, I’m all for it,’ Gemma told her. ‘We should celebrate ourselves, Naomi.’

Gemma meets her idol Naomi Campbell on this week’s Jonathan Ross Show (Picture: Rex)

‘I am so honoured to be sitting here next to you, I’m just so not cool right now,’ she added.

‘You are my Queen, Naomi.’

Speaking about being a diva and learning to love is, Gemma said: ‘With the diva thing, I’ve worked really hard and I want to enjoy it. When I sit here today, this is what I’ve worked my whole life for, this is a moment for me.

‘The diva is very tongue in cheek, it’s like escapism.’

Wonder what Naomi will say now that she’s been given a pep talk from Gemma?

On Saturday’s show, Jonathan is also joined by comedian James Acaster, as well as Harry Redknapp and John Barnes.

So basically – the sofa is going to be super full!

The Jonathan Ross show airs Saturdays at 9.20pm on ITV1.

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MORE: Naomi Campbell shares passionate speech as she’s joined by ‘boyfriend’ Liam Payne at WE Day

MORE: Naomi Campbell and Drake ‘flirted’ at Oscars party amid Liam Payne romance rumours

Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland criticised by T.I. for pushing ‘agenda’ to ‘destroy black culture’

Michael Jackson is the subject of new documentary Leaving Neverland (Picture: Getty)

Michael Jackson documentary Leaving Neverland has been criticised by T.I. for allegedly pushing an agenda to ‘destroy black culture’.

The controversial documentary sees Wade Robson and James Safechuck recount their childhood with the King Of Pop, accusing him of sexual abuse when they were young kids.

Rapper T.I. has since posted on Instagram about the documentary, uploading a clip from a 1999 interview with Michael Jackson conducted by Piers Morgan, where he denies abusing children.

In the interview, Jackson says: ‘I would slit my wrists before I would [abuse a child]. I would never ever. If it wasn’t for children, I would throw in the towel. I would kill myself.’

In the post, T.I. wrote: ‘Let this man speak for himself to defend his legacy. Don’t just listen to one side and expect to find truth. Oh that’s right… Dead men can’t speak. So what was the point again? Destroy another strong black historical LEGEND?!?!’

The rapper goes onto mention claims Elvis Presley and Hugh Hefner were paedophiles, adding: ‘It’s several examples of pedophilia in American History… if y’all pulling up all our old shit… we gotta examine ELVIS PRESLEY, HUGH HEPHNER, and a whole slew of others guilty of the same if not more!!!

‘BUT WHY US all the time? There’s an agenda to destroy OUR CULTURE. #KingsThoughts [sic].’

Screenshots of the HBO documentary "Leaving Neverland," picturing Michael Jackson and Jimmy Safechuck, as the first part airs on March 3, 2019. When allegations of sexual abuse by Michael Jackson involving young boys surfaced in 1993, many found it hard to believe that he could be guilty of such unspeakable acts. Filmmaker Dan Reed?s two-part documentary film Leaving Neverland explores the separate but parallel experiences of two young boys, James ?Jimmy? Safechuck, at age 10, and Wade Robson, at age 7, who were both befriended by the star. They and their families were invited into his singular and wondrous world, entranced by the singer?s fairy-tale existence as his career reached its peak.
Michael Jackson and accuser Jimmy Safechuck (Picture: Channel 4/HBO)

Both Robson and Safechuck, who make the claims against Jackson, previously defended him after he was accused of child sexual abuse by 13-year-old Jordan Chandler. The case was settled out of court in 1994 for millions of dollars.

The Bad hitmaker died aged 50 in 2009, with his estate claiming Leaving Neverland and the allegations made by the two alleged victims are a ‘character assassination’.

Michael Jackson estate's statement on Leaving Neverland

'Leaving Neverland isn’t a documentary, it is the kind of tabloid character assassination Michael Jackson endured in life, and now in death. The film takes uncorroborated allegations that supposedly happened 20 years ago and treats them as fact. These claims were the basis of lawsuits filed by these two admitted liars which were ultimately dismissed by a judge. The two accusers testified under oath that these events never occurred. They have provided no independent evidence and absolutely no proof in support of their accusations, which means the entire film hinges solely on the word of two perjurers.

'Tellingly, the director admitted at the Sundance Film Festival that he limited his interviews only to these accusers and their families. In doing so, he intentionally avoided interviewing numerous people over the years who spent significant time with Michael Jackson and have unambiguously stated that he treated children with respect and did nothing hurtful to them. By choosing not to include any of these independent voices who might challenge the narrative that he was determined to sell, the director neglected fact checking so he could craft a narrative so blatantly one-sided that viewers never get anything close to a balanced portrait.

'For 20 years, Wade Robson denied in court and in numerous interviews, including after Michael passed, that he was a victim and stated he was grateful for everything Michael had done for him. His family benefitted from Michael’s kindness, generosity and career support up until Michael’s death. Conveniently left out of Leaving Neverland was the fact that when Robson was denied a role in a Michael Jackson themed Cirque du Soleil production, his assault allegations suddenly emerged.

'We are extremely sympathetic to any legitimate victim of child abuse. This film, however, does those victims a disservice.  Because despite all the disingenuous denials made that this is not about money, it has always been about money – millions of dollars — dating back to 2013 when both Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who share the same law firm, launched their unsuccessful claims against Michael’s Estate. Now that Michael is no longer here to defend himself, Robson, Safechuck and their lawyers continue their efforts to achieve notoriety and a payday by smearing him with the same allegations a jury found him innocent of when he was alive.'

Leaving Neverland is available to watch on Channel 4 on demand.

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MORE: How old are Michael Jackson’s children and what are they up to now?

Leaving Neverland viewers outraged after James Safechuck’s mother admits she ‘danced’ when Michael Jackson died

Stephanie Safechuck in Leaving Neverland (Picture: HBO)

Leaving Neverland viewers have been left outraged after James Safechuck’s mum, Stephanie, stated she was ‘so happy’ when Michael Jackson died.

The late popstar, who died aged 50 in 2009, is the subject of new documentary Leaving Neverland – which sees Wade Robson and James Safechuck recount their childhood and make claims of sexual abuse against Jackson.

Along with the two alleged victims, the documentary features interviews with Robson’s mother, Joy, his siblings Shane and Chantal, and his wife Amanda, along with Safechuck’s mother Stephanie and his wife Laura.

In the second part of the documentary, Stephanie recalls hearing the news Michael Jackson had died after she became aware of her son’s sexual abuse claims.

Screenshots of the HBO documentary "Leaving Neverland," picturing Michael Jackson and Jimmy Safechuck, as the first part airs on March 3, 2019. When allegations of sexual abuse by Michael Jackson involving young boys surfaced in 1993, many found it hard to believe that he could be guilty of such unspeakable acts. Filmmaker Dan Reed?s two-part documentary film Leaving Neverland explores the separate but parallel experiences of two young boys, James ?Jimmy? Safechuck, at age 10, and Wade Robson, at age 7, who were both befriended by the star. They and their families were invited into his singular and wondrous world, entranced by the singer?s fairy-tale existence as his career reached its peak.
James Safechuck and Michael Jackson (Picture: HBO)

Speaking in the documentary about Jackson’s death, Stephanie said: ‘I danced. I got out of bed.

‘He can’t hurt any more children. I was so happy he died.’

The news of Jackson’s death affected Wade slightly differently, who admitted he sobbed. Wade’s mother, Joy, said: ‘He didn’t do that when his father died.’

Viewers were slightly taken aback by the admission.

Both Robson and Safechuck previously defended him after he was accused of child sexual abuse by 13-year-old Jordan Chandler. The case was settled out of court in 1994 for millions of dollars.

Jackson’s estate have claimed Leaving Neverland and the allegations made against the two alleged victims are a ‘character assassination’.

Michael Jackson estate's statement on Leaving Neverland

'Leaving Neverland isn’t a documentary, it is the kind of tabloid character assassination Michael Jackson endured in life, and now in death. The film takes uncorroborated allegations that supposedly happened 20 years ago and treats them as fact. These claims were the basis of lawsuits filed by these two admitted liars which were ultimately dismissed by a judge. The two accusers testified under oath that these events never occurred. They have provided no independent evidence and absolutely no proof in support of their accusations, which means the entire film hinges solely on the word of two perjurers.

'Tellingly, the director admitted at the Sundance Film Festival that he limited his interviews only to these accusers and their families. In doing so, he intentionally avoided interviewing numerous people over the years who spent significant time with Michael Jackson and have unambiguously stated that he treated children with respect and did nothing hurtful to them. By choosing not to include any of these independent voices who might challenge the narrative that he was determined to sell, the director neglected fact checking so he could craft a narrative so blatantly one-sided that viewers never get anything close to a balanced portrait.

'For 20 years, Wade Robson denied in court and in numerous interviews, including after Michael passed, that he was a victim and stated he was grateful for everything Michael had done for him. His family benefitted from Michael’s kindness, generosity and career support up until Michael’s death. Conveniently left out of Leaving Neverland was the fact that when Robson was denied a role in a Michael Jackson themed Cirque du Soleil production, his assault allegations suddenly emerged.

'We are extremely sympathetic to any legitimate victim of child abuse. This film, however, does those victims a disservice.  Because despite all the disingenuous denials made that this is not about money, it has always been about money – millions of dollars — dating back to 2013 when both Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who share the same law firm, launched their unsuccessful claims against Michael’s Estate. Now that Michael is no longer here to defend himself, Robson, Safechuck and their lawyers continue their efforts to achieve notoriety and a payday by smearing him with the same allegations a jury found him innocent of when he was alive.'

Leaving Neverland is available to watch on Channel 4 on demand.

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