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Weekend Hot Topic, part 1: The worst part of your favourite game

Red Dead Redemption II (PS4) - how the West was robbed
Red Dead Redemption II – nothing’s perfect

GameCentral readers pick holes in games they otherwise love, as everything from The Witcher 3 to Dark Souls comes under fire.

The subject for this week’s Hot Topic was suggested by reader Edone, who asked what it is you don’t like about the game or games you otherwise love? How would you fix the problem and what effect would that have on how you – and the wider world – think of the game?

We had plenty of suggestions, from recent hits to older titles, although Red Dead Redemption II did come up more than most. Although most people admitted they didn’t really mind the flaws as long as the rest of the game was good.


Forced conversation

I don’t know if it’s just because it’s recent but the first game that came to mind for this was Red Dead Redemption II. I don’t think I’ve ever played a game I enjoyed so much but had so many problems with. The controls and combat are clearly not very good, the game is far, far too long, and the fishing and a lot of the other mini-games are awful.

But the only thing I struggled to put up with is the forced conversations before and after a mission, where all you’re doing is riding away or back to camp. I know Rockstar like their talky characters but I was just so sick of the sound of Dutch’s voice by the end of it. All of them were annoying really and I had a hard time really bonding with any of them because I was forced to talk to them rather than doing it out of choice.

It just goes to show how good the open world is that I still really enjoyed the game despite all these problems. Although I agree it didn’t deserve to win any game of the year awards.


Rally awful

My favourite game over the last 20+ years has definitely been Gran Turismo, and whilst I make plenty of time to play as many games as I can, Gran Turismo has always been a staple of my digital diet.

But ever since the feature first appeared in Gran Turismo 2, I still cannot grasp how Polyphony Digital have carried on with this terrible feature: rally.

Now I’m a big fan of off-road racing, having owned every McRae and official WRC title since the PS1 and so I’ve seen the improvements over the years to the genre as a whole. But Gran Turismo never gets it right. Matter of fact, I’d go as far to say that rally in GT Sport is no better than it was at Tahiti in Gran Turismo 2.

I know full well how mandatory rally is in a game like Gran Turismo, can they please put some effort into creating some decent rally surfaces and realistic physics?
Cheerskis – AERO_HDT (PSN ID)


Grin and bear it

I loved Far Cry 4 and played it for hours, however one aspect of the game irritated me intensely, its healing sequences. Generally in games you need to heal at the most inconvenient moments, for example in the middle of a frenetic shoot out.

Healing in Far Cry 4 involves a laborious animation in which your character cauterises a wound or extracts a sharp object but it was the noises he made that always annoyed me.

Audible expressions of weakness (groans and wincing hisses) were not what I wanted to hear when I was fighting for my life.

Whatever happened to grin and bear it? What kind of heroic freedom fighter moans like a wuss when a leopard’s chomping on his leg?

The healing animations looked cool at first, and probably impressed preview audiences, but after a while they just disrupted the gameplay. All I wanted to do was survive and gun down more enemies, Far Cry 4 prevented me from doing that by showing me a sequence that was about as exciting as putting on a plaster.
msv858 (Twitter)


E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk


Mitigating circumstances

No game is perfect, but there are a few 10 out of 10s! My favourite games tend to be the ones whose strengths are more important to me, but whose weaknesses are less of an issue. I’d imagine this is generally true of everyone, and why game preferences and reviews will always be at least partially subjective.

The Witcher 3 is probably my favourite recent game, despite the fact that the combat is merely decent, its relatively unexciting loot is gated by level, and its opening is somewhat slow. These drawbacks are offset for me by the non-linearity, frequently interesting choices and consequence and excellent dialogue and voice-acting, all backed up by some really nice graphics.
Matt (he_who_runs_away – PSN ID)


Micro management

I’ve played Mass Effect many, many times over the years and I still reckon the lore, setting, story, races, action and the ominous threat of the as yet unknown Reapers makes it the greatest space odyssey soap opera of this and the last generation. However, I just cannot face all the micro management of the weapons/ammo/armour anymore…

Seven characters (six when ya off Kaiden!) with four guns apiece; swap Frog’s bland rifle 1 for a bland rifle 2, swap Insect Face’s peashooter 3 for a peashooter 4, then check t’other lot to make sure they’ve all got the very best version of the guns that they’ll never use. Next comes the ammo, same rules, Hot Blue Nerd Lady’s ra-ta-ta rifle needs its hot ‘n’ spicy round 4 replacing with a hot ‘n’ spicy round 5 and so on and so on until me brain is fried!

What’s next you ask? Armour of course, same rules, same very kill me now… And of course, when all this is over you can, and indeed have to, sell all this excess tat to the shop otherwise you run out of inventory space and alas no more ra-ta-ta rifles for you until you sell them all one… at… a… time. 999 items and the best thing is you will get to do it at least three or four times during the game, lucky you. Of course, to fix these awful, awful problems all that needs doing is a classy remake in the style of 2. Sorted!
big boy bent

GC: It’s your favourite game and you call them Frog and Insect Face?


Never go back

The Library from Halo always deserves to be mentioned. I still think the game has the best campaign I have ever played and that is despite the Library and its mundane level design, art design, repetitive hordes of enemies (especially when waiting for The Monitor to open a doorway, etc). I’m not sure the level needed to be there for the sake of the story, as it just could have been a cut scene.

Going back to a game with obvious flaws I find very frustrating. I would love to go back and play GTA III as I never finished the last mission back in the day, but I tried a few years ago and found myself and the controls to be incompatible. It was a great shame as the game world is still amazing to explore and so well designed.


Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here


Too much exploration

My favourite game by far has to be Bloodborne, however when it comes to the varied and intricate areas throughout it none are as horrifying as the Nightmare Frontier. Starting off with the fact that you’re thrown against two computer-controlled hunters right at the start, followed quickly by silverbeasts that upon death spawn hateful maggots which inexplicably do more damage than most of the enemies in the area!

After that you’re greeted by a large poisonous swamp littered with crawler enemies that can vomit on you, which causes rapid poison build-up. Whilst you’re dealing with them you’re also getting large boulders thrown at you by giant yetis that have the high ground on you. Get through all that and you’ll run into Patches, who’s more than happy to kick you back into the depths of the poisonous swamp from which you just traipsed out of.

Thinking you’re nearing the end of the level you’re greeted by a brand new enemy, one that can empty your health bar by just looking at them, the dreaded Winter Lanterns. And then at the end of it all you’re rewarded with a boss fight against an enemy that arguably wasn’t worth the effort.

I’m not a fan of large areas that punish the player for exploring. I abhor Farron Swamp in Dark Souls III as another example. These areas tend to err more towards artificial difficulty for me personally and are usually more frustrating than genuinely challenging. The only way I could see of fixing these areas is possibly reducing the build-up of ailments when exploring or making the area more varied.

Honestly though, I’d have no idea how to fix or change them for the better but they don’t ruin my overall experience. There is one game that comes to mind which I played recently however that put me off it completely and that was Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. The weapon durability mechanic was an instant turn off and was single-handedly responsible for me stopping playing after several hours. As much as I had fun exploring the gorgeous world the fact that my weapons would break after a handful of hits made everything feel disposable in my eyes.
BR-Rangzeb (PSN ID)


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The small print
New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word 4Player viewer features at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

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Silent video game characters are the worst – Reader’s Feature

Half-Life 2 - there are rumours that Valve may make a new VR Half-Life
The legacy of Gordon Freeman

A reader complains about mute protagonists in first person games and argues you should always be able to talk to other characters.

I recently played through Metro Exodus and found it to be an excellent first person adventure, one of the best games I’ve played this generation and probably the closest thing to Half-Life 2 since… Half-Life 2. But there’s one thing I hate about it and that’s the fact that the protagonist – the character you’re playing as – doesn’t talk.

The mute protagonist is an old concept in video games, going much further back than Half-Life 2, to a time when there was hardly any dialogue in video games, so it didn’t really matter whether your character said anything or not. Before Half-Life though games, particularly first person games, were 50/50 on whether you spoke or not. But unfortunate Valve made it fashionable that they didn’t, with Portal following suit as well.

I assume the logic is that if the character speaks for you then it stops seeming like it’s you that’s actually in the game, but I’ve come to reject that notion. It’s extremely jarring that everyone is talking around you and sort of vaguely pretending you’re saying something even though you’re not. This is used to amusing affect in Nintendo games but that’s not appropriate to a serious first person shooter, in my opinion.

Apart from anything they frequently call you by the character’s name, not your name, so it’s constantly driven home that it’s not really you in the game and that it’s also not you anyone’s talking to. So why only have one side of the conversation? I’d hate to think it’s just to save costs on voiceovers.

I was very glad to hear that Rage 2 will have a speaking main character and I hope that can go some way to proving that’s the more sensible option. As far as I can tell he (or she) just throws out comments now and again and that’s it, and that’s fine. But I’d also like to see dialogue choices become more common than they are.

They’re often just limited to action role-playing games, but I really think it’d add a lot to even straight action games if you could interact with other people properly. Maybe just have a ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ button, rather than making you choose whole sentences, so you can agree or disagree with what others are saying. That’d keep things simple and would add a whole lot to the immersion and the sense that you’re calling the shots.

I agree that a talking protagonist doesn’t work in every single game. Dark Souls pulls it off without any problem, but then that doesn’t have much dialogue of any kind. But any time where people are talking to you, you should be talking back to them. I mean, it’s only polite!

By reader Hammeriron

The reader’s feature does not necessary represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.

You can submit your own 500 to 600-word reader feature at any time, which if used will be published in the next appropriate weekend slot. As always, email gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk and follow us on Twitter.

Louis Tomlinson is tempted to quit The X Factor and throws shade at shake-up plans by saying it should be about the public

Louis Tomlinson F-bomb overheard on X Factor Credit: ITV
Louis Tomlinson is tempted not to return to The X Factor for 2019 (Picture: ITV)

Louis Tomlinson had joined Simon Cowell as a judge on The X Factor last year, but he’s hinted he already wants out.

Despite reports The X Factor is ‘100% being axed’, it’s been confirmed that the talent series will be back but music mogul Simon is planning a massive shake up.

It’s rumoured that The X Factor will air two series this year, one being a celebrity edition and the other an all-stars series that will see previous X Factor contestants return.

But, Simon’s genius plans for a show shake up don’t seem to be Louis’ cup of tea and in a new interview with The Sun, he said he personally thinks the competition should be about the public.

‘Since the show I haven’t even spoken to Simon,’ the 1D star confessed. ‘We’ve just kind of given each other some space because we’ve seen [each other] every single day.’

Editorial use only. No book publishing Mandatory Credit: Photo by Tuttle/Thames/Syco/REX (10010247j) Robbie Williams, Ayda Williams, Louis Tomlinson and Simon Cowell 'The X Factor' TV show, Final, Series 15, Episode 26, London, UK - 01 Dec 2018
Louis was a judge last year alongside Simon Cowell, Robbie Williams and Ayda Field (Picture: Tuttle/Thames/Syco/REX)

Louis said: ‘To be honest, I don’t really know what the tail end of my year looks like… but personally I think it’s about the public, you know what I mean? I think it should be about the public, but anyway.’

It seems Louis already has the perfect excuse lined up if he does decide to bow out, as he added he wants to work on getting his album out at the end of the year, so it could ‘clash’ with The X Factor’s schedule.

Simon had previously said he is keen for the same judging panel as 2018 to return, which would be himself, Louis, Robbie Williams and Robbie’s wife Ayda Field.

Following speculation that The X Factor was getting the chop, Simon debunked a few myths about the show’s future last month, where he revealed his plans for X Factor to air an all-star series and a celebrity version.

Simon has revealed his plans for X Factor to get an all-stars series and a celebrity version (Picture: Getty Images)

He told The Sun: ‘We’ve been waiting for this opportunity. The time feels right and it will be a huge change.

‘I think it’s going to be huge, it’s the best I’ve felt about this show in years.’

James Arthur revealed exclusively to Metro.co.uk that he had spoken to Simon about potentially appearing on the all-stars version, but ‘doesn’t have the time’ to commit to the show.

Not everyone is convinced by Simon’s big plans, though, with former X Factor finalist Olly Murs claiming the show should take a ‘three or four year break’ to regain interest again.

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Luke Perry’s daughter Sophie says mum Rachel Sharp has been ‘her rock’ following the Riverdale star’s death

Luke Perry’s daughter Sophie has credited her mum for helping her through her dad’s death (Picture: Instagram/Sophie Perry)

Luke Perry’s daughter Sophie has paid a special tribute to her mum, Rachel Sharp, and credited her for being a ‘rock’ to the entire family following the actor’s death.

Riverdale star Luke died aged 52 in hospital surrounded by his family and friends, following a stroke.

Sophie had said she was ‘grateful’ for the outpouring of love her family has received since news of her dad’s death broke and has now told fans it’s her mum that has been getting through ‘this sh*t situation’.

The 18-year-old shared a photo with her mum, Luke’s ex Rachel also known as Minnie, and a sweet photo of Rachel with Luke when they were younger.

Sophie wrote: ‘You all know my dad is a super star, but I just want to share for a moment that I got really f**king lucky in the parental department because this is my mom. Minnie. Who also happens to be my best friend.

‘Wow, how cliche, I know. And she is the rock for everybody grieving in this family right now. She’s the toughest and sweetest and most amazing woman I or anyone else has ever met.

‘How did I get so lucky to have two icons for parents? I love you mom and I could not get through this absolute sh*t situation without you. None of us could.’

She added: ‘Oh. And I was just informed it was national women’s day, how fitting for a post on my kick ass mama. #happynationalwomensday’

Sophie shared a throwback photo of Luke with ex Rachel when they were younger (Picture: Instagram/Sophie Perry)

Luke and his ex-wife Rachel are also parents to son Jack, 21, a professional wrestler known as Jungle Boy.

Jack paid tribute to his late dad in the days that followed Luke’s death and said he is determined to continue the star’s legacy. 

Luke shot to fame as Dylan McKay on Beverly Hills, 90210 in the ’90s and is also known for starring in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He was most recently seen in The CW series Riverdale as Fred Andrews – Archie’s dad.

Riverdale have now dedicated all future episodes of season three to Luke following his passing.

It had shut down on set for two days following his death, but filming has now resumed.

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MORE: Louis Tomlinson is tempted to quit The X Factor and throws shade at shake-up plans by saying it should be about the public

MORE: Jordyn Woods brushes off Kardashian drama to celebrate her heroes on International Women’s Day

Jordyn Woods returns to Instagram and is cutting the Tristan Thompson cheating saga right out of her hair

Jordyn Woods has debuted a new look on Instagram (Picture: WireImage)

Jordyn Woods is moving on from the Tristan Thompson cheating drama and focusing on all things new, so naturally she’s chopped off all her hair.

Forget washing that man right outta your hair, Jordyn’s gone one step further and decided to cut the Tristan saga out of her life once and for all.

She made a return to Instagram on Friday and debuted a brand new look that saw her ditch her long hair for a sleek new bob cut.

Jordyn posed in a white long-sleeve t-shirt and natural make-up and urged her fans to ‘be better than yesterday’ in her caption.

The model wrote: ‘If you’re reading this.. it means God has given you another day to wake up and be grateful & better than you were yesterday.’

She’s had a rough few weeks since news broke of Jordyn cheating with Khloe Kardashian’s ex Tristan Thompson.

Sources claimed Jordyn and Tristan were seen ‘getting cosy’ at a house party in Los Angeles and the pair were ‘making out’ before she left at 7am the following morning.

Sharing her side of the story, Jordyn appeared on Red Table Talk with Jada Pinkett Smith. She said there was no ‘getting cosy’ with NBA star Tristan and insisted she had not slept with the father of Khloe’s daughter True.

Khloe split with Tristan after reports he cheated on her with Jordyn (Picture: GC Images)

Jordyn claimed Tristan had kissed her when she left the party and said it was a ‘mistake’ for her to have gone to the house in the first place.

Khloe initially blasted Jordyn for lying on Twitter, before later backtracking and telling fans she no longer blames Kylie Jenner’s BFF for breaking up her family, it is Tristan’s fault.

It’s reported Jordyn’s relationship with the Kardashians, and Khloe and Kylie, has remained strained since, but having had her say, it seems Jordyn now wants to move on from the saga.

She was seen celebrating her female heroes on Instagram in honour of International Women’s Day and credited her mum for being the ‘most special person’ in her life.

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MORE: Luke Perry’s daughter Sophie says mum Rachel Sharp has been ‘her rock’ following the Riverdale star’s death

MORE: Louis Tomlinson is tempted to quit The X Factor and throws shade at shake-up plans by saying it should be about the public

Kim Kardashian’s one-year-old daughter Chicago definitely has her mum’s expensive taste

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Stephen Lovekin/REX/Shutterstock (10095653hm) Kim Kardashian amfAR Gala, Arrivals, Fall Winter 2019, New York Fashion Week, USA - 06 Feb 2019
Turns out Chicago has the same expensive taste as mum Kim Kardashian (Picture: Rex Features)

Kim Kardashian proved that her daughter Chicago is definitely following in her footsteps when it comes to loving all things designer and all things expensive.

The tot was seen joining her famous mum on a shoot and Kim filmed Chicago wandering around the room while wearing her $592 (£455) neon Yeezy heels.

To be fair, she looks pretty cute in the shoes and didn’t say no when Kim then offered her her Hermes purse bag to play with too – despite its $17,500 price tag (£13,445).

I mean, would you really turn that down?

Cooing over her youngest child, Kim posted the video of Chicago – who celebrated her first birthday in January – playing with her things to Instagram.

(Picture: Instagram/Kim Kardashian)
(Picture: Instagram/Kim Kardashian)
(Picture: Instagram/Kim Kardashian)

She’s heard saying in the clip: ‘Where are you going? Oh, you want the purse to go with it? Look at you!’

Kim and husband Kanye welcomed Chicago via surrogate last year, after Kim suffered complications with her previous pregnancies with daughter North, five, and son Saint, three.

She and Kanye are currently expecting baby number four, again via surrogate, and Kim has said she’s hoping their new arrival will bring ‘balance’ to the West family. 

They are having another boy.

Speaking with Jimmy Fallon, Kim said: ‘Baby No.4 on the way but I was kind of stressing that my house is so full until I heard that parents of four are the most enlightened and calm of all parents.

‘I felt the huge change between one to two – that felt like one to 20 – that was harder than two to three for me.’

‘I feel like four is really even,’ she said. ‘Right now, it’s always me with two and Kanye always just has one. He’s still living his life.’

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MORE: Jordyn Woods returns to Instagram and is cutting the Tristan Thompson cheating saga right out of her hair

MORE: Luke Perry’s daughter Sophie says mum Rachel Sharp has been ‘her rock’ following the Riverdale star’s death

Jussie Smollett is ‘maintaining his innocence’ as he faces 16 charges for filing a false police report

FILE - In this May 20, 2016 file photo, actor and singer Jussie Smollett attends the "Empire" FYC Event in Los Angeles. Chicago police say they are conducting an internal investigation to determine the source of information leaked anonymously to media during the probe into "Empire" actor Smollett's claims he was attacked. Police say Smollett, who is black and gay, claimed two men hurled slurs and looped a rope around his neck on Jan. 29, 2019, in downtown Chicago. (Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP, File)
Jussie Smollett’s lawyer says he is maintaining his innocence as he faces 16 charges for filing a false police report (Picture: Invision)

Jussie Smollett’s lawyer has said he is ‘adamantly maintaining his innocence’, as he now faces 16 charges for filing a false police report.

The 36-year-old Empire actor was originally charged with one Class 4 Felony charge for disorderly conduct for filing a false report, after claiming he was attacked by two men in a hate crime at the end of January.

In an 86-page indictment (via CWB Chicago), that charge has now been applied 15 times over by Cook County grand jury, meaning he now faces 16 felony counts.

Each charge carries a maximum probation sentence of four years – meaning Jussie is now potentially facing a maximum of three years in prison, a $25,000 fine and 60 years probation.

Jussie’s attorney, Mark Geragos, issued a statement to People magazine that claimed the new charges are a ‘prosecutorial overkill’.

*** Empire creators cut Jussie Smollett's character from the final two episodes of the series but refuse to say if they will still pay him $200,000 for them after his arrest for 'staging hate crime because he wanted a raise ***** FILE - Actor Jussie Smollett Suspended From US TV Series Empire CHICAGO, IL - FEBRUARY 21: In this handout provided by the Chicago Police Department, Jussie Smollett poses for a booking photo after turning himself into the Chicago Police Department on February 21, 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. The 36-year-old "Empire" star is facing a class four felony charge for filing a false police report after claiming he was the victim of an assault on January 29th. (Photo by Chicago Police Department via Getty Images)
Jussie has been accused of staging his attack in Chicago (Picture: Getty Images)

He stressed that Jussie is still ‘maintaining his innocence’ and continues to deny the charges against him, after he was indicted by a grand jury on Friday.

The statement read: ‘The fact of an indictment was not unexpected. We knew that there is no way they would expose their evidence to a public airing and subject their witnesses to cross-examination.

‘What is unexpected, however, is the prosecutorial overkill in charging 16 separate counts against Jussie.’

It continued: ‘This redundant and vindictive indictment is nothing more than a desperate attempt to make headlines in order to distract from the internal investigation launched to investigate the outrageous leaking of false information by the Chicago Police Department and the shameless and illegal invasion of Jussie’s privacy in tampering with his medical records.

The Empire star was attacked by two masked men in an incident that was treated as a hate crime (Picture: WireImage)

‘Jussie adamantly maintains his innocence even if law enforcement has robbed him of that presumption.’

Metro.co.uk have reached out to Jussie’s rep.

Chicago police announced on Thursday that they were opening an internal investigation into Jussie’s case, following information being ‘leaked’.

They are looking into the leaks, with a police spokesperson stating to TMZ a lot of the information put out there has been ‘inaccurate’.

The 15 new charges Jussie faces are divided between two areas, with the first applying to his initial report to Chicago Police Department. The other charges are for Jussie’s second interview with police.

Jussie has been accused of ‘staging his attack’ – claims he has continuously denied. He is expected in court on 16 March.

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MORE: Jordyn Woods returns to Instagram and is cutting the Tristan Thompson cheating saga right out of her hair

MORE: Luke Perry’s daughter Sophie says mum Rachel Sharp has been ‘her rock’ following the Riverdale star’s death

Dwayne Johnson trying to get his daughter to say he’s smarter and better looking than Obama is everything

Dwayne Johnson wants his daughter to say he is smarter and better looking than Obama (Picture: WireImage)

Dwayne Johnson is training his daughter to say he is ‘smarter and better looking’ than Barack Obama.

Yep, that’s right. Forget teaching her how to ride a bike, or potty training, or even how to say the alphabet – The Rock wants 10-month-old Tiana to champion him against the former president and won’t stop until she does.

Taking to Instagram on Friday, Dwayne posted an adorable video of himself and daughter Tiana together.

He’s holding up a card of America’s presidents in the clip and getting Tiana to point him out, with the tot sweetly mistaking Obama for her dad.

Dwayne then asks her: ‘Who’s better looking and smarter?’ and after a (very long) pause from his baby girl, he jokes: ‘You’ve got to answer quick honey, Instagram.’

Seems Tiana is going to take some convincing on that one, but of course, Dwayne is willing to wait it out.

He wrote: ‘Enjoyed teaching my youngest daughter Tiana Gia her answer when asked, “Who’s smarter and better looking… Dada or President Obama?”

‘And despite the fact she took a very long ego crushing pause, I remain optimistic we will shorten her response time dramatically. She kept her cool and didn’t crumble under intense pressure. A future sign of good things to come.’

The Rock’s post came as a sweet tribute to his little girl on International Women’s Day.

He shares Tiana with his partner Lauren Hashian. They are also parents to daughter Jasmin, three, and Dwayne is dad to 17-year-old daughter Simone from a previous relationship.

The former professional wrestler turned actor has just finished wrapping Fast & Furious spin-off Hobbs and Shaw, and has said the movie is ‘easily the most challenging’ movie he has done to date.

He announced it wrapping on Instagram last month and said: ‘Easily the most challenging film I’ve ever produced and starred in, however based on the fans’ insanely hyped “break the internet” reactions to our first trailer — this film is also shaping up to be my most rewarding.’

Dwayne stars alongside Jason Statham, Idris Elba, Roman Reigns, Vanessa Kirby and Helen Mirren.

Hobbs & Shaw will hit the cinemas on 2 August.

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MORE: Jussie Smollett is ‘maintaining his innocence’ as he faces 16 charges for filing a false police report

MORE: Kim Kardashian’s one-year-old daughter Chicago definitely has her mum’s expensive taste

Kylie Jenner is back in contact with Jordyn Woods and they’re ‘working on their friendship’

Kylie Jenner is reportedly back in contact with Jordyn Woods

Kylie Jenner is reportedly back in contact with Jordyn Woods and the girls are now ‘working on their friendship’.

Kylie and Jordyn’s long-term friendship hit a (pretty big) rocky patch when news broke that Tristan Thompson had cheated on his now ex Khloe Kardashian with Jordyn.

Khloe ended her relationship with Tristan, the father of her daughter True, in the wake of the reports and branded Jordyn a ‘snake’ – seeming to cut the model off.

She has known the Kardashian family for years, thanks to her friendship with Kylie. They were so close that Jordyn was living with Kylie and helping her out with everything business related to looking after Kylie’s daughter Stormi.

inside kylie/jordyn's friendship'Credit: jordynwoods
Kylie’s friendship with Jordyn has been strained in recent weeks (Picture: Instagram/Jordyn Woods)

Reports says Kylie has been ‘torn’ over what to do in the fallout of the Tristan/Jordyn cheating saga and while it seemed like a reconciliation was totally off the cards, sources are suggesting the girls are slowly getting their friendship back on track.

A source told People: ‘Their friendship is not 100% over. She and Kylie aren’t socialising, but they are in contact. They are texting each other.’

‘It’s still a tricky situation for Kylie and no one is actually putting too much pressure on her,’ they added. ‘Her family is aware she is in contact with Jordyn and are letting Kylie figure things out for herself.’

Another insider told the publication they are ‘working on rebuilding their friendship’.

realtristan13I'm soo blessed Happy thanksgiving from my family to yours #GiveThanks #blessed
Khloe split with Tristan after reports broke on him cheating with Jordyn (Picture: Tristan Thompson Instagram)

Jordyn tried to clear up what really happened with Tristan by appearing on Red Table Talk with Jada Pinkett Smith. She denied sources claims they were seen ‘getting cosy’ at a house party and insisted the pair did not sleep together.

Jordyn said Tristan kissed her as she left the party in the early hours of the next morning.

Khloe initially called Jordyn a ‘liar’ over the interview, but later backtracked and assured fans she no longer blames Jordyn, it’s Tristan’s fault.

Despite splitting with the NBA star, Khloe reportedly won’t shut Tristan out of True’s life and is ‘trying to figure out’ a way to include him in their daughter’s first birthday next month.

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Love Island star Wes Nelson is getting his own show after Dancing On Ice success

Editorial use only Mandatory Credit: Photo by S Meddle/ITV/REX (10104793br) Wes Nelson 'This Morning' TV show, London, UK - 14 Feb 2019 WES NELSON ON BREAK-UP: ?I STILL LOVE MEGAN - BUT SHE WASN?T THE ONE? He?s become a hot favourite in this year?s Dancing On Ice - but off the rink, Wes Nelson?s love life has turned cold following his shock split from ex-girlfriend Megan. The Love Island couple?s break-up comes just weeks after Megan publicly lashed out at Wes' on-screen partner, Vanessa Bauer. And, as Megan's pictured moving out of their shared home - Wes joins us exclusively to reveal the real reasons behind their sudden break-up.
Wes Nelson has been in meetings about his own show (Picture: ITV/REX)

Wes Nelson is getting his very own show after making it to the final of Dancing On Ice.

Like fellow Love Island stars Chris Hughes, Olivia Attwood, Kem Cetinay, Jack Fincham, Dani Dyer and Amber Davies, Wes is striking out on his own.

Wes is currently in talks for the brand new project, but would reveal details about what it would be about or whether ITV is involved.

Asked what his plans are once Dancing On Ice ends, he said: ‘I want a break from reality TV for a bit.

‘I’ve come straight from Love Island to this, and going to another thing would just write me off I think.

‘I’m having development meetings next week. I’m not saying who with but it’s for my own TV show. We’re working on a format right now.’

Editorial use only Mandatory Credit: Photo by Matt Frost/ITV/REX (10129022id) Wes Nelson 'Dancing on Ice' TV show, Series 11, Episode 9, Hertfordshire, UK - 03 Mar 2019
Wes is still deciding on what his show is gonna be like (Picture: ITV/REX)

Looking forward to skating with professional partner Vanessa Bauer on Sunday night, Wes said winning the trophy would be ‘the cherry on the cake’ after all his hard work.

‘It would be the best feeling,’ he told press.

‘Being in the final in general is an honour and we’ve had an amazing time. To get all the way through and be in the process for as long as possible has been an absolute pleasure.

‘And then to finally win it, that’s sort of that golden star that everyone wants in the end.

‘The memory is never gonna go anywhere, but neither is the trophy. It’s something to take away from it as well as the memories.’

Editorial use only Mandatory Credit: Photo by Matt Frost/ITV/REX (10109120co) Wes Nelson skating to 'Jealous' by Labrinth 'Dancing on Ice' TV show, Series 11, Episode 7, Hertfordshire, UK - 17 Feb 2019
Wes is getting his skates on for the Dancing On Ice final  (Picture: ITV/REX)

‘I’m definitely sad Dancing On Ice is ending. It’s become a routine and once you get in a routine, and once you get in a routine that you’re happy with…although it’s hard work and it’s physically and mentally demanding it’s also part of your life.

‘You get used to it and you just want to keep going and going and getting better and better, especially when you see improvements. You’re always chasing progress and it’s so fun.

‘I will be sad when it’s over. It’s going to be weird going back to normal life, but I do need a break though. Just to breathe.

‘I do wanna keep ice skating, not to the extent we’re doing now with the amount of hours and stuff like that, but I definitely wanna do it just leisurely. Christmas with my friends is gonna be fun this year.’

The Dancing On Ice final airs Sunday at 6pm on ITV

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Sales and streaming of Michael Jackson’s music take a hit after Leaving Neverland airs

(FILES) In this file photo taken on August 31, 1993, US pop megastar Michael Jackson performs during his "Dangerous" tour in Singapore. - Celebrity talk show host Oprah Winfrey waded into the Michael Jackson debate March 4, 2019, hosting an hour-long interview of the men who say the late superstar sexually abused them as minors. The special aired on HBO after the conclusion of the network's presentation of a bombshell four-hour documentary entitled "Leaving Neverland," which has thrown the late Jackson's legacy into question nearly a decade after his death. Calling sexual abuse "a scourge on humanity," Winfrey said "this moment transcends Michael Jackson. It's much bigger than any one person." (Photo by STR / AFP)STR/AFP/Getty Images
Michael Jackson’s music sales and streaming has taken a hit since Leaving Neverland aired (Picture: AFP/Getty Images)

Michael Jackson’s music appears to have taken a bit of a hit in the wake of Leaving Neverland airing in the UK and the US.

The HBO documentary was broadcast over two days (3 and 4 March) in the US and on the 6 March in the UK and according to The Hollywood Reporter, Jackson’s music has suffered a decline both with sales and streaming in the period since.

The publication reports that the Billie Jean hit-maker’s combined album and song sales, including his work with Jackson 5 and The Jacksons, fell by 4% in the days that followed Leaving Neverland hitting screens.

His combined sales were totalled at over 8,000 from 24-26 February, but fell to just below that figure between 3-5 March.

Looking at just album sales, Michael’s total allegedly fell by 39%.

It’s claimed his on-demand audio and video streams took a hit of 5%, while his radio airplay fell by 13%.

A number of radio stations had cancelled Michael’s music from their playlists – notably in New Zealand and Australia – with BBC Radio 2 removing the star’s songs and not playing a track of his since 24 February.

Despite the music ban, Michael did see his music re-enter the charts, with his Number Ones album climbing around 44 places in just a few hours on Friday.

His studio albums, Bad and Thriller, have also burst into the top 200, according to the Evening Standard.

Leaving Neverland details allegations of child sex abuse made against Michael by Wade Robson and James Safechuck.

FILE - In this Jan. 24, 2019, file photo, Wade Robson, from left, director Dan Reed and James Safechuck pose for a portrait to promote the film "Leaving Neverland" during the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. The documentary premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. (Photo by Taylor Jewell/Invision/AP, File)
Leaving Neverland explores claims made against Jackson by Wade Robson and James Safechuck (Picture: Invision)

The documentary interviews the two men and their families and goes into graphic detail about their claims, which left viewers feeling ‘disturbed and uncomfortable’.

After its airing many viewers voiced their support for Robson and Safechuck, but MJ fans criticised Leaving Neverland for being ‘one-sided’.

The Michael Jackson estate have sued HBO for $100million over the documentary, while Jackson’s family have said the claims made in the doc are ‘not true’ and hit out at his accusers for ‘trying to make money’.

Paris Jackson defended her late dad’s ‘good heart’ in response to the backlash he has faced from the documentary.

Responding to a fan who said Jackson’s legacy and name has been ‘ruined’, she said: ‘Yeah they do that to everyone with a good heart and tries to make a difference, but do you really think that it’s possible to tear his name down?

‘Like do you truly believe they stand a chance? Relax and have peace.’

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MORE: Kylie Jenner is back in contact with Jordyn Woods and they’re ‘working on their friendship’

MORE: Dwayne Johnson trying to get his daughter to say he’s smarter and better looking than Obama is everything

Stacey Dooley defended amid ‘white saviour’ row by family of Ugandan boy: ‘We need the help’

Stacey Dooley Comic Relief
Stacey’s post angered many (Picture: Instagram)

A relative of the young boy Stacey Dooley claimed she was ‘obsessed’ with, leading to a white saviour row, has defended Comic Relief and Dooley, saying he doesn’t know why they’re being criticised.

Documentary maker and Strictly Come Dancing champion Stacey found herself in the middle of a media storm after she posted a picture of herself holding a young Ugandan boy named Mwesigwa Waiswa while making a film for Comic Relief.

The 32-year-old captioned the pic ‘OB.SESSSSSSSSSSED’ – leading to MP David Lammy calling Dooley out for being a ‘white saviour’.

Uganda High Commissioner Julius Peter Moto admitted that uploading pictures of young children to social media made him ‘uncomfortable’ – although Stacey was defended by her Strictly partner Kevin Clifton, and Phillip Schofield, who called the backlash ‘racist’.

Stacey Dooley Comic Relief
The young boy’s relative said that his town needs Comic Relief’s help (Picture: Instagram/ Comic Relief)

Now, Mwesigwa’s grandfather’s brother has brushed off the white saviour row, saying that the attention can only help Comic Relief provide the aid their town needs.

Speaking to the Mail, Afani Isabirye said: ‘It is important. I don’t know why they are criticising her. When these people come there is a possibility that people in the UK will watch — and when they watch, they will be able to help us. Maybe build a hospital.

‘If they don’t come people probably won’t donate. There is no doubt that we need the help, so how that help comes is not the problem. How it comes is not important.

‘Maybe it is a “white saviour” thing, but whatever it is we need the help, and if showing what is happening here means we get help, then so be it.’

MP David Lammy
MP David Lammy accused Dooley of having a white saviour complex (Picture: Dinendra Haria/REX/Shutterstock)

Mr Isabirye added that Stacey asked to hold Mwesigwa and said she wanted to take a photo, resulting in the BBC providing consent forms to sign.

However, Mwesigwa’s grandmother Beatrice Kituumira Bugonzi was less complimentary about Comic Relief.

She said: ‘‘I have no idea of what Comic Relief help does — there is no direct help for me. Whether they pay for the facilities in the hospital, I have no idea. All I know is I am struggling to look after my children.

‘I don’t have a problem with foreigners coming and filming here if it results in help, but often they come and take pictures which are used to collect money.

‘Whatever happens with that money raised from pictures of my children, I do not see it. It does not benefit me directly.’

Stacey defended herself amidst the backlash against her picture, writing on Instagram: ‘I’ve had numerous photos with children from Europe. Last year I was with Roma kids in Hungary and no one had any issue with these photos.

‘Similarly, there’s pics of me on here with Iraqi kids living in a refugee camp. Again, no one seemed to mind these. We have verbal and written consent from their guardians to use their images and only if we’ve spent time filming with them do we ask. The Ugandan families also asked to take pictures with us.

‘The suggestion that I would stroll up to a child I don’t know or have an existing relationship with, and would force them to have a selfie is ridiculous. I’ve been working in Africa for nearly 12 years, I ask the locals and NGOs how I should behave. None of them here are upset with this photo.

‘The little lad was perfectly happy. His grandad joked he’s often grumpy.’

Comic Relief also stood by Dooley, saying in a statement: ‘We are really grateful that Stacey Dooley, an award winning and internationally acclaimed documentary maker, agreed to go to Uganda to discover more about projects the British people have funded there and make no apologies for this.

‘She has filmed and reported on challenging issues all over the world, helping to put a much-needed spotlight on issues that affect people’s lives daily. In her film, people working with or supported by Comic Relief projects tell their own stories in their own words.’

Comic Relief airs on 15 March on BBC One.

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MORE: Kylie Jenner is back in contact with Jordyn Woods and they’re ‘working on their friendship’

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Gayle King stands by asking R Kelly’s girlfriends about their sex lives and says it was important question


CBS reporter Gayle King has stood by asking R Kelly’s girlfriends about their sex lives with the star during their interview on This Morning.

King interviewed both Kelly and his girlfriends, Joycelyn Savage and Azriel King, in separate chats on the CBS show, following the news Kelly has been charged with 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse.

The Ignition singer is expected in court over the charges on Saturday (8 March). He has denied all allegations made against him and protested his innocence in his TV interview with King.

She spoke with Kelly’s girlfriends – whose parents have accused Kelly of holding them against their will; both Kelly and the girls have denied this – and was seen asking them on camera about their sex lives.

Azriel said she didn’t want to discuss her sex life. She asked King if she would be happy to discuss her own on camera, with King trying to explain to Azriel why it was important she answered the personal question.

In this Feb. 23, 2019, photo, Joycelyn Savage, left, and Azriel Clary walk into the Leighton Criminal Courthouse in Chicago for R&B star R. Kelly's first court appearance on sexual abuse charges. "CBS This Morning" interviews with the two women who live with Kelly ??? Savage and Clary ??? will air Thursday, March 7. (AP Photo/Matt Marton)
Gayle King interview R Kelly’s girlfriends Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary (Picture: AP)

Now in an interview with Time magazine, King has stood by her line of questioning. She stressed the question was ‘valid’ and of importance, as Kelly is being trialled over allegations of sexual abuse – with three of the alleged victims being underage at the time.

King said: ‘What I wanted to say, but I didn’t want to get snippy with her the way that she got snippy with me, was, “Listen, listen, little girl, you don’t even know what you’re saying right now. And one of these days you’re going to regret this moment. You’re going to regret this moment, you’re going to regret this time in your life.” But I saw no point in chastising her.

She added: ‘I also wanted to say, “Yes, but I am not dating R. Kelly, who is perceived to be a child predator. That’s the difference, and that’s why this is a valid question. Because you’re sitting here at the age of 21 with this guy who is older than your father.” I decided there’s no point in doing that.’

In this Wednesday, March 6, 2019 booking photo released by the Cook County Sheriff???s Office is R. Kelly. A Cook County Sheriff's Office official says singer Kelly won't be released from jail until he pays $161,000 in back child support he owes. Sheriff's office spokeswoman Sophia Ansari says Kelly was taken into custody Wednesday during a hearing over the child support and that his next hearing is scheduled for next Wednesday, March 13. (Cook County Sheriff???s Office via AP)
Kelly has been charged with 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse (Picture: AP)

King said she was ‘surprised by Clary’s snippy attitude’ during the interview, adding: ‘I thought that was an interesting reaction from her… I was surprised that that was the tactic she chose to take.’

In the interview Azriel was seen crying and accused her parents of ‘lying’ and ‘trying to make money’ off Kelly. Azriel’s parents claim they haven’t been in contact with her for three years and have accused Kelly of holding her ‘against her will’.

He denied this and told King he would be ‘stupid’ to do so, given his involvement in previous sexual abuse trials that he was not convicted for.

He told King: ‘I don’t need to, why would I, how stupid would I be… all that I’ve been through in my past to hold somebody… how stupid would I be to do that? That’s stupid guys.

‘They’re my girlfriends, we have a relationship. It’s real.’

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MORE: Dwayne Johnson trying to get his daughter to say he’s smarter and better looking than Obama is everything

MORE: Jussie Smollett is ‘maintaining his innocence’ as he faces 16 charges for filing a false police report

Adnan Syed denied new trial, five years after Serial reignited case

Adnan Syed, ex-boyfriend of Hae Min Lee who was convicted of first degree murder and is currently serving a life sentence for her murder. While her murder initially generated only local interest, it was the subject of the podcast Serial, which brought international attention to Syed's trial. Larson-Serial-2-1200.jpg
Adnan Syed was convicted of first degree murder and is currently serving a life sentence for Hae Min Lee’s murder

Adnan Syed, the subject of the hugely popular 2014 podcast Serial, will not be given a retrial.

Syed is currently serving a life sentence for the death of his girlfriend Hae Min Lee in 1999; he has always maintained his innocence.

In 2016, after the popularity of the podcast bought his case back into the spotlight, he was granted a retrial by a Maryland judge because his original lawyer failed to cross-examine an expert witness.

However, after an appeal by the state of Maryland, four judges have decided that there will not be a retrial.

Adnan Syed in 2016 (Picture: TNS via Getty Images)

Admitting that Syed’s lawyer in the original case was ‘deficient’, they did not believe it was enough to have ‘prejudiced’ the trial.

‘We agree with the conclusion of the Court of Special Appeals that Mr. Syed’s trial counsel’s performance was deficient … in failing to investigate the alibi witness,’ the court said.

They added: ‘We disagree, however with that court’s conclusion that Mr. Syed was prejudiced by his trial counsel’s deficiency.’

The decision was made by a ruling of four to three by the Maryland court of appeal.

FILE - In this Feb. 3, 2016 file photo, Adnan Syed enters Courthouse East in Baltimore prior to a hearing. Maryland???s highest court has denied a new trial for Syed whose murder conviction was chronicled in the hit podcast ???Serial.??? In an opinion Friday, March 8, 2019, the Court of Appeals agreed with a lower court that Syed's legal counsel was deficient in failing to investigate an alibi witness, but it disagreed that the deficiency prejudiced the case. The court says Syed waived his ineffective counsel claim. (Barbara Haddock Taylor/The Baltimore Sun via AP, File)
Maryland’s highest court has denied a new trial for Syed (Picture: AP)

After the court’s ruling, Syed’s attorney Justin Brown tweeted: ‘We will not give up. #FreeAdnan.’

In a statement he said: ‘We are devastated by the Court of Appeals’ decision but we will not give up on Adnan Syed.

‘Unfortunately we live in a binary criminal justice system in which you either win or you lose. Today we lost by a 4-3 vote. Our criminal justice system is desperately in need of reform. The obstacles to getting a new trial are simply too great.

‘There was a credible alibi witness who was with Adnan at the precise time of the murder and now the Court of Appeals has said that witness would not have affected the outcome of the proceeding.

‘We think just the opposite is true. From the perspective of the defendant, there is no stronger evidence than an alibi witness.’

Serial arguably sparked the true crime phenomenon and global obsession that has resulted in us all bingewatching every serial killer documentary Netflix produces.

Five years after the critically acclaimed podcast first aired, HBO is picking up Adnan Syed’s story with The Case Against Adnan Syed hitting HBO in mid-March.

The series teases further details in the case against Syed and the murder of Hae Min Lee in Baltimore in 1999, and HBO promises the four-part documentary, directed by Oscar-nominated Amy Berg, is a ‘new chapter’ in the devastating story of 18-year-old Hae Min Lee’s death, and the subsequent conviction of her former boyfriend.

The Case Against Adnan Syed is expected to reexamine the evidence put forth by Serial, while the series claims to have uncovered previously undiscovered evidence which could challenge the prosecution’s case against Syed.

The series will feature interviews with Syed, as well as his former teachers, friends and family.

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MORE: Gayle King stands by asking R Kelly’s girlfriends about their sex lives and says it was important question

Jordyn Woods sparks Kylie Jenner reunion rumours as she likes BFF’s Instagram picture

Jordyn likes Kylie's picture (proof of a reunion, right)
Jordyn Woods sparks Kylie Jenner reunion rumours (Pictures: Getty/@kyliejenner)

Kylie Jenner might be torn whether or not to push her BFF Jordyn Woods away, after she was accused of sleeping with Khloe Kardashian’s baby daddy.

However, it appears the model isn’t completely out of the Kar-Jenner clan’s life, as she has just gone and liked one of Kylie’s Instagram pics.

Whether or not the 21-year-old had slipped into old habits of supporting her closest gal pal is unknown, but despite the drama that has happened in the past month, it looks as though Jordyn is still supporting her number one B.

In the snap Kylie can be seen in red leather pants that she’d paired with a white crop top.

And while fans showered the beauty mogul with love, Jordyn went and liked the picture – sparking rumours that the girls are back on speaking terms.

Kylie Jenner Instagram - liked by Jordyn Woods
The model liked Kylie’s Instagram picture (Pictures: Getty/@kyliejenner)

Just last month, Jordyn made headlines when she was accused of hooking up with Khloe’s long time beau Tristan Thompson.

The pair were reportedly getting close to each other during a house party where they were spotted ‘making out’ and ‘snuggling’, with Woods leaving the house at 7am.

However, when appearing on Jada Pinkett Smith’s show, Kylie’s BFF denied sleeping with Tristan.

She said: ‘There has been no relationship over time. There’s been no relationship, no communication, no plans on meeting up, no conversation. Nothing.

‘I see what has been done to my life in only a week. The media put their focus on a young black woman that made a mistake and not one that’s worth public crucifixion.’

The star was accused of sleeping with Khloe Kardashian’s baby daddy (Picture: Facebook/WireImage)

Since then Khloe has lashed out on Twitter and accused Jordyn of breaking up her family.

The mother-of-one said: ‘Why are you lying @jordynwoods ??

‘If you’re going to try and save yourself by going public, INSTEAD OF CALLING ME PRIVATELY TO APOLOGIZE FIRST, at least be HONEST about your story.’

She added: ‘BTW, You ARE the reason my family broke up!’

And it seems the famous family still have their doubts about the situation and are rallying around new mum Khloe, who shares daughter True with the athlete.

A source told People Magazine: ‘Kim is the one who is really upset about this. She’s livid. She’s so angry, and she’s 100 per cent on Khloe’s side.

‘She’s there for Khloe, letting her vent and talk about it. They’ve been in constant contact, and Kim is totally supportive.’

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MORE: Stacey Dooley defended amid ‘white saviour’ row by family of Ugandan boy: ‘We need the help’

MORE: Gayle King stands by asking R Kelly’s girlfriends about their sex lives and says it was important question

TXT make their Music Core debut and fans already know every word to Crown


TXT have made their eagerly anticipated debut, and are now firmly on the music show trail.

And the five-piece made their Music Core debut, days after their first official showcase on Mnet.

Soobin, Yeonjun, Hueningkai, Taehyun and Beomgyu performed their single Crown on Music Core’s Hot Debut Stage, and despite only debuting a less than a week ago, the band already look like pros.

The audience at MBC could be heard screaming throughout the boys’ energetic performance, while they already knew every word to Crown.

TXT first performance Credit: @txt.bighit/Facebook
TXT have already cultivated a huge fanbase (Picture: Big Hit)

Ain’t nothing like a K-pop stan.

We’re expecting big things and many more Music Core performances from TXT, or Tomorrow x Together – and definitely some wins in their future.

This episode of Music Core also featured performances from Dongwoo, Ravi, Jus2, Hyomin, Ha Sung Woon, ITZY, Brave HongCha, MONSTA X, N.Flying, SF9, (G)I-DLE, Haeun, Yosep, TREI, The Pink Lady, and VANNER.

N. Flying’s Rooftop and Hwasa’s Twit fought with Itzy’s DALLA DALLA for the win – but in the end, it was ITZY who gained their seventh win for DALLA DALLA, with 6,267 points.

TXT are the first boyband to debut with Big Hit Entertainment since BTS back in 2013, and the K-pop superstars have been giving the rookies some sage advice.

Beomgyu told Koreaboo: ‘They emphasised a lesson they learned from Bang Shi Hyuk: Always remember the importance of the team.

‘Every time we run into them, they tell us, “Always think of the team first. Become an amazing artist. We’re always looking out for you and cheering you on.”

‘They always give us warm advice whenever we see them. It gave me strength while I was training.’

And despite being one of the biggest bands in the world, BTS proved they’ve got the time to give TXT some face-to-face time as TXT nabbed a group photo with their sunbaes while at Big Hit HQ.

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Tyga unveils new look as he ignores courtroom drama with hairdressers trip

Tyga has had a tough few days, after a warrant was issued for his arrest (Picture: Getty)

Tyga might be in the middle of some legal issues, but that hasn’t stopped him from undergoing a little makeover.

The 29-year-old ignored all the court drama to pop to the hairdressers, for a fresh new do.

As you do…

In a video shared by hairdresser, who goes by @Hairbyess on the gram, the Taste rapper could be seen bopping away as he unveiled his shiny, poker straight locks.

And it’s enough to make us fly out to LA and give Hairbyess a little visit ourselves…

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A post shared by @ hairbyess on

Tyga’s new look comes as a warrant was issued for his arrest earlier this week, after he failed to appear in court.

Kylie Jenner’s ex-boyfriend was due in front of a judge amid claims he failed to pay a settlement awarded to a fan, who was injured at his concert in 2015.

Shyanne Riekena sued the rapper’s company, Tyga Music, four years ago after she was left with a four-inch gash on the top of her head when a lighting stand crashed down on her.

She was awarded $235,000 (£178k) in damages, with the figure rising to $250,000 (£189k) in 2017, but he reportedly has yet to pay up.

Tyga unveiled his poker-straight new do (Picture: Instagram)
Tyga unveiled his poker-straight new do (Picture: Instagram)

According to court documents obtained by TMZ, the judge served an order for the Dip rapper to appear in court, and later issued a warrant for his arrest when he failed to show.

However, a rep for Tyga – real name Michael Stevenson – stated the star was forced to miss the appearance because he was travelling.

‘Due to a last minute work obligation Tyga was travelling and was forced to miss his debtor’s exam,’ they told the publication.

‘The judge issued the bench warrant for the sole purpose of ensuring Tyga will sit for the next Debtor’s exam.’

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MORE: TXT make their Music Core debut and fans already know every word to Crown

MORE: Jordyn Woods sparks Kylie Jenner reunion rumours as she likes BFF’s Instagram picture

BTS’s Suga donates £70k to pediatric cancer foundation in honour of his birthday

Suga from BTS
Yoongi has celebrated his birthday in the best way (Picture: Instagram/Big Hit)

BTS’s Suga has turned 25, but instead of splashing out on cake and balloons for himself, he has marked his birthday with a selfless act.

The K-pop idol has donated 100 million won (£67,740) to the Korea Pediatric Cancer Foundation to help children battling cancer.

What’s more, he made the donation under the name ‘ARMY’.

What an amazing gesture.

LOS ANGELES, CA - NOVEMBER 15: Korean K-pop band 'BTS' are seen at 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' on November 15, 2017 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by RB/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images)
Suga wanted to thank the ARMY for their support with the donation (Picture: RB/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images)

A statement from the Korea Pediatric Cancer Foundation read: ‘Suga stated that he wished to make the donation to repay all of the love he has received from fans. We will put his donation to good use for the children. Thank you.’

The foundation’s chairman of the board Lee Sung Hee added: ‘Lee Sung Hee, the foundation’s chairman of the board, stated, “We wish to thank BTS’s Suga and his fans for donating to children with cancer and leukemia.

‘Things like this become a big source of comfort and hope for children and their families. We can’t wait to see what BTS will continue to do in the future.’

Suga also donated 329 Shooky dolls from the BT21 line to children treated at the foundation – with Koreaboo explaining that the number is especially significant as it refers to 29 March 2014, when BTS held their first ARMY Muster event in Seoul.

BTS ARMYs have been celebrating Suga Day on 9 March as the rapper and singer turned 25, sharing tribute messages to Yoongi on his big day.

#OurFirstLoveYoongi and #HappySugaDay began trending as fans wished him a happy birthday – but perhaps the best message came from BTS’s Jin.

The 26-year-old shared a screenshot of his birthday messages to his friend, showing Suga replying with a simple ‘TY’.

‘I promise we’re close,’ Jin joked on Twitter about the blunt reply.

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Game Of Thrones fans crush HBO records as trailer is viewed 81 million times


Game Of Thrones fans sure are excited for the upcoming eighth and final season – so excited, in fact, that they watched the trailer 81 million times in just 24 hours.

The trailer launched on Tuesday, and was the first real glimpse at what fans can expect when the show returns in late April.

And according to HBO, the anticipation is real because it was viewed an incredible 81 million times across all platforms (including YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter).

HBO says this is a record – the previous record holder was the season seven trailer for Game Of Thrones and that racked up 61 million views in 24 hours.

Game of Thrones Season 8 Official Trailer (Picture: HBO)
What was Arya running from? (Picture: HBO)

After the epic two-minute long minefield of jaw-dropping scenes from season eight dropped, immediately fans were freaking out for poor Arya Stark (played by Maisie Williams) who opened the promo by legging it for her life.

But what was she running from?

The young warrior appeared to be alone in House Stark while the rest of Westeros went to war with The Night King (Vladimir Furdik) and his army of the dead.

However, there’s been speculation from fans since the beginning of Game Of Thrones over what is actually hiding in the Winterfell crypt, which Arya, Jon Snow (Kit Harington) and Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) explored in a recent teaser – minus Bran (Isaac Hempstead-Wright), which caused all sorts of panic.

The trailer comes just over a month before the release date and after two symbolic teasers – one of fire and ice battling over Westeros and another in the Winterfell crypt – neither of which actually contain any new footage.

But that’s all changed with this footage, and poor Arya seems to be going through hell.

‘I know death. It’s got many faces. I look forward to seeing this one,’ she ominously says, while elsewhere Daenerys and Jon ride into battle side by side, and Sansa Stark gets a good look at the dragons.

And it looks like Jaime’s made the transition into full on good guy as he declares: ‘I promised to fight for the living, I intend to keep that promise’.

Game Of Thrones returns to Sky Atlantic and NOW TV on 15 April.

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Vikings’ Georgia Hirst fangirls over co-star Katheryn Winnick as she teases role in spin-off

LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 18: Georgia Hirst Georgia Hirst attends the opening of The O2's new shopping destination ICON Outlet on October 18, 2018 in London, England. (Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for The O2 ICON)
She hinted that she’d appear in the Vikings spin-off (Picture: Getty Images)

Georgia Hirst has just gone and fangirled over her BFF Katheryn Winnick.

The pair were ultimate friendship goals when they met up in Los Angeles earlier this year.

But it seems that even though they are co-stars in the History Channel hit, the Torvi star can’t help but admire her fellow actress.

While chatting to her fans on an Instagram live feed, the 24-year-old spoke about her pal, before teasing she might just be in the Vikings spin-off.

‘I love Katheryn Winnick,’ she squealed when someone named dropped the Lagertha actress in the comments.

(Picture: Georgia Hirst/Instagram)
Vikings’ Georgia Hirst fangirls over co-star Katheryn Winnick (Picture: Instagram)

‘She is my favourite person in the whole wide world, I love her so much.’

The star then went on to chat about Vikings after another follower questioned whether or not she was still filming.

‘When do you film for Vikings?’ Georgia read when scrolling through the comments.

‘I’m not filming right now, a season takes just over a year – it takes a long time, like a really long time – so I’m just enjoying some time off.’

Not filming right now? Does that mean the actress is hoping to return to the set in Ireland?

We all know that Vikings is coming to an end after the upcoming and final season.

Editorial use only. No book cover usage. Mandatory Credit: Photo by Bernard Walsh/MGM/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock (10056246at) Georgia Hirst as Torvi 'Vikings' TV Show Season 5 - 2018 Vikings transports us to the brutal and mysterious world of Ragnar Lothbrok, a Viking warrior and farmer who yearns to explore - and raid - the distant shores across the ocean.
Vikings is coming to an end after the upcoming season (Picture: Rex)

However, Georgia’s dad and director of the popular show Michael Hirst recently revealed that there would be a spin-off, and we can’t help but think Torvi might reappear.

Fans started to flood Georgia with Vikings questions, dropping names like Floki in the comments, and asking whether or not Ragnar returns.

‘I’m avoiding some of these questions,’ she laughed before noticing one of her friends had joined the feed.

‘Ian Lloyd Anderson,’ she shouted, before adding: ‘He is in the new season of Vikings that you will get to watch in like 100 years.’

The new star of the historical saga has yet to speak out about his upcoming role; however, he has shared some thoughts on the cast.

Taking to Twitter, the 32-year-old posted his views on Elijah Rowen, who played Asbjorn in the drama.

After the young star had gone on to call Irish soap Fair City ‘embarrassing’, Ian lashed out and called the 24-year-old a ‘brat’.

He wrote: ‘Check out this arrogant little brat. Spewing about his “a list” party and taking swipes at actors who are earning a living.

‘Mortifying stuff. Dont be like this guy. This guy is “embarrassing” and this guy is a “joke”. No respect. No class.’

Elijah has since apologised for his comment when chatting to Independent.ie.

He said: ‘I have the deepest respect for any actor out there working and making the grind. I was caught off guard at a social event in the early hours and spoke in error.

‘This is absolutely my mistake, and I apologise for any hurt my foolish words have caused. I’m a young actor – new to the industry with a lot to learn.’

Elijah continued: ‘I feel bad especially as I know some of the great actors who have been on Fair City and know how hard they work.’

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MORE: Game Of Thrones fans crush HBO records as trailer is viewed 81 million times

MORE: BTS’s Suga donates £70k to pediatric cancer foundation in honour of his birthday

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