Kaley’s glam look was offset by some colourful socks during the latest day filming The Flight Attendant (Picture: GC Images)
You’ve got to hand it to Kaley Cuoco – the actress must be dedicated to her craft if she’s walking around New York City in her socks at this time of year to film The Flight Attendant.
The Big Bang Theory actress braved the chill of the Manhattan air as she clutched a cup of coffee in a frankly unpractical outfit consisting of a thick woollen cape and a pair of gloves to keep out the cold – and a pair of blue and black striped socks.
Kaley was clearly thinking of comfort over style as she was later seen clutching a pair of killer kitten heels to go with the black dress she was wearing under the cape.
But still though, her poor feet must have been freezing.
The actress looked like she meant business as she set up the shot with the rest of the team – taking on the role of executive producer for the limited series as well as starring in it.
The Flight Attendant follows the story of Cassie (Kaley) who wakes up in Dubai after partying the night before to find a dead man lying next to her.
Kaley looked like she meant business as she set up the shot (Picture: GC Images)
The star was done wearing heels so opted for some cosy socks instead (Picture: GC Images)
With no memory of what happened, she tries to evade getting into trouble by fleeing back to New York before the body is discovered – but soon things spiral out of control and she has to think fast and find out the night’s events before she’s arrested for the murder.
During the latest shoot was also seen clutching a bag full of shredded paper – could this hold some key evidence to prove her innocence?
The star has been keeping fans updated with filming in a Instagram vlog (Picture: @kaleycuoco)
The Flight Attendant is due for release later this year (Picture: Instagram)
Speaking on her Instagram vlog (which she has dubbed A Cup of Cuoco, as she’s usually holding some coffee), Kaley said: ‘I have been so in awe of this production, not just the Flight Attendant, not specifically because I am in it but everything that goes into making this thing work is crazy.
‘Going from a sitcom to this, it is night and day, a completely different schedule, different jobs, a different workload.
‘Obviously a sitcom takes on their own ordeal, this though you’re dealing with…I am wearing more hats in this I am seeing so many more things, the camera department, sound design, everyone on set, these are long hours for this crew.’
The Flight Attendant airs on HBO Max in the US later this year, with a UK release date unknown.
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Ori And The Will Of The Wisps key art (pic: Microsoft)
The long-awaited sequel to Ori And The Blind Forest is finally almost finished and GameCentral has spoken to both the composer and producer.
With the release of Halo Infinite this Christmas, and rumours of a new Fable sometime after, Microsoft are poised to try and breathe new life into series which currently sit at a low ebb. But while many older franchises may have struggled this generation there have been important successes introducing new ones, most obviously with Ori And The Blind Forest.
At first, Ori looked to be just another in an endless line of indie Metroidvania games. But Xbox boss Phil Spencer took a personal interest in the game and Microsoft ended up buying the franchise and promoting the game as a major exclusive. And with good reason. Ori is not only one of the best Metroidvania games of the generation but it featured some of the best visual storytelling too, tugging on heartstrings with such force that it takes a hard-hearted soul to make it through the whole game without blubbing.
Having played the opening two or three hours of sequel Ori And The Will Of The Wisps it’s clear that developer Moon Studios is hoping to repeat that trick, although the new game doesn’t require any previous knowledge of the original. All you need to know is that you play as Ori, a small ferret-like critter and guardian spirt of the forest, whose best friend is a newly-hatched owl named Ku. The intro showcases the fairy tale like world the two inhabit, illustrating Ku’s struggles to achieve his first flight and the disaster that occurs when Ori goes along for the ride.
There’s a real ‘80s children’s movie vibe to Will Of The Wisps, as Ori finds himself in a highly dangerous wilderness where almost everything seems to be out to kill him and he’s forced to battle creatures many times his size. By default Ori has no means of defence beyond a prodigious leap, but in true Metroidvania style he collects a steady stream of upgrades that help with either combat or traversal and often enable you to reach areas that were previously inaccessible (requiring at least some back-tracking, although we didn’t get far enough to see if there’s any fast travel).
All of that is as you’d expect of any Metroidvania, although Will Of The Wisp is clearly a step above in terms of both its level design and the visuals and audio. We had a lengthy chat with senior producer Daniel Smith on the day, but we also had a phone chat with composer Gareth Coker, a Brit based in the US. He was also the composer on the first game, which picked up several awards for its score, at everything from the Golden Joysticks to the industry-voted DICE Awards.
‘One of the cool things about Moon Studios is they do like to have the composer on early, not just for scenes like the intro but also for the gameplay’, he told us when we asked about how he went about scoring the lengthy, but mostly gameplay-free, intro sequence.
‘We did a similar kind of thing with the opening of Ori And The Blind Forest, but doing it at the beginning allows us to set up the characters and set up the story. You could not put a sequence like that in the middle of the game, especially in a game which is generally fast flowing and is emphasising freedom of movement.
‘So we take the time at the beginning to build up the relationship between Ori and Ku. And putting together something like that, it has to feel pretty much like one continuous piece of music. But as you can imagine, with there being interactive elements coming in and out, you’ve got to take into account that stubborn player who is going to sit and look at the amazing art for three minutes straight. It’s kind of like putting together a big jigsaw puzzle, except you’re also creating the pieces.
‘But one of the things I do like about Moon is that every department is constantly talking to each other. So if I need more time to help sell a musical moment, I can ask for it. It’s not just the music and not just the art and not just the gameplay. It’s about how all the elements combine together. You cannot get that right if all the departments are not talking to each other. And that’s where the real benefit from coming in early helps, because I’m part of this prologue sequence from the planning stage rather than what a traditional composer might do, where it’d be like… well, here’s the footage – go figure it out.’
Ori And The Will Of The Wisps – a pretty great game (pic: Microsoft)
The Will Of The Wisps is over three times larger than the first game, which is obviously not something we got to test in our relatively short play test but considering the original took a good eight hours to beat that suggests a game of considerable length, despite still being priced at a modest £25 (and, of course, being free via Game Pass). But while Moon Studios are technically an indie studio Ori feels in every way like a triple-A production.
Beyond just being a Metroidvania, Smith is happy to reel off a number of other more specific influences – including an increased debt to Zelda in the sequel – but it’s the similarity of the game’s chase sequences to Rayman Origins and Legend’s musically-themed stages that interests us the most, and we bring it up with Coker as well.
‘It’s funny you mention that cause ’cause I do look at those chase sequences and I’m like, ‘Yeah those are really cool but they wouldn’t really fit. The thing about Rayman is it’s a very gamey game. Whereas Ori isn’t really about that. We’re all about emotion and keeping the player involved.
‘For example, I get a request to make a jingle sound, for when you get a pick-up, and they want this really over-the-top da-da-da-da. And I’m like, ‘No, I’m not doing that, because that’s not what this game is about. Zelda and all of those kinds of games, they can do that, but that’s not really the vibe we’re going for.
‘That’s not to say we don’t have music that’s appropriate for the chases, but the music in the chases, and actually the boss fights, is more reflective of what Ori’s emotional state is at that point. And bearing in mind the Ori in this game is grown up. He’s already experienced the chases in the first game and my approach for this is he’s thinking, ‘Oh, I’m doing this again’. Whereas in the first game it’s like, ‘Oh my God, this is terrifying!’
‘Now the boss fights, that is the first time that Ori has experienced that, so we get to really dial up his emotional state. So the music is designed to reflect his emotions throughout the game. I like to take a point of view with my soundtracks. It’s very easy to do that in this one, ’cause you’re only playing as one character. But that’s generally my approach.
‘You select the levels in Rayman but there aren’t any levels in Ori. And that’s by design, because we don’t want to ever break the player’s immersion. It should all feel continuous. If you play the game from start to finish, it really should feel like this one giant long ballet symphony, Wagner Ring Cycle, whatever you want to call it…
‘But it should feel like a continuous thing rather than here is level one, here is level two… And I think that’s actually what differentiates Ori from a lot of the other similar platformers in this style. The only other game that does it really in this style, but doesn’t really have a score, is Inside and Limbo. There is a continuous story which never breaks immersion, but they’re using sound and music in a completely different way to what we’re doing. We’re doing it in a more Disney-esque way, but not breaking the immersion.’
The Metroidvania genre is not one known for great evolutionary leaps, but as we discussed with Smith, there are important differences between Will Of The Wisps and its predecessor. For a start, the soul link save system has been completely removed, replaced simply with auto-saves. That may worry some that the game, and in particular its difficulty, has been dumbed down but we saw no evidence of that in anything we played, in terms of the combat, puzzles, or platforming.
There’s also a stronger role-playing game element, with more characters and side quests, as well as more customisable powers. As well as major new abilities you’re also constantly picking up ‘spirit shards’ which offer smaller but still useful abilities, from being able to stick to walls or draw collectibles towards you, to increasing both the damage you deal out and take from enemies. You can only have a small number of them active at any one time though, which creates important decisions in terms of the build of your character and what that implies about the difficulty of the game as a whole.
Everything we saw and played of the game suggests that Ori And The Will Of The Wisps will be just as accomplished, and successful, as its predecessor. It’s not the sort of game you’d normally think of as an Xbox exclusive but that’s almost part of the appeal. As such, it’s a vitally important game for Microsoft, in proving the variety and diversity of their exclusives, but the most important factor is simply that it looks to be one of the best Metroidvania games of the current generation.
Ori And The Will Of The Wisps – this bird is an important ally (pic: Microsoft)
Formats: PC (previewed) and Xbox One Publisher: Xbox Game Studios Developer: Moon Studios Release Date: 11th March 2020
DS: So you’ve had some time to play it. What do you think?
GC: It was good. I liked how tactile it all felt, after playing a spate of games recently with rather spongy controls it felt great to play something this precise.
DS: That’s good to hear. I think that Moon Studios has a very unique philosophy in how they create new content for Ori. It’s always been, aesthetically, very pretty but actually, when we go about creating new content, it all begins with the accuracy of the controls; how good it feels and how fun the content is. And we always start with this very ugly, blue block-out levels, and it starts there. And it’s only when the puzzles feel fun and engaging, and the content feels good, and the controls feel good that artists come in and start layering in the background, foreground, and set dressing and everything else like that. And hopefully it comes across like the game is as fun as it is beautiful.
GC: Moon are one in a literal sense, but do you consider them an indie developer?
DS: Yes and no. The big thing about Moon is that Blind Forest, with contractors, took about 20 people. Now Moon Studios is about up to 80. So 80 people… it’s not really independent anymore. But… Moon has maintained its very unique environment in that it’s still a globally distributed studio. So even with 80 people, everybody is working from their own home, spread throughout the world. And we just use virtual tools to compile things together to communicate and have meetings.
And there’s some huge benefits with that. Blind Forest, when it was released, it attracted a lot of attention from some very talented people in the industry. And since then, Moon has been able to very organically grow and add some of those people simply by saying, ‘Hey, you don’t have to uproot your family. You can stay where you are in your own environment and work out of your own home office, work in your pyjamas.’
I think there’s just a lot of benefit there. From a publishing perspective, I think it’s great. There’s always somebody awake. There’s always someone up working. So if you need something, there’s always someone available.
GC: I would find it very hard to believe that when Microsoft were out buying up developers last year they didn’t approach Moon. Because Ori is one of their biggest exclusives now…
DS: Yeah. I mean, Microsoft does own the Ori IP. In terms of the trend of Microsoft sort of scooping up a lot of studios and making these purchases… I can’t necessarily comment on that. But all I can say is that it is a long-standing partnership. Moon has been in the Microsoft family for eight years and, really, it’s grown and developed over time. I think we learn a lot from each other.
And one of my favourite things about working with Moon is just how receptive they are to feedback. Every piece of feedback matters. Every build I play, I’m actually doing video recordings of myself playing while I’m doing voiceover. And it’s all the way down to like, ‘Hey, this particular jump is just a couple of pixels too hard or this shard feels slightly imbalanced for this reason and that reason. And it’s all very receptive and very collaborative.
GC: Whose idea was the Switch version, because that did seem to come out of nowhere? Microsoft have always got on well with Nintendo, but it still seemed odd.
DS: To be truthful, I can’t really remember. It was more of, I think, a mutual, ‘Let’s do this!’ kind of thing. Microsoft had had a previous title, which was Minecraft, on the Switch and there was interest in a growing partnership with Nintendo. And so the opportunity came up and we struck and it worked out. And I think one of the best parts of releasing Blind Forest on Switch is that platforms can sometimes be a barrier.
Like for a power gamer, you or I, we might own every single piece of hardware there is. And so it doesn’t really make a difference if a game is an exclusive. But many gamers have only one piece of hardware. And so I think in Blind Forest releasing on Switch, we sort of broadened our family a little bit and probably welcomed a lot of that crowd of gamer, and I’m proud of the fact that we were able to really nail our performance. It’s 60 frames per second everywhere. And so just broadening the family of gamers has been really positive.
GC: So is Will Of The Wisps coming to Switch as well?
DS: That’s kind of no comment in that regards. We haven’t officially announced anything.
GC: But you wouldn’t rule it out at this point?
DS: All of us are very big Switch fans, that’s all I can really say. I’ve got mine in my hotel room now and was playing Witcher last night…
GC: I always ask this of anyone making a Metroidvania but why do you think they’re so common as indie games but almost unknown in terms of mainstream releases?
DS: That’s a good question. When Blind Forest launched, I feel like the timing was right. We were just at the cusp of a resurgence of Metroidvania games. Our formula with Blind Forest was to go out and pay tribute, actually, to a lot of our favourite games of our childhood, that were Metroidvania titles. And since then I think there’s been a boom and I think all of us are really big fans of all the great things that have come out recently: Hollow Knight and Dead Cells and Celeste and Bloodstained… there’s so many great games. I really hope that Will Of The Wisps is a proud contribution to that genre, because I want to see that genre elevated.
And as you say, there’s something about it that gets people excited, but what is it? And I think it’s difficult to put your finger on exactly but for me the two-dimensional open world exploration, it’s kind of a broad palette in terms of, visually, how you want to create your space. But there’s also something to be said in terms of how certain pieces of content are gated without necessarily strong explanation. And then when you find the right ability, it clicks in your head – ‘That one place that’s far away I can get to now!’
And so it just has this magical Eureka moment to it. But, again, it’s a broad palette. And our approach with Ori has always been, let’s include the best gameplay we can and the best music we can and the best visuals; I think what makes Ori unique in this space is that we also try to create moments that really resonate with people emotionally. And so I’m quite proud of the fact that in Blind Forest people really identified with the characters of the game and really shared a lot of their personal stories.
We saw many YouTubers cry, both, I guess, in sadness and in joy! And I think people will have to break out their tissues again for Will Of The Wisps. We’re gonna take people on an emotional journey once again. And the game now is three times the size and scope and scale of Blind Forest. So I think it’ll be a longer experience. We’re also… when a lot of people would finish Blind Forest, they loved it, but there was not a lot of draw to go back in and play more.
This time around we have a couple of new modes, that really celebrate player retention and reasons for people to come back into the forest. And so we introduced spirit trials, so if you find a starting marker and an ending marker, you’ve more or less unlocked a spirit trial race. This mode was deeply inspired by Trials Evolution and Super Meat Boy and it’s an asynchronous multiplayer mode. So as you race, you’ll see other Ori racing along with you; It’s sort of these iridescent Ori. And after you place a time, if you try again, it’s going to always put a bracket of ghosts for you to race against that are just a little better than you are. So you’ll always have a challenge in front of you.
And then the new mode that we’re talking about during this press tour is called spirit shrines. So if you find a spirit shrine and you enable it, you’ll be faced with waves of enemies that become increasingly difficult. And if you defeat the last wave, you’ll be given these really powerful rewards. And so we think some of those modes will be a great addition to the Ori universe and will keep people coming back for more.
Ori And The Will Of The Wisps – did we mention how pretty the game is? (pic: Microsoft)
GC: Another game I always assumed was an influence was Rayman Origins and Legends, the chase sequences in particular.
DS: Yeah. We’re all huge fans of the Rayman franchise. Both in terms of the gameplay and visual aesthetic. Moon has picked up some talent that worked on the Rayman franchise.
GC: Ah!
DS: So yes, you may be feeling some of some of that influence. And I think a lot of people love the escape sequences in Blind Forest. So those are back in a very big way. And I think having some of the talent pool from Rayman has really made strong contributions to make some of our escape sequences just even better than they were in Blind Forest.
Not only that, but there’s now the addition of large boss fights. A lot of these large boss fights have multiple phases and some of those phases even incorporate an escape. So you’re finding the boss, you’ve gotten them down to a point, all of a sudden run for your life and they’re just crashing and smashing after you!
GC: I think the only general criticism of the first game is that it didn’t really do anything particularly new in terms of the Metroidvania genre, at least in gameplay terms. But that’s a criticism you could level at most Metroidvanias, it’s not a genre that’s ever evolved drastically from its origins. Did you struggle with that as an issue at all?
DS: I think overall our formula in Blind Forest was: ‘Let’s create the best design and gameplay experience we can, the best visuals, the best music. So we’re trying to really carry that formula forward, but just elevate it. Like, let’s really improve upon all of the best aspects of Blind Forest. I think one of the things that really improves upon our original formula is that Blind Forest, although being an open world, was more or less linear; you always had one quest in front of you to do.
This time we’re really incorporating many more RPG elements, not just in terms of character progression, because that is very unique, but equipping these different shards and especially your combat – it’s very fresh to this IP. But even then we’ve got an all-new quest system in the map…
GC: I saw a bit of that, it almost seemed to be a Zelda style trade quest.
DS: Yes! There’s a heavy influence from Zelda this time around. And so not only are the golden path quests a little bit more non-linear, you can choose to go get one particular wisp instead of another. Now there’s optional quests and we’ve tried to put a lot of personality into the optional quests. We’ve greatly expanded the cast of characters and so a lot of even the optional quests have emotional weight to them.
And I feel like that quality, that emotional quality, is really how Ori is trying to really celebrate the Metroidvania genre and push it further, to really be differentiated. Before Blind Forest, I wasn’t aware of many other Metroidvanias that made people cry…
GC: You didn’t play some of the bad ones.
DS: [laughs]
GC: And just finally, it seems the soul link system isn’t in the game at all now?
DS: Soul link, which was the old save system that you’re aware of, was tied to the ‘B’ button. You had to manually say, ‘Hmm, I want to save here’ and spend energy. And we did celebrate soul link by having certain skills in the skill tree tagged to soul-linking and giving you a little bit of health, things like that.
I think, for all the people that really loved soul link we did receive comments that there was some level of frustration there as well. Both experienced and new players found themselves dying and thinking, ‘Oh, I soul-linked half an hour ago!’ And so you got frustrated. We’ve really more or less completely eliminated that frustration by auto-checkpointing absolutely everywhere.
GC: I’m 50/50 on soul link, but the first game was quite hard and it seemed to me that probably the reason you felt confident in making it that way is because you knew that you had soul link to fall back on. But if you’ve removed it do you lose that confidence and end up with a game that’s maybe a bit easier, overall?
DS: Not necessarily. We took on the huge challenge of making the game both challenging and forgiving. And that really means that now we auto-checkpoint everywhere that also means that we’re giving people the option to pick a level of difficulty – easy, normal, hard – and then also the shard system greatly plays into the customisation offering to players: ‘Do you want a challenging experience or do you want a more forgiving experience?’ You can equip yourself with shards that give you much more offensive capability, but you take more damage, for example.
GC: But in terms of things like pixel perfect jumps, you haven’t been more cautious because you haven’t got soul link?
DS: Again, there’s shards and other mechanics and abilities that actually put these options in the player’s hands. One of the first shards you might’ve picked up is called Sticky. And if you mess around with that, like there are people who loved Ori but felt like some of the traversal and platforming was really challenging for them. This Sticky shard allows Ori to just jump and Velcro himself to walls and give players a breath, a moment.
For other players who are experienced platformers and liked the whole, ‘I want to hit a wall and slide because then I want to go that way more quickly’. You can disable those things. So with Blind Forest we were more or less kind of dictating the experience that we wanted people to have, this time around, with all the customised options and difficulty and everything, we really want to put that more into the players’ hands. You decide how difficult you want the game to be, you decide the experience you want to have.
Sinitta stepped out in Soho with a surgical face mask (Picture: Backgrid)
Sinitta took health and safety precautions when she stepped out in Soho this week by wearing a face mask as the coronavirus continues to spread across Europe.
The 56-year-old was spotted leaving the Boulevard Theatre in central London last night after catching a show with her filmmaker friend Elmino Da Great.
As they walked around the Soho area, not far from Chinatown, Sinitta and her pal donned white surgical face masks covering their nose and mouth.
Following their outing, Sinitta and Elmino posed for an Instagram photo which she captioned: ‘With @Elmino_Dagreat @ #TheBoulevardTheatreSoho catching #WomenTakeThePi** Hilarious Evening! Thank You #Boots @Boots #FunnyWomen .’
‘Would you wear a mask through the airport?’ host Holly Willoughby asked, to which Dr Simon Clarke admitted: ‘No, masks are pretty useless.
The TV personality had seen a show at Boulevard Theatre, situated close to chinatown (Picture: Backgrid)
‘The pores and the fibres in them are too big for the virus. The virus is smaller than the wavelength of light, they will just pass straight through them, they will infect you by your eyes potentially.’
Over the past week, coronavirus has hit several cities in Italy – notably Lombardy and Veneto – and has so far claimed 11 lives with hundreds more cases confirmed in the country. The outbreak affected Milan Fashion Week with the Giorgio Armani show forced to scrap the live audience in turn for streaming the event online.
Sinitta wore the face mask after a doctor said they’re ‘useless’ for prevention (Picture: Backgrid)
Sinitta’s pal followed suit with the surgical masks (Picture: Backgrid)
The virus has impacted other celebrities with Stormzy deciding to cancel the Asian leg of his new Heavy Is The Head tour and Brit Award-winning singer Mabel axing the Italian leg of her tour.
Filming for the new Mission: Impossible movie was also brought to an abrupt halt last weekend after Paramount Pictures decided to delay the shoot in Venice, Italy despite scheduling three weeks on-set.
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Jin and Suga teased RM over his classic tale of learning English through the sitcom Friends, while sitting in the back of a people carrier driven by James Corden, and it was an instant classic BTS moment.
As the only fluent English speaker in the group, RM sat up front with James for the iconic Late Late Show segment, with Jin, Suga and V sitting in the back row.
James asked RM: ‘RM, you’ve always been the person that I’ve spoken to whenever you’ve come on the show. Do you often act as translator for the rest of the band?’, with the group leader saying: ‘Yeah of course.’
Corden, 41, then asked how he learned English, with Namjoon saying: ‘Actually, I taught myself by Friends. The legend.’
Jin and Suga were providing the comedy value (Picture: CBS)
The star proceeded to tell the story of his mum buying him the DVD boxset of Friends, with RM watching it first with Korean subtitles, then with English subtitles, then with no subtitles at all to learn English.
Pretty impressive – but Jin and Suga took it as an opportunity to poke fun at their bandmate.
During the story, Jin said, in Korean: ‘Well, I’ve watched Friends too… But I can’t speak English.’
Suga said: ‘Me too. I enjoyed watching it’, with Jin adding: ‘Me too, it was fun’ – with Yoongi then quipping: ‘He memorised it to study’, causing Jin to giggle.
RM told James how he taught himself English (Picture: CBS)
The language barrier was a constant source of LOLs during the segment, as the boys struggled to understand some of James’s jokes straight away.
After James joked that RM must have spent a few years saying: ‘We were in a break’ and ‘Could my English be any better?’, the rest of the band all feigned laughter, with Jin saying: ‘I don’t know what he said, but let’s laugh.’
Still, Jimin, Suga, V, Jin, Jungkook, J-Hope and RM all slayed their cover versions of Finesse by Bruno Mars and Cardi B and Circles by Post Malone, as well as taking the opportunity to roast James as much as they could.
When discussing their nicknames, Jin said: ‘Yeah I’m WWH, Worldwide Handsome, you know?’
James quipped: ‘That’s so weird, because that was my nickname in school.’
As the translation made it back to Jin, he cracked up and said: ‘You a joker guy!’
As well as their cover versions, and an impromptu rendition of the Friends theme song, BTS sang along to their songs Mic Drop, Black Swan and new single ON, as well as dragging James to an intense choreography session.
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The Walking Dead’s Danai Gurira praises Angela Kang (Picture: AMC)
The Walking Dead’s Danai Gurira has opened up on life after the zombie hit seeing her step into the shoes of a showrunner for the new 10-part series, Americanah.
Teaming up with her Black Panther co-star, Lupita Nyong’o, the 42-year-old is bringing to life Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s novel for the new streaming platform, HBO Max.
She told the publication: ‘I’m watching these showrunners on my show for years, being like, “Oh, dang, do you want to take that on?”‘
‘It’s a lot. I’m involved with every angle of it. It’s not a small thing to be taking on a 600-page novel and bringing it to the fore as a TV show. But I realised that if I didn’t do it I would never, ever forgive myself. Taking it on will require everything I’ve got, and then some.’
The michonne star is stepping into showrunner’s shoes for new series (Picture: Getty Images)
But it seems she has learned a lot from her Walking Dead showrunner Angela Kang as well as the show’s writer Scott Gimple – as Danai praised what the duo brought to set.
‘The thing I would consider to be the most important accomplishment is to make sure there is a great working atmosphere on the set,’ she noted: ‘And one that really feels like the home that I experienced on Walking Dead.’
Throwing her support behind the actress, Kang said: ‘Danai is incredibly smart, incredibly driven, and she’s got great artistic taste.’
While Gimple also agreed she’d make a great showrunner: ‘You need two things to be a showrunner: You need a vision and you need a work ethic, and I believe she has both of those.
She hopes to bring the family aspect of TWD onto set (Picture: AMC)
‘She has the talent and she has the strength, and she doesn’t require a lot of sleep, because you don’t get much.’
Danai is currently still starring in The Walking Dead as Michonne, however, she recently made the announcement that she would be stepping down from the role – leaving fans clueless over her sudden exit.
When chatting to the Los Angeles Times, the AMC star opened up on her departure, and gave an insight into what viewers can expect.
‘I know nothing. But what I will say in my know-nothingness, the great thing about this show is they are very, very, fantastic at creating great structure for everyone’s story,’ she explained.
‘I was in a room where they have all the pictures of people who have left the show, and everyone’s exit has been so specific and really resonate in its own, very original way.’
The Walking Dead continues Sunday on AMC in the US and follows a day later here on Fox UK.
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This Morning viewers were left divided as a woman who had her seat repeatedly bashed by the man behind her after reclining made an appearance to discuss the incident.
Speaking with This Morning’s Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, Wendi appeared on the show explaining what happened, revealing that he had initially asked her to keep upright so he could eat, to which she obliged.
Putting it back down 10 minutes later after he’d finished, Wendi then said: ‘At which point, there was no conversation he just started punching, not what you see in the video, but full on punching to where I was flying forward.’
After failing to get the attendants attention, she got her phone out instead.
Phillip then asked about why she didn’t just put her seat upright again, to which she said she ‘was in too much shock to even think about it’, adding that she’s got back problems and the small recline helped her remain comfortable.
Wendi Williams spoke about the incident on This Morning (Picture: ITV)
Phillip asked why she didn’t put her seat back up after the shocking actions (Picture: ITV)
It was then made worse when the attendant finally came over, and sympathised with him and his tight space, rather than her getting hit in the head, and even offered him a rum to feel better.
‘It was very clear from the moment I got her attention she was on his side,’ she said. ‘Another eyeroll and going back to him, changing personalities and saying “It is tight back here, I’m sorry.”’
The female attendant then tried to make Wendi delete the video.
It’s now become a legal case.
@BravoAndy Hereâs a great jackhole! He was angry that I reclined my seat and punched it about 9 times – HARD, at which point I began videoing him, and he resigned to this behavior. The other jackhole is the @AmericanAir flight attendant who reprimanded me and offered him rum! pic.twitter.com/dHeUysrKTu
Viewers couldn’t decide properly who was in the wrong, split between thinking it was unfair of her continuing to recline her seat knowing, as the last in a row, he couldn’t recline his, or if he was in the wrong for acting in such a violent way.
‘I’d really glad that plane passenger #WendiWilliams posted her video of a horrid man continuously pushing the back of her reclined seat, I would have spun around and told him to pack-it-in the first time he did it!,’ wrote one viewer.
Another added: ‘If I do fly, I have to recline my seat due to my hip condition, every little helps. If you weren’t meant to, it wouldn’t be an option.’
However, others had less sympathy and told him: ‘He was sitting at the back of the plane and couldn’t recline his seat, she is a selfish mare.’
‘Seats should NOT recline causing the person behind to be squashed.People who recline are selfish idiots! However, the man banging the seat was a twat too !#ThisMorning,’ a fourth chimed in.
However, quite a few sat in the middle – and said they were just as bad as each other.
‘I would need to recline my seat on a long flight due to scoliosis but a short flight like that, there’s no need to recline especially if asked not to! However, if he started punching my chair like that, there’s no way I’d lift my seat up! #ThisMorning,’ one fan wrote.
‘#ThisMorning that woman was just being stubborn. The bloke behind shouldn’t keep hitting the chair cushion, but they’re both as bad as each other,’ said a final viewer. ‘Air stewards should have told her to sit up and him to stop punching the chair.’
This Morning airs weekdays at 10am on ITV.
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Bob Iger has been at the top since 2005 (Picture: Getty Images)
Bob Iger is stepping down as Disney’s CEO in order to spend more time on the ‘creative side’ of the company.
The 69-year-old joined the company way back in 1996, becoming CEO in 2005.
Bob Chapek, who joined Disney in 1993 and has been serving as chairman of Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, will be taking on the new role, with Iger staying as executive chairman until the end of next year.
Explaining his decision, Iger told Wall Street analysts this week: ‘The company has gotten larger and more complex in the recent 12 months. With the asset base in place, and our strategy essentially deployed, I felt that I should spend as much time as possible with the creative side of our businesses … because that becomes our biggest priority in 2021.’
He added: ‘My goal is that when I leave here [Chapek] will be just as steeped with all matters creative at the company as I am today…
‘I have the utmost confidence in Bob and look forward to working closely with him over the next 22 months as he assumes this new role and delves deeper into Disney’s multifaceted global businesses and operations, while I continue to focus on the Company’s creative endeavors.’
Disney acquired Marvel under Iger’s watch (Picture: Rex Features)
Most recently, Iger has been a huge part of the launch of Disney’s newest venture, streaming service Disney+.
Although the site has yet to launch in the UK, it racked up 10 million subscribers within its first 24 hours in the US.
Bob Chapek will be taking over (Picture: Getty Images)
However, the success could be short-lived, after experts revealed it might lose consumers over the lack of programs meant for adults.
Bernstein analyst Todd Juenger said: ‘Disney+ has probably already achieved its peak absolute net adds in the first quarter of its existence. In other words, there will probably never be another year where Disney+ adds as many subscribers as it did in the first year, or frankly in its first quarter.’
He went on to predict that the channel is due to hit around 40 million subscribers by the end of 2020. In contrast, Netflix has added 167 million worldwide subscribers since launching in 2010.
Fans will be able to get their hands on beloved Star Wars spin-off The Mandalorian, which introduced us to the phenomenon that is Baby Yoda, as well mockumentary High School Musical: The Musical: The Series and The World According To Jeff Goldblum.
Other shows include Mary Poppins, Malcolm In The Middle and Wandavision, with Disney+ offering a whole host of shows across Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars and National Geographic.
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We’re just a day away from finding out who will be representing the United Kingdom at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.
But diehard fans reckon they’ve already figured out who will be unveiled.
The rumour mill has predicted that John Newman will be repping the UK in Rotterdam and we’ve got to say, we’re feeling this.
On Tuesday, the BBC shared a teaser video for the entry – due to be announced on Thursday 27 February – showing a figure walking through a snowy forest, surrounded by towering trees.
And social media sleuths proved they’re basically unpaid detectives as they unearthed clues connecting the video to Newman, 29.
Back in January, the Love Me Again singer shared a picture from a very similar looking forest – albeit without the snow – and captioned it: ‘A walk in the woods takes the stress away! All i need is a sauna and a freezing cold lake to get in then marshmellows by the fire! Jn summed up [sic].’
And John just added more fuel to the fire with a series of tweets.
One read: ‘Nearly time for a head to head that’s been coming a while’, another: ‘Huge week incoming’ – both of which have now been deleted.
However, a remaining tweet reads: ‘Sush sush whispers. Im locked loaded and ready hahaha’, while another said: ‘Im ready. Take me into next week like……’
James is a successful songwriter (Picture: Instagram)
And another deleted tweet, reading ‘It’s a family affair’, has Eurovision fans believing John’s brother James Newman is also involved in the UK entry – or could be going it alone.
James is a Grammy nominated songwriter who has written tunes like Blame, by his brother and Calvin Harris, All I Am by Jess Glynne and Waiting All Night by Rudimental and Ella Eyre.
He also has experience at Eurovision – he penned the song Dying For Try for Brendan Murray, which represented Ireland in 2017 but failed to make it to the grand final.
While nothing has been confirmed, people are pretty buzzing at the thought of John heading to Eurovision, saying it would be the first time in a while that it looked like the contest was being taken seriously in the UK.
if the rumours are true that John Newman is representing UK at #Eurovision… then bring it on. heâs got a fantastic voice and heâs also a great writer. Love Me Again was a massive hit across Europe so thatâs promising ð¤ pic.twitter.com/td8VionEZN
If the UK sending John Newman there will be no choice but to stan
— Bá´É´á´á´á´ÉªÉ¢É´á´ ð¦ðº (@icelandistan) February 25, 2020
Some Internet detectives believe it’s James Newman, brother of John Newman who wrote the song. Others believe it’s the other way around. So John or James Newman with one writing and the other singing.
John’s big break came in 2012 when he provided the vocals for Rudimental’s number one hit Feel The Love, and the following year, he had one of the biggest hits of 2013 with his debut single Love Me Again.
He has also had smashes with Blame with Calvin Harris, Give Me Your Love with Sigala and Nile Rodgers, and his solo songs Come And Get It and Olé.
The Yorkshire singer said: ‘I was like I either keep doing music this way, and it keeps declining, and I keep going deeper into depression, or I stop and I go live my life somewhere else, I don’t need to live in London. Or the third option was I go see somebody, I deal with this, and I make music that expresses myself and get my heart out and love every second and not give a s*** about the formula like I used to. So I decided to go for that option.
‘If that doesn’t work, I’ll go live on a farm, because I’m not going back to that, I’m not going back to trying to score a goal from the other end of the pitch.’
The UK, which automatically gets through to the Eurovision grand final due to being one of the Big Five, hasn’t had the best luck at the contest in recent years.
Blue had the best showing for the UK in the past decade, coming 11th in 2011 with I Can, but last year, Michael Rice came dead last with his song Bigger Than Us.
And the UK has come 24th three times in the past five years (with Electro Velvet, Joe and Jake and SuRie).
The 2020 Eurovision entrant for the UK will be announced tomorrow on BBC Breakfast with Greg James and on Radio 2 with Ken Bruce.
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Alison Hammond and the This Morning team are branching out with their interviewing techniques – but we have to admit, Alison’s latest attempt felt a little wooden.
The TV host went to Calderstones Park in Liverpool to see what the hype was about with one of the oldest trees in the UK, which is nominated for European tree of the year.
Logging its interest in getting the award, the thousand-year-old Allerton Oak spoke via ‘tree whisperer’ Holly, who spoke on its behalf.
‘It feels very exciting it’s an honour to be recognised in this award,’ she told a baffled Alison.
‘So the tree’s just said that to you?,’ the host asked. ‘Oh my God. That’s amazing.’
Phillip Schofield couldn’t quite be-leaf it either, and immediately started getting the giggles as he watched the interview unfold.
Alison went and had a chat with a 1,000 year old tree (Picture: ITV)
Phillip was seen getting the giggles back in London (Picture: ITV)
The tree then added that others around him aren’t jealous from the conversation it’s getting, and said: ‘No [they’re not jealous] because this is a community and the more people that come to see me, will come to see them.’
However, by the end of the chat they started turning into a bit of a diva, and didn’t like it when Alison tried to get a response herself.
The tree spoke through Whisperer, Holly (Picture: BBC)
Asking its favourite memory of all time, Alison felt disappointed as she told Holly: ‘I’m not getting anything babes.’
Phillip then asked the tree’s exact age, to which she was told: ‘The tree does not measure time in the exact way we do, so the tree does not have an exact answer.’
If you guys ever want to root out the tree itself to see if it speaks to you, leaf us a note and let us know.
This Morning airs weekdays from 10am on ITV.
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Does Homer actually know he’s a cartoon in The Simpsons? (Pictures: 20th Century Fox)
The Simpsons fans are convinced that Homer Simpson knows he is a cartoon – and he’s had us fooled all along.
Let’s take you back to season four, when in one particular episode, Homer meets God on more than one occasion.
At the beginning, Homer has a dream after deciding that he doesn’t need to go to church to remain faithful.
During his dream, God sits with him in the Simpsons’ house and Homer defended his actions for not going to church: ‘I am not a bad guy, I work hard and I love my kids so why should I spend half my Sunday listening about how I am going to hell?’
And at the end of the show, he sees God again and asks him what the meaning of life is. God goes to answer him, but it cuts to the credits before we can find out.
‘God, I gotta ask you something, what is the meaning of life?’ Homer asked.
Homer meets god on more than one occasion during the episode (Picture: 20th Century Fox)
As Homer and god walk into the light, Homer asks ‘What is the meaning of life?’ (Picture: FOX)
God responded: ‘Homer, I can’t tell you that, you’ll find out when you die.’
‘I can’t wait that long,’ whined Homer.
‘What, you can’t wait six months? Ok, the meaning of life is…’
Although one eagle-eyed fan on Reddit has a theory that makes total sense – that God tells Homer he’s a cartoon.
The post read: ‘Homer, in this moment, learns that there are almost never lasting consequences for his actions. He can quit his job, go to space, ignore his kids and wife, whatever he wants. He’s in a status quo forever.
‘This explains why Homer has become a bit crueler in the later years of the show. He’s lost some empathy and knows he’s basically untouchable now.
‘Occasionally, he’ll see real consequences (Marge leaving him in the movie), but this motivates him further to not let this be the new status quo. ‘
And while the theory had some fans stumped, others couldn’t help but agree with it.
One responded: ‘I like this theory because it means that Homer doesn’t really KNOW for SURE that he’s a Cartoon, he just thinks he may have had a dream where God tells him this.’
Another commented: ‘Really digging this one, man. Sounds plausible and explains a lot. Good job.’
A third added: ‘Definitely better than “It was a dream/coma/hallucination” But would Homer be clever enough to keep this secret only to himself?’
One exclaimed: ‘I know tree house episodes aren’t canon but in one of the earlier ones he ends up going to the third dimension and eventually our world so there’s some padding to your theory as well.’
The Simpsons is available to stream on Disney+ in the US.
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Chandler Riggs looked the part as he celebrated the show (Picture: Getty/MEGA)
The Walking Dead’s Chandler Riggs looked suave as he joined co-stars Allison Miller and Betsy Brandt for the screening of his show A Million Little Things.
Breaking Bad actress Betsy Brandt looked cool in all-black as she posed on the red carpet, while Allison Miller went for a co-ordinating checked look for the event, held at The Paley Center in Los Angeles.
The series follows a group of pals as they live through the unexpected death of a close friend, and become motivated to live fuller lives.
It’s nearing the end of its second series, with fans on the edge of their seats about what’s set to happen next.
The cast rocked up for a screening and conversation about the series (Picture: Getty Images)
Chandler chatted away to his co-stars (Picture: MEGA)
Chandler, who plays Patrick ‘PJ’ Nelson in the series, previously opened up about how different the show is to The Walking Dead – and how he’s enjoying not being seen as the child on set anymore.
‘The interesting part about being on A Million Little Things is, now that I’m 20, the cast and crew don’t see me as the kid on the set,’ he previously explained to the New York Post.
‘When I was on The Walking Dead I was always seen as the kid and everyone else was in their 30s and couldn’t just hang out with a 14-year-old. That would’ve been kind of weird.’
He went on to say that the show is a lot ‘lighter’ that TWD.
‘We joke around a lot more and it’s definitely a much lighter environment in general,’ he pointed out. ‘I didn’t realize how dark The Walking Dead was … there were so many hefty, emotional scenes that weren’t easy to snap out of.’
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As she counts down the clock to the arrival of her baby boy, Malika is also thinking about snapping back after giving birth and will be visiting a renowned cosmetic surgeon.
In her latest Instagram post, a smiling Malika poses alongside Dr Jason Diamond – who stars in Netflix series Celebrity Plastic Surgeons of Beverly Hills – at his Los Angeles-based surgery.
‘Stopped by just to see my fav @drjasondiamond and I’m fully book for my post pregnancy makeover. I can’t wait! [sic].’
It’s not known what procedure Malika plans on undergoing but Dr Jason is best known for facials and surgery like rhinoplasty.
Malika’s friend and Khloe’s older sister, Kourtney Kardashian, is also a fan of Dr Jason’s work and visited his clinic in January to have micro-needling on her face.
Malika will be paying Dr Jason a visit after giving birth (Picture: Malika Haqq, Instagram)
The cosmetic surgeon has also worked on celebrities like Olivia Culpo, Sofia Richie and Amber Rose who also recently gave birth.
Malika’s plans for a post-pregnancy makeover received a mixed reaction from her followers.
Many suggested she should wait to see how she feels after giving birth, with one advising: ‘Let your body heal on its on,’ while another wondered: ‘Is this a thing? To schedule plastic surgery before even seeing what your body will be like after birth?’
One expectant mother struggled to relate and said: ‘Wow…I’m 10mos pp and that’s the absolute LAST thing on my mind Rn [right now].’
Malika is expecting a baby boy with ex OT Genasis (Picture: Getty Images)
Another follower weighed in: ‘Who worries about this pregnant lmao.’
But others rushed in to defend Malika, with one praising: ‘At least you are honest! Mommy makeover ready.’
‘Leave her alone, I’d do it if I could ! Go mama,’ another encouraged.
Also standing in Malika’s corner was another follower who hit back: ‘To everyone that busy with the “seriously” “too soon”….RELAX!!! Its her body, and you pretty much have no say.’
Showering the mother-to-be with complements, one said: ‘You’re beautiful @malika you don’t need it,’ while another agreed: ‘For what boo? You look good!!’
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And now the fandom have found a secret tool after looking up their favourite characters following the announcement.
Taking to Reddit, one user explained: ‘GUYS! If you Google Regina Phalange, a guitar pops up next to Phoebe. If you click it, she sings Smelly Cat to you!’
They’re not wrong, however, what’s even cuter is a cartoon cat appears at the bottom of the screen while the song plays in the background.
The comments section was then filled with even more hidden treasures, such as when you search Ross Geller, a sofa appears making the screen pivot.
A picture of a cat appears on your screen when searching Phoebe’s alter-ego (Picture: Getty Images)
Googling Rachel Green takes to to Jen’s iconic hairdos; your screen gets a wash when searching Monica Geller; and duck and chick appear for Chandler Bing.
As for Joey Tribbiani, numerous snacks flood the screen before he comes and snatches them all up.
Just recently it was announced that the cast would be returning, as they all shared the same picture on Instagram alongside the caption: ‘It’s happening…’
As well as the original cast returning, it will be filmed on the original Friends soundstage, Stage 24 on the Warner Bros. Studio lot in Burbank, California, where the series was originally filmed.
The gang are getting back together for a reunion (Picture: Instagram)
According to Variety, each of the stars will receive at least $2.5million (£1.92million) for the TV appearance.
The special is currently untitled and unscripted, according to the publication – which means it remains to be seen what the exact format of the special will be.
Kevin Reilly, chief content officer art HBO Max said in a statement: ‘Guess you could call this the one where they all got back together — we are reuniting with David, Jennifer, Courteney, Matt, Lisa, and Matthew for an HBO Max special that will be programmed alongside the entire Friends library.
‘I became aware of Friends when it was in the very early stages of development and then had the opportunity to work on the series many years later and have delighted in seeing it catch on with viewers generation after generation.
‘It taps into an era when friends – and audiences – gathered together in real time and we think this reunion special will capture that spirit, uniting original and new fans.’
Friends is now available to stream on Netflix.
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Love Is Blind star Jessica reveals dog survived the wine but almost died by a stick (Picture: Instagram)
Love Is Blind star Jessica Batten has revealed her pooch Payton was almost killed while filming the Netflix series after accidentally gobbling up a small stick.
Payton became a viral sensation for all the wrong reasons this week after she guzzled on reality TV hero Jessica’s glass of red wine.
While fans feared for the golden retriever, her owner has confirmed the pup was rushed to hospital with the ordeal caught on camera.
In a lengthy Instagram post with various photos of Payton, Jessica wrote to her 98,000 followers: ‘This is my doggy Payton.
During the filming of the show in 2018, she ingested a very small piece of a stick. Unfortunately, this little stick lodged into her intestines in the perfect way that the vet had to perform surgery to remove it.
‘While she was opened up on the table, the surgeon called me and told me she wouldn’t make it through since they needed to cut out most of the intestine. She was 5 years old.’
Jessica explained she was ‘beside herself’ as producers continued to film the ordeal, with Payton struggling with the trauma post-surgery.
‘Every night after working and filming my struggles with whether love was blind or not, I would go lay with her in the ICU cage and every night I thought would be the last time I would see my pretty girl. This went on for ten days.’
Thankfully Payton is not only alive and well but is ‘thriving’, according to Jessica.
Interestingly, there was no mention of Mark in the post – her 24-year-old fiancé who is still planning on walking down the aisle with Jessica in Love Is Blind despite her openly cracking on with another contestant, Matt Barnett, and only seeming to be happy when there’s a wall between them.
Fans of the Netflix series will discover if Jessica and Mark will actually tie the knot this week…
Love Is Blind concludes this Thursday on Netflix.
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Kaley Cuoco is having a turtle of a time on the set of The Flight Attendant (Picture: Backgrid; kaleycuoco/Instagram)
Kaley Cuoco ishaving the time of her life on the set of new HBO Max show The Flight Attendant as a behind-the-scenes snap shows her getting close to a giant turtle.
In a seriously cute photo, Kaley was seen up against the glass and blowing a kiss to the huge marine reptile.
‘Amazing shooting location today at the NY Aquarium .. everyone waited all day and night for the famous Loggerhead turtle to make his presence known,’ she wrote in the caption.
‘As we wrapped, he finally appeared and came down to give me a window kiss.’
Kaley added: ‘It was kinda the sweetest thing ever and he definitely knew what he was doing.’ (Sic)
Kaley got up close and personal with a huge turtle BTS (Picture: Instagram/ @emmamadelineross)
The 34-year-old actress took a phone call before flagging down a taxi on location in New York City for the upcoming show, where she plays the main character Cassie Bowden.
Kaley seemed concerned on the phone as she filmed scenes for The Flight Attendent earlier this week (Picture: GC Images)
The Big Bang Theory star climbed into the taxi (Picture: GC Images)
The upcoming series is based on the New York Times best-selling novel of the same name by Chris Bohjalia, about a woman whose life changes in one night.
Kaley is not only producing the new show, but she is also starring in it as Cassie, who wakes up in her hotel room hungover from the night before.
A nightmare then strikes when Cassie realises there’s a dead body next to her and she knows the guy – but not how he died. She panics, and the story spirals from there.
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Harvey Weinstein could be placed on round-the-clock surveillance in jail (Picture: Reuters, Getty)
Officials at the jail where Harvey Weinstein is expected to await sentencing, reportedly fear they’ll be faced with a Jeffrey Epstein type of situation.
Now, high-ranking officials at New York City’s Department of Corrections have told TMZ that ‘anxiety is running high’ over Weinstein’s safety at the detention centre.
According to the publication, a plan is being put into place to ensure that Weinstein has round-the-clock surveillance to avoid a detrimental situation.
He’s expected to await sentencing at Rikers Island (Picture: Reuters)
Jeffrey Epstein died by suicide at a New York jail last year (Picture: AP)
An investigation into Epstein’s death is ongoing as, although taken off suicide watch shortly before he died, guards were still expected to check in on him frequently.
Weinstein’s lawyers have requested that he is housed at Rikers Island’s North Infirmary Command, which is typically used for high-profile inmates and those with poor health.
The disgraced businessman could also end up at the Annex and have his own cell. It’s claimed that Weinstein will have Department of Corrections officers escorting him around the facility when he’s out of his cell walking around.
Weinstein is said to be in ‘good spirits’ in hospital (Picture: EPA)
Weinstein’s lawyer Arthur Aidala shared an update on the producer’s health and said: ‘He’s in pretty good spirits. He’s energised.
‘There is a portion of him where he’s just scratching his head and he doesn’t know how this happened, but he’s cautiously optimistic about prevailing on appeal.’
Following the guilty verdict, Manhattan’s District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr celebrated the court’s decision and told reporters: ‘Weinstein is a vicious, serial sexual predator who used his power to threaten, rape, assault and trick, humiliate and silence his victims.
‘This is the new landscape for survivors of sexual assault in America.
‘It is a new day because Harvey Weinstein has finally been held accountable for crimes he committed.’
Weinstein has maintained his innocence and his lawyers plan to appeal the verdict. He is due for sentencing on 11 March.
Metro.co.uk has contacted NYC’s Department of Corrections for comment.
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Are you good enough to get the rare armour? (pic: Bungie)
Destiny 2’s most difficult PvP mode is returning to the game next month, with the old Egyptian-themed armour also making a comeback.
Destiny modes and features come and go but the toughest competitive challenge remains Trials Of Osiris from the first game.
It was a team-based Elimination style mode that required a special Trials Passage ticket, but if you lost three times you had to buy a new one with in-game currency.
That obviously made it very difficult, with the rewards being some unique armour sets based around ancient Egyptian gods.
The last Trials Of Osiris event was in August 2017, but Bungie has now announced that it will be added to Destiny 2 on 13 March.
Coming with it will be the much-coveted armour, which will now glow if you manage to get a Flawless run in the game.
Bungie will also be bringing back a number of old Destiny 1 maps, such as Anomaly, Exodus Blue, and Cauldron.
Although it wasn’t obvious at the time, the return has been teased for a while now, as players have been encouraged to donate materials to a beacon on Mercury, which will now be use to build a new Lighthouse to host the trials.
Nicolas Cage visited a tomb he bought for himself in New Orleans with a mystery woman (Picture: SWNS)
Nicolas Cage has been checking up on a tomb he bought for himself almost a decade ago that sits in a cemetery in New Orleans.
He’s headed to the city for its Mardi Gras celebrations and stopped by the famous St Louis Cemetery No 1 in the French Quarter while holding hands with a mystery woman.
Both Nicolas and his lady were wearing Mardi Gras beads around their necks, with the National Treasure star causally dressed in leather trousers and a leather jacket.
He wore a plain white t-shirt underneath his biker combo and also rocked a dark pair of shades.
Back in 2010, the actor bought two plots within New Orleans’ oldest cemetery and a huge pyramid tomb now sits in one of them.
It stands out among the centuries-old burials that sit within the cemetery and the empty stone tomb stands at 9ft tall. It has, ‘Omnia Ab Uno’ printed across it which translates as ‘Everything From One’.
The actor was seen holding hands with the woman as they left St Louis Cemetery No 1 in the French Quarter (Picture: SWNS)
Nicolas rocked leather trouser and a leather jacket for the trip (Picture: SWNS)
The cemeteries in New Orleans are of huge importance to those that live there and the above-ground burials – the dead have to be buried above ground in New Orleans because the city’s water table is so high that flooding pushed coffins above the surface – are used again and again within one family.
Nicolas has never publicly commented on why he snapped up the plots for himself, but it’s not the first time he’s made purchases in New Orleans.
He previously bought the haunted LaLaurie Mansion and the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel, but no longer owns them as of 2009.
He bought the empty 9ft tall tomb in the famous cemetery back in 2010 (Picture: SWNS)
Nicolas’ appearance with mystery woman comes after his divorce last year (Picture: SWNS)
He and Erika had married in a surprise Las Vegas wedding back in March last year, but their marriage only lasted a few days, before Nicolas realised he wanted out.
He filed for an annulment and was later granted a divorce by a judge in June.
The actor split from Erika (above) after four days of marriage following their Vegas wedding in 2019(Picture: Backgrid)
The Blast obtained the documents which claim Cage ‘lacked understanding of his actions in marrying [Erika] to the extent that he was incapable of agreeing to the marriage.’
His lawyers allegedly state: ‘Prior to obtaining a marriage license and participating in a marriage ceremony, [Cage] and [Koike] were both drinking to the point of intoxication.
‘As a result of his intoxication, when [Koike] suggested to [Cage] that they should marry, [Cage] reacted on impulse and without the ability to recognise or understand the full impact of his actions.’
It as Nicolas’ fourth marriage. He split from first wife Patricia Arquette in 2001 and went on to marry Lisa Marie Presley in 2002.
Nicolas and Lisa were married for three months before splitting and their divorce was finalised in 2004 – the same year Nicolas married third wife Alice Kim.
He and Alice were together for 12 years and share 13-year-old son Kal-El.
If you’ve got a celebrity story, video or pictures get in touch with the Metro.co.uk entertainment team by emailing us celebtips@metro.co.uk, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page – we’d love to hear from you.
Phillip Schofield has been left questions whether or not he should ‘self-isolate’ amid coronavirus fears following a trip with his family to Paris.
The star headed off to the holiday last week with his wife Steph and their daughters Molly and Ruby, just as the coronavirus sparked fears, and travel guidelines amid the outbreak were put in place.
As a result, he was left worried he should be in quarantine despite not having any symptoms, as per guidelines by World Health Organisation
Speaking with journalist Nick Ferrari and Coronation Street actress Nicola Thorp, Phillip said that he felt like the guidelines weren’t clear enough about when it’s appropriate to go into isolation.
‘Last week I was in Paris. So do I put myself into self-isolation? Shut down this place?,’ he quizzed.
Nicola agreed and said: ‘The guidelines don’t seem to be particularly clear for everybody, and we read this stories, and it does seem to me that we’re constantly talking about coronavirus without fully understanding the implications of it and how it can be spread.’
Phillip and wife Steph went to Paris just last week with their daughters (Picture: Instagram)
Schofield asked if he needed to be worried (Picture: ITV)
He later explained: ‘The pores and the fibers in them are too big for the virus. The virus is smaller than the wavelength of light, they will just pass straight through them, they will infect you by your eyes potentially.’
This Morning continues weekdays from 10am on ITV.
Wuhan Coronavirus - is there a vaccine and what are the symptoms?
Cases have also been reported in other parts of the world including Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Vietnam, South Korea, Thailand, Canada, the US, France and Germany.
Is there a vaccine for coronavirus?
There is no current cure for the Wuhan Coronavirus, with scientists working on a vaccine (Picture: EPA)
Those reported to be working on a potential vaccine include National Institutes of Health as well as other private companies including Inovio, Novavax, Johnson and Johnson and Moderna - the latter working directly with US government health agencies.
Despite all the combined efforts it could still be a while before a vaccine against the current coronavirus is ready.
A spokesman for the Institutes said that it could be a few months before the first clinical trials get underway, and a year or more before it's available.
Meanwhile Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, who are also reported to be working on a vaccine, have said that if one were developed it would most likely be given to healthcare workers first due to their exposure to patients suffering from coronavirus.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
The coronavirus causes respiratory tract infection and can cause pneumonia in more severe cases (Picture: Science Photo Library)
While many of those affected have shown only mild symptoms, some have gone on to develop fluid in the lungs consistent with viral pneumonia.
The virus is more likely to progress into a severe illness or prove fatal among older patients or those with weakened immune systems.
There is no specific cure for the coronavirus - as it's a viral infection, antibiotics won't help.
The World Health Organisation has suggested avoiding close contact with anyone suffering from an acute respiratory infection and ensuing that coughs and sneezes are covered with disposable tissues or clothing.
They also recommend regular hand-washing as well as avoiding unprotected contact with wild or farm animals.
Coleen Nolan has revealed she is scared of catching coronavirus, just days before she is due to fly to Italy with her sisters to film their new show.
Coleen and her celeb sisters Linda, Maureen, and Anne will be heading to Italy on Friday to film for their new show The Nolans: In the Mood for Cruising.
They will embark on two cruises around the Mediterranean onboard the MSC Grandiosa and across the eight-episode series, they will prepare to perform their hit single I’m In The Mood For Dancing on their final night on the ship in front of their fellow passengers.
And while Coleen admitted that she didn’t think much of it until now, she is now starting to worry about the trip after 11 people were confirmed to have died from the coronavirus in Italy so far.
‘I am about to embark on a cruise with my sisters that goes around Italy,’ she began.
‘And I thought I wasn’t worried but then because everything has come out about Italy now, it’s mainly Northern Italy at the moment. But I am thinking they are saying that.’
‘Where do you get on the boat?’ Janet Street-Porter asked.
Coleen responded: ‘I am meant to get on it at Genoa but we fly into Milan.’
Coleen admitted she is scared of catching Coronavirus (Picture: ITV)
The Loose Women host said she wasn’t worried about it before now (Picture: ITV)
She continued: ‘I didn’t think I was worried but I am.’
Denise Welsh also weighed into the discussion as she revealed she is going on holiday to Tenerife, but isn’t letting the virus spread hold her back.
She added: ‘I have booked a holiday to Tenerife. I, however, feel that although this is a serious situation we can’t all go into lockdown as everything would stop.’
It seems Coleen has changed her tune, after revealing on Monday’s show: ‘A friend of mine would not order a Chinese in case she got coronavirus.
‘She’s no longer my friend and, on the other hand, I had a great Chinese.’
The Loose Women panel went on to debate coronavirus further, amid certain cities in China being ordered to quarantine.
Coleen added: ‘I think it’s just scare-mongering and also this whole thing about self-isolating, wouldn’t we all have to do it together? Because if I do it for a month, walk out and you lot haven’t done it, I’m going to catch it again…’
Loose Women airs weekdays at 12:30pm on ITV.
If you’ve got a celebrity story, video or pictures get in touch with the Metro.co.uk entertainment team by emailing us celebtips@metro.co.uk, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page – we’d love to hear from you.