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Captain Marvel fan notices several Pulp Fiction Easter eggs buried in new MCU release

Captain Marvel poster with Brie Larson
Easter is here in Captain Marvel (Picture: Marvel)

While everyone raves about the latest MCU release, Captain Marvel, one fan has gone a little deeper and revealed one pretty epic collection of Easter eggs.

We love a good ol’ hidden detail that harps back to another film – and this one was even sweeter as the film in question had nothing to do with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But it did have a tie to one of its current players – Samuel L Jackson.

The actor plays Shield lead Nick Fury in the Carol Danvers tale, starring opposite Brie Larson. And one punter noticed a nice nod to Samuel’s character Jules Winnfield from the cult classic.

Alerted to the attention of Twitter, user Jeff Rothman posted a side-by-side comparison of Skrull leader Talos (played by Ben Mendelsohn) drinking from a fast food cup eerily similar to the Big Kahuna Burger cup Samuel drank from in the 90s Quentin Tarantino flick.

From the shot, to the angle to the expression, it all aligns and it’s beautiful.

That wasn’t all though, as the same fan also noticed another buried potential Pulp Fiction love.

This time, still with Nick, Samuel’s character rode alongside Phil Coulson (played by Clark Gregg) on a ride while wearing matching suits.

C’mon, that is totally a riff on the ‘Royale with cheese’ scene from the 1994 drama, as Jules and John Travolta’s Vincent Vega debate over the name of McDonald’s meals. Fight us if you disagree.

This image released by Disney-Marvel Studios shows Samuel L. Jackson in a scene from "Captain Marvel." (Disney-Marvel Studios via AP)
It was rooted in the 90s (Picture: Disney-Marvel Studios)

Oh, you think that’s it? According to Comic Book, there was a third homage (three makes a trend, right?) after a Happy Days lunchbox opens with a blue glow. If you remember back to Pulp Fiction, the mystery suitcase presented to the characters opened with a nice little golden aura.

We see what game they’re playing here.

Whether the Easter eggs are serious or but a yolk, fans are lapping up the latest movie ahead of Avengers: Endgame.

Everyone is loving the new movie sick, as it raked in over $455million (£350million) in the global box office over the weekend, following its release on Friday 8 March.

An epic nod for female-led movies, as well, it broke the record for the previous female-fronted moneymaker, which was Beauty And The Beast (which earned $357 million [£275million]).

It came in at second to its Infinity War counterpart that took in $640.5 million (£493million) upon its release last year.

Guess it really did promise to go higher, further, faster, eh?

Captain Marvel is in cinemas now.

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MORE: Room’s Jacob Tremblay ‘proud’ of on-screen mum Brie Larson as he raves about Captain Marvel

MORE: Captain Marvel to I, Tonya: McKenna Grace has a long history playing younger movie characters

Games Inbox: Too many zombie video games, Battlefield V Firestorm, and The Division 2 day one patch

Days Gone - zombies, zombies everywhere
Days Gone – are zombies still cool?

The morning Inbox can’t wait to say goodbye to the Xbox One dashboard, as one reader is keen to see how much Devil May Cry 5 sold.

To join in with the discussions yourself email gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk


Zombies days gone

Very interested to read your interview with the Days Gone developer, which, as we’ve come to expect, didn’t spare him from any hard questions. The underlying problem with the game seemed to be how unimaginative it all was, with no real new ideas beyond the tech of the horde. Although I’m sure for many people this will be enough.

I think the other reader was probably spot on when he pointed out that six years ago The Walking Dead was huge and they were just trying to copy that. Which again underlines how slow video games can be in following trends and how it’s dangerous for them to do so because how quickly things can change.

Ignoring the developer’s strange assertation that zombie were somehow more grounded than anything else, I really don’t understand why they picked them and didn’t predict that maybe in six years people would get sick of them. If it was werewolves or, I dunno, vampires or giant insects or aliens or any other kind of monster would not the fact that they’re not so common in games not immediately be seen as a positive?

I guess that’s me just being naïve and that actually most people – especially marketing execs – want things that are similar, not different. But given zombie games are less common nowadays does that mean people have got tired of them or not? Maybe the general public don’t feel their zombie-shooting fantasises are being fully catered for anymore, meaning Days Gone will be a huge hit. I guess we’ll see in a couple of months.
Big Mike


Blades of Order

As an Xbox One owner that feels they’ve put up with a lot of nonsense this gen the one thing I really hope to see from the new console is a brand new interface. The one for the Xbox One is, and I say this without any hyperbole whatsoever, the worst interface I have used for any electronic device ever in my 34 years of existence.

It’s slow, it’s unintuitive, it’s almost impossible to navigate with any kind of precision, and it’s really boring to look at. And it’s slow. I know I said that already but it can’t be said enough what a complete pain it is to do anything with it. The thing is the original (which was heavily based on Windows Phone) was bad enough but it’s got worse with every update.

I miss the nice, simple blades of the Xbox 360. I know the PlayStation 4 dashboard is boring and a bit random but at least you can navigate it simply and quickly. It’s not a high part to beat but the Xbox One is just a nightmare to navigate and getting rid of it is honestly one of the things I’m most looking forward to in the next gen.


Results day

Really looking forward to seeing how Devil May Cry 5 does in the charts on Monday. I know it’s never going to be a big seller but if it can do well, and better than the previous games, then I hope that’s going to give Capcom even more confidence to continue on their current trend of making unapologetically old school games and not trying to chase the latest trends (although I don’t mind if they do that with new IP).

If Devil May Cry 5 is a hit then I think a new Onimusha has got to be a dead cert, after that recent remaster gave away their effort. Personally I’d like to see Dino Crisis first, but hopefully we can get both.

Square Enix sounds like they should be taking a leaf out of their book, because after yet another disappointment with Left Alive it feels like they haven’t really got a clue anymore.


E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk


No plan

There’s zero chance they don’t know about it, so does anyone else find it weird that EA hasn’t bothered to take down that leaked Firestorm video for Battlefield V? Presumably they are going to officially reveal it at some point, but the longer they leave it up there the more people are going to see it early. It just feels like they don’t care.

It makes me think of that recent letter about publishers having no long-term plan for anything, and this reeks of EA thinking, ‘Well, Apex Legends is doing well so why bother about anything else?’ I’d like to think it’s not that simple but everything they’ve done with it and Anthem kinda reeks of that.

I used to think publishers were all working on some higher level of planning that we didn’t understand just seeing the consumer end of it, but the more I learn about the industry the more it just seems like they’re throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. That’s kind of dispiriting to be honest.



What are the chances and who can we pressure to have The Division 2 sold the night before, as was the case with Black Ops 4 due to the hefty day one download? It’s absolutely dampened my excitement, considerably. Knowing if I want to play Friday night I have to buy it first thing Friday and start the install, even then it could be Saturday.

I’d be miffed if I bought the special edition to play two days early to find I wouldn’t be able to actually play until Friday.

Why can Sony not allow ‘patches’ to be pre-installed?

GC: The patch may not be finished early enough to allow for pre-installation. Not to mention the idea of patching games before they’re actually out almost seems like a parody. But tweet Ubisoft about it and see what they say.


Change of scenery

I have some ideas for the setting of Far Cry 6, how about the Middle East? Perhaps Saudi Arabia. Or Cuba, set a year later after the events of Far Cry 4, where you’re a tourist but things go horribly wrong. You meet some creepy Cuban crime boss that has half of the country under his control. We get to see Longinus make an appearance, you gotta help him with a few missions – not just that but also explore the tropical environment and take out some drug lords.

Or Brazil where you’re in the Amazon areas with swamps, facing off against pyro-psychopaths and human traffickers that have burnt down villages, robbed people, sold people into slavery. And anyone that dared to take them on would be chained to a pole and everyone is forced to watch the victims burn to death. I’ve found tons of comments from Far Cry fans that they want the setting to be in Africa again. Sounds cool, I was thinking picking a faction you want to join and the story is split into two depending on which side you choose.

Once you do that the computer will program the faction you didn’t choose to be your enemy. The story can be about a deadly rivalry between two factions wanting complete control over a fictional African country, one of them will claim victory at the end of the game depending which faction you’re with. Just thought I’d share these ideas for the next Far Cry game.


Reaching your limit

Does GC know if there are any games similar to Empires & Puzzles for the Switch or PlayStation 4 without the ads or in-app purchases?

I’m enjoying the game but it’s just a matter of time until I can’t progress any further without paying through the nose, which I’m not prepared to do.

I’d be grateful for any suggestions.

GC: We’ve never heard of the game but it looks like a standard match-three puzzler with some role-playing elements? So probably a knock-off of Puzzle Quest, which is on PlayStation 4. We’ve also heard good things about Battle Chef Brigade on Switch, but haven’t played it ourselves.


Catch up on every previous Games Inbox here


The future is still to come

What a great weekend feature by Panzerwart this weekend! The moment i read the headline, a prediction for the next 47 years, I knew it was going to be good. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it was one of the best Reader’s Features in a long time.

Retro gaming is a passion of mine and to think where we will be in another 47 years really does excite me.

The comparison to movie experiences is very important because I feel even though watching a movie can make you feel like you are with the character. John McClain in that air vent in Die Hard, being with Kevin
McCallister in Home Alone laughing at any and every way he could catch those two burglars out, or (I know I might get a bit of stick for this) The Blair Witch Project where you felt the characters where vulnerable at night at every moment and you where with them.

These sensations are what gaming is trying to strive towards.

The two medias might seem like a stepping stone away but realistically they are miles apart. Another 47 years should do it. Anyone that has been to Disney or Universal Studios cinema theatres will know there is more to cinematic and interactive entertainment than just a big screen with seats.

In 47 years time? Who knows?

Consumers do like to be at the cutting edge of technology, which is why I personally believe gamers rush out and buy the latest game in some sort of hope that it is going to turn their console into some sort of super console. Then turn around and say that ‘other’ game is 12 months old now, even though it’s available for the same system.

Yet I say look back to early cinema? Maybe we are still in the 1950s as far as gaming vs. cinema is concerned.

Nothing wrong with that, I’m just saying I agree with Panzerwart on his feature in saying that there is a whole world and future in front of us.

Make the most of it guys we may just be in the golden era of gaming and I’m just fine with that.


Inbox also-rans

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one that enjoyed Resident Evil 6. I know it has its problems but I have very fond memories of playing that with my old girlfriend.

Crackdown 2 is currently free on Xbox Store and is backwards compatible on Xbox One. If you want to download it you have to give your debit or credit card to Xbox Store though.
Andrew J.


This week’s Hot Topic

The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Ishi, who asks what is your favourite video game soundtrack of the current generation?

That means anything on the Wii U, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, 3DS, or PS Vita – or any new PC game from early 2011 onwards. You can recommend a single song or a whole soundtrack, but we want to know what you think has been the best video game music for the modern formats?

What do you think of current trends in video game music and do you think this generation has been better or worse, in general, for video game music? And do you own any recent soundtracks separately, either as downloads or on CD or vinyl?

E-mail your comments to: gamecentral@ukmetro.co.uk


The small print
New Inbox updates appear twice daily, every weekday morning and afternoon. Readers’ letters are used on merit and may be edited for length.

You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word 4Player viewer features at any time, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.

You can also leave your comments below and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

The Occupation review – a very British Deus Ex

The Occupation (PS4) - return to the era of the digital watch
The Occupation (PS4) – return to the era of the digital watch

A new immersive sim set in an alternate 1980s Britain is an alluring prospect, but can this ambitious new indie game pull it off?

The OccupationGame review: The Occupation is a British Deus Ex

All too often in video games it feels as though your choices don’t make any difference, and that no matter what you do, or how badly your character behaves, you’ll be funnelled down precisely the same path towards a pre-ordained conclusion. There are a few games that attempt to defy that rule though, most obviously The Walking Dead series and the splendid Life is Strange – both of which use conversations as your primary tool for making decisions.

But there’s also the likes of Deus Ex, Dishonored, and Prey, which rely on their environments to give you freedom of choice. The Occupation takes these as its inspiration, its wild ambition putting you in the shoes of investigative journalist Harvey Miller, as he tries to unpick what happened in a terrorist attack that’s being used by the government to push through a brutal anti-immigration bill. Any similarities with real life are presumably in no way coincidental.

The game’s four main levels play out in hour-long chapters that give you an environment to explore, and mysteries to tease out of it, before you have to use your discoveries to interview a key witness. This involves listening in on conversations, reading memos, examining objects, hacking computers, and finding ubiquitous four-digit PINs and keycards. To access an important room you have options such as crawling through an air vent, finding the door code carelessly scrawled on the back of a document, or sneaking in through an unlocked window.

But getting in and out safely involves more thorough investigation; learning characters’ schedules, noticing when they nip out for a crafty cigarette break, or finding out what time the security guard is due to have his lunch. There are also multiple parts to each clue, so finding out about someone’s dodgy past or involvement in a crime is only the first element. You then need to uncover corroborating evidence and find a way to print it out or fax it back to your office. Each confirmed clue then becomes a question in the interview that rounds off the level.

Speaking of faxing, the 80s period detail is a delight. It’s a world of floppy disks, pagers, CRT monitors, and mixtapes, all of which have been fastidiously reproduced. You can open a flap on monitors and adjust their brightness, twiddle the Venetian blinds, or lift and move the needle on record players to play different tracks. And that’s before you’ve started messing about with the game’s many inanimate objects, some of which have hidden messages or notes on them.

The Occupation’s biggest point of difference though, is the fact that its violence-free levels play out in real-time. So if your interview appointment is in an hour you have exactly 60 minutes to conduct your investigation. That makes Harvey’s watch a vital tool, adding to the dramatic tension as the time ticks down to your meeting. If you arrive unprepared, with only the default interrogation paths and no background evidence, you can expect evasive answers that you’ll be ill-equipped to challenge. But even in successful interviews there’s always material you miss, creating significant replay value.

The sandbox exploration levels are interspersed with briefer, more linear walking simulator-style interludes narrated by the mysterious Scarlet Carson, whose husband died in the terror attack. In these sections you listen to her inner monologue whilst strolling through what amounts to a winding, lightly atmospheric corridor. There are minor puzzles to solve, but the real strength of these parts is the voice-acting, which is solid and emotive throughout. It’s particularly nice to hear characters with English and Scottish accents after so many games spent playing as an American.

Architecturally its levels are interesting and often beautiful to look at, evoking recognisably British office spaces and housing. Naturally they also allow for crawl-able air ducts and handy pieces of scaffolding to give traversal more variety, but never at the cost of ambience. You’ll also come across plenty of 80s-sounding tunes to listen to either on vinyl or on one of the game’s many audio cassettes.

The Occupation (PS4) - a very British dystopia
The Occupation (PS4) – a very British dystopia

Unfortunately, despite its soaring aspirations, The Occupation’s technical implementation is regularly its undoing. There are minor glitches like objects floating unsupported at waist-height, moments where you get hooked up on pieces of scenery, and others where the game breaks entirely and you have to quit and start again. However, even when everything’s working perfectly, the unresponsive controls and need to point your cursor at exactly the right place to interact with objects prove to be a hindrance.

The total absence of checkpoints is also an issue, with the game only auto-saving at the end of each chapter, some of which are over an hour long – meaning you have to see each one through to its conclusion or face starting from scratch the next time you play. If you have children or any other form of frequent, unpredictable interruption to your gaming time you’ll find that feature head-shaking in its short sightedness. A simple quick save could have prevented a world of heartache.

You’ll also discover that stealth isn’t always necessary and that characters’ artificial intelligence is can sometimes be overwhelmed. On more than one occasion we found we could simply ignore Steve the security guard ordering us to leave, and blithely carried on rifling through desks, stealing keycards, and noting down passwords and PINs with impunity, while he ineffectually repeated that there was no use running away.

Even more baffling are the subtitles that pop up: ’CHARACTER NEAR YOU DRONE PLAYING’ or ‘CHARACTER LEFT AREA STING PLAYED’. You eventually deduce that these caps lock missives mean a security person is nearby and that you’ve just left a room in which your presence was illegal, but it’s never explained. For a British-made game some of its syntax is at best deeply surreal.

All that makes The Occupation something of an enigma. On one hand it has its sights set on the very best the games industry has to offer, with a genuine sense of guiding your own fate in an uncertain situation. On the other, its highfalutin ambitions are sabotaged by technical flaws, many of which appear, at least on the surface, to be easily avoidable. For patient players and those with many interruption-free hours to spend, this may just be viable. For the rest of us its frustrations all too often outweigh the joy.

The Occupation

In Short: A staggeringly ambitious, gun-free immersive reality detective game set in an alternate 1980s Britain, whose admirable intentions are undermined by technical problems.

Pros: Excellent voice-acting bolsters an unusually deep plot in which your decisions and discoveries feel as though they really matter.

Cons: It suffers from frequent, sometimes game-breaking glitches, there’s no way of saving in levels that take over an hour, and its controls get in the way even when everything’s working as intended.

Score: 6/10

Formats: PlayStation 4 (reviewed), Xbox One, and PC
Price: £24.99
Publisher: Humble Bundle
Developer: White Paper Games
Release Date: 5th March 2019
Age Rating: 12

By Nick Gillett

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The Walking Dead season 9 episode 13 review: Beta is off the leash

Ryan Hurst as Beta is The Walking Dead’s spin on the Terminator (Picture: Jace Downs/AMC)

Warning: Contains spoilers for The Walking Dead season nine.

The Walking Dead might have left behind chasing a discernible endgame, but meandering in the post-apocalypse is far more entertaining with the Whisperers around.

Alpha (Samantha Morton) and Beta’s (Ryan Hurst) band of masked primal survivors seem to have reminded everyone of The Walking Dead’s strengths. While recent seasons were weighed down in drab community politics, the past few episodes have found a comfortable horror B-movie groove which leans into the show’s wilder tendencies.

If last week’s episode showcased Samantha Morton’s brutal leadership, Chokepoint is Ryan Hurst let off the leash. After Daryl, Connie and Henry rescue Lydia from the Whisperers camp, they decide to make a stand against their pursuers by hiding out and fortifying a high-rise building — preventing their fellow Hilltop survivors from harm.

Connie and Daryl are a surprisingly great partnership (Picture: AMC)

Lydia warns Daryl about the Whisperers best fighter, Beta, who is essentially a cross between WWE’s The Undertaker and Halloween’s Michael Myers. As he penetrates the building in a gaggle of walkers, Beta comes to blows with Daryl in a DIY wrestling match – surrounded by knives, wooden planks, and buzzsaws as these titans wallop each other senseless. 

It’s ludicrously silly, but why the hell not? The Walking Dead often back-peddles by trying to establish meaningful connections we simply don’t care about (a collective sigh this week for Henry and Lydia’s dead-eyed ‘romance’), forgetting the show’s USP is the extraordinary circumstance. No one watches The Walking Dead for gooey love stories, we want pulp horror thrills which push relatable characters into dark, morally ambiguous decisions. Or, you know, fights.

While the Whisperers push the show back on course, the Kingdom are quietly becoming the most engaging survivors through added levity. Ezekiel, Jerry and Carol receive a note from a mysterious group threatening to jeopardise safe passage to anyone attending their trade fair. What initially starts out as an assault mission, or one for Jerry’s sword, turns into an agreement based on a punchline – winning them over with the bargaining chip of watching a movie. 

These self-proclaimed ‘Highway Men’ feel like lost dads who were on route to a Steve McQueen convention, riding up to save Tara’s gang on horseback with everything but their cassette tape of The Magnificent Seven. At the moment they feel like death fodder for episodes to come, but I’m secretly hoping they’ll sporadically leave and enter the show whenever the writers run out of methods to save someone from danger. 

Do these really need help from the Highway Men? (Picture: Gene Page/AMC)

The most surprising pivot is Daryl, Connie, Lydia, and Henry potentially breaking away from Hilltop to form a group. The dynamic between Daryl and Connie works surprisingly well, so it feels like a double-edged sword if every dose of them is bundled with Lydia and Henry scrambling for a morsel of chemistry. But will Connie’s sister Kelly let her go? 

As Beta awakens in classic movie serial killer fashion after falling down an elevator shaft, The Walking Dead’s issues are less concerning when it’s having fun with its premise. Instead of juggling countless storylines to set up a finale, the show feels like it’s rediscovered how to entertain in the moment with a leaner, and meaner, payoff. 

The Walking Dead continues on AMC Sundays and airs on Fox UK Mondays at 9pm. 

MORE: The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus shares ‘bad*ss’ shot of pregnant Diane Kruger

MORE: The Walking Dead boss teases ‘action and excitement’ from new season 9 villains the Highwaymen

American Gods season 2 episode 1 review: A hollow return

Something feels off about American Gods (Picture: Amazon)

American Gods charts a war between humongous deities via a sprawling trip across the USA, so why does it feel so pedestrian?

The first season of this Neil Gaiman adaptation held enormous promise. Combining the talents of showrunners Bryan Fuller and Michael Green, with a cast including Ian McShane, Gillian Anderson and Crispin Glover, it was a ripe mixture of visual indulgence, strong source material and outlandish performances which rarely swirls together.

Turns out, it was perhaps too good to be true. After the first season, Bryan and Michael exited the show, with Gillian Anderson and Kristin Chenoweth soon following suit. Jesse Alexander was drafted in as the new showrunner for season two, but then he was allegedly ‘pushed out’ amid script issues. Now, with producers Chris Byrne and Lisa Kussner at the helm, there’s an element of trepidation hanging over what’s emerged on the other side.

Ian McShane keeps the show afloat (Picture: Amazon)

The cast have largely disregarded these backstage woes and, on the surface, everything feels in place. Ian McShane is still commanding the ship as Wednesday/Odin, the visuals are occasionally arresting, and Ricky Whittle still isn’t as likeable as you’d hope as Shadow, but there’s little urgency or sense of the stakes, despite most characters representing almighty gods.

The first episode kicks off directly after the finale, as the old gods assemble at House On The Rock after their confrontation with the new gods at Easter’s house. It’s supposed to be a big moment where these allies come together, but it feels bizarrely flat. The novelty of seeing this ensemble together quickly wears off when the script is overloaded with exposition, rarely giving opportunity for these actors to bounce off one another aside from tired ‘dead girl’ jokes against Laura (Emily Browning). 

Things hold promise when the gods and Shadow are introduced to an enormous, illuminated carousel, which serves as an entry point to Wednesday’s mind. The moment, however, similarly falls short because there’s not much fizzing underneath the visual splendour, with the show quickly skating past to move onto the next set-piece in a Wisconsin restaurant. 

Why does a visual feast like this fall flat? (Picture: Amazon)

All this takes place while the new gods, namely Mr World and Technical Boy, are searching for New Media (now Gillian Anderson has left). They execute an attack to retrieve Shadow from the old gods, abducting him UFO-style while killing Zorya. The show might be setting up the basis for season two, but it’s alarming how so much happens which barely elicits a shrug. 

American Gods has most of the ingredients from before, but there’s something amiss about its execution. There’s no soul between the lavish production, no sense of the scale this war will have, and we’re left with an odd emptiness. Perhaps the show will readjust course when Mad Sweeney becomes more centre stage, but it’s hard not to be ambivalent about this hollow return.

American Gods is available to watch now on Amazon Prime Video. 

MORE: When does American Gods season two begin in the US and when can you see it in the UK?

MORE: Here’s how much American Gods season 2 covers of Neil Gaiman’s book

Brian McFadden belts out Westlife songs at Dancing On Ice wrap party to celebrate James Jordan’s win

Brian lived his best life at the Dancing On Ice wrap party (Picture: Redferns)

Brian McFadden might be angling for a spot on the Westlife reunion tour as the popstar serenaded his Dancing On Ice co-stars with songs from his former band at the show’s wrap party on Sunday evening.

The 38-year-old reunited with his fellow DOI celebrities hours after James Jordan and his professional partner Alexandra Schauman won this year’s series, leaving Wes Nelson and Vanessa Bauer in second place.

A little merry with party spirit, Brian was caught on camera singing his heart out to Westlife’s classic 1999 ballad Flying Without Wings, as his obliging crowd joined in for the karaoke sing-a-long.

Perhaps Brian was auditioning himself for a cameo on Westlife’s forthcoming reunion tour this summer, 15 years after he decided to quit the pop boy band.

There’s probably no chance of a surprise cameo from Brian though as his bandmates recently told Metro.co.uk: ‘No, he left the band 15 years ago, we were only five years in and kids at the time.

Brian serenaded the Dancing On Ice team with an impromptu karaoke session (Picture: Wes Nelson)

‘We went on to become a band for another eight or nine years after that. It would be very weird to have another person in the band again, some of us haven’t seen Brian in a very long time. We haven’t fallen out with Brian either, it’s like we all went to a different school and he went another way.’

Brian also managed to pin down DOI champion James for a selfie at the star-studded bash, and captioned the snap: ‘So proud of @jamesjordan1978 he worked harder than anyone else in the show and absolutely deserves to be champion!!!!

‘Proud to have watched him to come from bambi on ice to the best ever @dancingonice celebrity ever!’

Ah, lovely.

Elsewhere at the party, winner James was spotted swigging wine from the bottle – because, why not? – as he wife, Ola Jordan, proudly watched on. She captioned the Instagram video: ‘This is how you party after you win!’

Gemma Collins, who made a dramatic return to Dancing On Ice with a brief skating performance earlier in the evening, was spotted in presenter Phillip Schofield’s video, waving to the camera alongside her boyfriend James Argent.

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MORE: Gemma Collins vows to ‘never be seen on skates again’ after Dancing On Ice final

MORE: James Jordan crowned winner of Dancing On Ice 2019 after standing ovation from judges

Spice Girls’ Emma Bunton once told she would struggle to have baby but says ‘Strictly got me pregnant’

Mandatory Credit: Photo by David Fisher/REX/Shutterstock (10110752nc) Emma Bunton 39th Brit Awards, Arrivals, The O2 Arena, London, UK - 20 Feb 2019
Emma was once told it’s be hard for her to have babies (Picture: Rex Features)

Emma Bunton was once told she may not be able to have children.

The 43-year-old singer – who has sons Beau, 11, and seven-year-old Tate with partner Jade Jones – was devastated when doctors broke the news when she was 25 that endometriosis could make it hard to conceive.

‘That nearly broke me. I knew I had the right partner; I knew I wanted to be a mum. I didn’t give up hope, but it wasn’t happening,’ she said.

Five years later, Emma’s doctor watched her competing on Strictly Come Dancing and called to ask the Stop singer if she was pregnant, and the blonde beauty credits the training for the show with helping her overcome her fertility issues.

She told Stella magazine: ‘She’d seen me on the television holding my hands over my stomach and she just had a feeling I was pregnant.

‘I did a test straight away and I was. I have no idea whether it was doing all that exercise but I was so happy. Strictly got me pregnant.’

Emma was just 22 when she first met former Damage singer Jade and they connected instantly.

She said: ‘He came backstage to see one of our shows. He didn’t say much, but I just saw something in his sweet face that I knew I liked.

‘I said, “We’re going to a party now and you’re coming in my car.” He just smiled at me. That was it.

‘We had one break-up a few years later when we were both travelling non-stop. It was awful, but he was the one who called me to ask me to get back together. I always knew the answer would be yes.’

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Drake ‘cuts Michael Jackson song from UK tour’ set list amid sex abuse allegations

Drake launched his UK tour in Manchester on Sunday

Drake appears to have axed a Michael Jackson song from his UK tour as the child sex abuse allegations against the late popstar continue to mount.

The 32-year-old rapper launched his Assassination Vacation Tour in Manchester on Sunday ahead of a mammoth six-week stint in promotion of his latest number one album, Scorpion.

Last year, Drake performed the US leg of the tour which featured the track, Don’t Matter To Me, from the album. The track includes a sample of Jackson’s vocals from 1983 but wasn’t listed on the Manchester show’s setlist.

Don’t Matter To Me caused a stir when it was released on Scorpion last year, with Michael’s nephew Austin Brown, criticising the Canadian rapper for sampling the demo.

Brown, son of Jackson’s brother Rebbie, previously said: ‘I just feel like if [Michael] didn’t finish it, [Drake] shouldn’t use it.’

TOKYO - JULY 27: (JAPANESE PAPERS OUT) Singer Michael Jackson attends the press conference on foundation of "Michael Jackson Japan" on July 27, 1998 in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Sankei Archive/Getty Images)
Jackson is accused of sexually abusing young boys (Picture: Getty Images)
Don’t Matter To Me no where to be seen on the Manchester set list (Picture: Setlist FM)

Drake’s decision comes after the airing of Leaving Neverland, a Dan Reed documentary which explored the child molestation allegations against Jackson, who died in 2009 and always protested his innocence.

Two men, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, appear in the documentary claiming to be victims of sexual abuse at the hands of Jackson when they were young children.

In the wake of the allegations, many radio stations have removed Jackson’s music from their playlists but some of the popstar’s albums have re-entered the charts. Jackson’s Number Ones album has risen to 43rd place, climbing 44 places in just a few hours.

Studio albums Bad and Thriller have also returned to the top 200.

Meanwhile, Drake will continue his UK tour at Manchester Arena on Monday evening before moving onto Birmingham and then launching an epic seven-night stint at London’s O2 Arena on 1 April.

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MORE: Peter Andre ‘devastated’ he didn’t meet Michael Jackson and admits he’ll still perform Jackson 5 hits

MORE: Leaving Neverland viewers outraged after James Safechuck’s mother admits she ‘danced’ when Michael Jackson died

Neil Jones was the one doing the comforting after wife Katya’s kiss with Seann Walsh: ‘People make mistakes’

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Solent News/REX/Shutterstock (10003748d) Neil Jones, Katya Jones The Macmillan Ball at the Dorchester Hotel, London, UK - 28 Nov 2018
Katya and Neil are back on track (Picture: Solent News/REX/Shutterstock)

Katya and Neil Jones’ marriage came under the microscope when pictures and video emerged of Katya kissing her Strictly Come Dancing partner Seann Walsh.

The post-pub clinch sparked a huge scandal, with Seann splitting from his girlfriend of five years Rebecca Humphries and both stars issuing grovelling apologies on It Takes Two.

However, Neil – who has been married to Katya since 2013 – was the one doling out the comforting.

The 36-year-old has said he tried to understand why Katya kissed Seann, saying ‘people make mistakes’.

Mandatory Credit: Brian J Ritchie/Hotsauce Editorial Use Only Mandatory Credit: Photo by Brian J Ritchie/Hotsauce/REX (10125518ba) Seann Walsh 'The Jonathan Ross Show' TV show, series 14, Episode 1, London, UK - 02 Mar 2019 Stand up comedian, Seann Walsh, joined the show in his first interview since leaving Strictly Come Dancing last series and addressed for the first time, the much talked about scandal involving kissing his dance partner, Katya Jones, whilst in a relationship with girlfriend, Rebecca Humphries.
Seann apologised for the illicit snog (Picture: Rex)

Speaking to Hello! magazine, the Strictly pro said: ‘I think, for me, I can accept people make mistakes. My mum always said: “People make mistakes in their lives. Don’t react, try to understand”. So that is how it always is for me.”

Katya, 29, added: ‘We knew we just had to sort it out ourselves. It was quite shocking to be suddenly so exposed and everyone has an opinion on it but we just wanted to focus on us. My first thought was for Neil.’

And the Russian dancer told the magazine that her husband comforted her as she was viciously trolled online for the kiss.

Katya said: ‘I look at everything as a massive learning process. But actually drop by drop, people typing horrible and unkind things about you, does affect you. The hate I felt made me very sad.

Handout issued by Hello! of the front cover of the latest edition to go with PA story SHOWBIZ Jones. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday March 11, 2019. See PA story SHOWBIZ Jones. Photo credit should read: Hello!/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: This handout photo may only be used in for editorial reporting purposes for the contemporaneous illustration of events, things or the people in the image or facts mentioned in the caption. Reuse of the picture may require further permission from the copyright holder.
The full interview can be read in the new issue of Hello! Picture: Hello!/PA Wire)

‘Neil told me, “Stop reading, stop looking”. I knew I had to focus on what I do best, my dancing, my choreography, my job to the best of my ability.’

The couple are now preparing for their dance show at London’s Sadler’s Wells, Somnium: A Dancer’s Dream, which includes a scene which sees Katya wear her wedding dress as they recreate their big day.

While Katya and Neil – who are both returning to Strictly this year – are firmly back on track, Seann is also back on the road with his comedy tour, although the cheating scandal is still following him.

The comedian recently appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show, where he addressed the kiss with Katya and his subsequent split from Rebecca.

The 33-year-old said: ‘I think that when I first saw that statement it was so huge and you go through a mixture of emotions and I didn’t really know how to react. But I think with the time that I’ve had, that actually she is right, I think everything she said in that statement is right.

‘At first it’s denial, initially you look at that and you go, “No absolutely not.” But with time, someone that you cared about has written that about you and posted that and I think that actually, yes she was right what she said.

‘And I think if you lie and cheat on the person that you’re meant to care for and be in a relationship with, then that is a form of abuse, of course it is. All I can be is as sorry as I am. I hope one day that she’ll forgive me.’

Katya and Neil’s full interview can be read in Hello!, out now.

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MORE: Drake ‘cuts Michael Jackson song from UK tour’ set list amid sex abuse allegations

MORE: Spice Girls’ Emma Bunton once told she would struggle to have baby but says ‘Strictly got me pregnant’

Sheridan Smith favourite to play Sam Fox and the former Page 3 model approves: ‘She’d be perfect’

Sheridan is Sam’s hot pick to play her in the TV series (Picture: Getty Images)

Sheridan Smith’s next role might be a touch more glamorous as the TV star is favourite to play former model Sam Fox.

A biographical TV series about the life and career of ex Page 3 model Sam, 52, is reportedly in the works with Sheridan hotly-tipped to play the role.

According to The Daily Star, Sam has given her seal of approval for Sheridan to take on the role and reportedly told the publication: ‘I would love for Sheridan to just say yes. I’m working on it. She would be perfect.

‘I want to find a rising star to play my younger self and Sheridan Smith in my 30s.’

Sounds like the role is for Sheridan’s taking if she wants it.

It sounds as though the role is gathering steam as a source added: ‘There have been a lot of meetings and there are wheels in motion.

‘A date for filming has been set, but it’s hoped it could be before the end of the year.’

Sounds like a plan.

Sam’s biopic is expected to air later this year (Picture: Getty Images)

It should make for one very interesting series as Sam has enjoyed one colourful career.

The British star began her career as a model at the tender age of 16 after her mother entered her into an beauty contest.

Sam went on to garner even more fame as a Page 3 model until 1986 when she bowed out from the catwalk to pursue a music career. The popstar released three popular albums in the 1980s – Touch Me, Samantha Fox and I Wanna Have Some Fun.

In more recent years, Sam has appeared in shows like I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here, Big Brother and Come Dine With Me.

If she does want Sheridan to portray her on the small screen, Sam might have to wait in line as Sheridan is reported to be swamped with acting offers, prompting her to postpone her music tour this month.

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MORE: Sheridan Smith ‘postpones’ live tour until Christmas over busy work schedule: ‘She’s been in tears’

MORE: Cleaning Up viewers brand Sheridan Smith drama ‘massive disappointment’

Game Of Thrones’ Melisandre actress is only person in the world who doesn’t want to know how series ends

Carice is keeping herself in the dark over the series end (Picture: HBO/Getty)

With Game Of Thrones’ series finale edging ever closer, it seems everyone wants to know what’s going on – but Melisandre actress Carice Van Houten wants to be surprised.

Despite having the kind of access to the final scripts we can only dream of, the 42-year-old actress has admitted she wanted to keep it as much of a shock to her as the rest of us.

Confessing she doesn’t even know how many versions of the ending was shot in order to keep things a secret, she added to Sunday Times Culture: ‘In order not to spoil anything, I like to know as little as possible.

‘So I am gonna be pretty surprised myself, because I didn’t really read it all.’

Carice van Houten as Melisandre
Melisandre is a divisive character with a plan (Picture: HBO)

Does this mean that she doesn’t even get to the final episodes to be able to keep it secret?

‘Nice try!’ she added. ‘I’m so good at deflecting that now. I can’t say anything about that.’

Over the course of the series, Melisandre has proven herself to be one mystery of a character, revealing herself to be in disguise as a younger woman and playing puppet master to the final Great War with the help of her powers.

The Red Woman, as she has become known in the Kingdoms, even brought Jon Snow back to life after he was betrayed by the Night’s Watch, and it’s only because of this he spared her life when he discovered the number of people she killed as a Baratheon advisor.

Will her character make it to the end of the battle for the Iron Throne? (Picture: HBO)

Playing such a complicated character has undoubtedly been fun for Carice, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t felt the effect of being a potential villain and hero of the piece.

‘I don’t mind playing unsympathetic characters, because they’re often very interesting. But I didn’t get a lot for free,’ she said. ‘She’s not someone you per se immediately embrace to your heart.

‘So I had to fight for her. But it was fun. I sort of enjoyed people hating me a little bit. I thought it was funny.’

You’ve got to hand it to her for her strength to not at least sneak a peek at what the fate of Westeros holds – especially as the trailer was so epic.

With even leading stars such as Kit Harington being kept in the dark until the final moment, what happens at the end is anyone’s guess at this point.

(Unless you’re engaged to one of the key players like Joe Jonas is, in which case you annoy your fiancé until you get the truth out of her.)

Game Of Thrones returns 15 April on HBO, Sky Atlantic and is available to watch on NOW TV.

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Baptiste viewers are absolutely devastated as fan favourite gets mercilessly killed off

Baptiste lost a friend in the latest episode of the series (Picture: BBC)


Baptiste dealt a cruel blow on last night’s episode when a loved character in the twisted investigation was suddenly killed off.

As the cat-and-mouse chase across Amsterdam and Antwerp continued for Edward Stratton (Tom Hollander) and Baptiste (Tcheky Karyo), poor Kim (Talisa Garcia) had her past catch up with her as she was mercilessly slain in the street.

The transgender character, who until her transition was a member of the Brigada Serbilu, a Russian mob that would illegally traffic girls in and out of the country, had two bikers ruthlessly jump her in the street, slit her throat and leave her to die.

Kim was left to bleed out in the street after finally coming clean to her fiance about being trans (Picture: BBC)

As a woman she had embraced a new life, hiring women as sex workers in the Red Light District of Amsterdam, acting as their madam and helping them solicit their work in a protected environment.

She was even in a loving relationship with a Welshman named Greg, though he had no idea of her past – and just moments before her death had discovered the truth, brutally rejecting her as a result.

Basically, Kim was dealt one hell of a bummer for a final episode, and viewers were not happy.

Speaking ahead of the show airing, Talisa spoke about her transition and love for the character in a Q+A, and said: ‘I play Kim Vogel, who happens to be transgender, and I’m an actor who also happens to be transgender too. So, for me, I definitely, when I read the script, I was going to stand outside Garry Davies office until I got the part, because I needed it.’

‘To be able to play transgender now and for it not necessarily to be in a negative way, which whenever they cast transgender is always seems to be in a negative way but this wasn’t, this was a really positive thing,’ she added.

When a viewer slammed the show for casting a cisgender actor in the role of Kim, she was also quick to correct them, and said: ‘I’m an actress who also happens to be Transexual. Just sad I’m dead.’

With only two episodes to go until the show’s end, let’s just hope that her death is not in vain and is avenged in some way – which looks like the case, seeing as Greg looked distraught as he identified her body.

Baptiste continues Sundays at 9pm on BBC1.

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MORE: Baptiste episode 4: Seven questions we need to know with only two episodes left of the series

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Inside Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger’s wedding as couple plan big day with family

Inside Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger’s wedding (Picture: Instagram / Backgrid)

Chris Pratt popped the question to Katherine Schwarzenegger at the start of the year.

And while enjoying their newly engaged bliss, it seems the loved-up couple are already well on their way with planning the main event.

When chatting to Entertainment Tonight, the bride-to-be gave a glimpse into what the pair want for their big day and how they’re having an ‘exciting and fun’ time planning their wedding.

The 29-year-old told the publication: ‘I think that you know, for me, my family is very involved. I’m very involved, [Chris is] very involved, so it’s a great combination of everything and just a really exciting and fun [time].’

But it appears the pair are yet to chose a date, as the Guardians Of The Galaxy actor revealed to Us Weekly at the Lego Movie two premiere: ‘We’re maybe [thinking of a] fall, winter kind of thing.

METRO GRAB VIA INSTAGRAM Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger engaged https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsmy0gUFIt7/?utm_source=ig_embed
They announced their engagement early this year (Picture: prattprattpratt/Instagram)

‘We have a lot to get done.’

The 39-year-old announced the engagement back in January where he shared a picture of himself planting one on his new fiancee.

In the caption, the star wrote: ‘Sweet Katherine, so happy you said yes! I’m thrilled to be marrying you. Proud to live boldly in faith with you. Here we go! ‘

Chris was previously married to Scary Movie actress Anna Faris back in 2009, but the pair divorced in 2018 remaining as good friends and co parenting their son Jack.

Faris even offered up her blessings for the pairs nuptial news, commenting under the announcement: ‘I’m so happy for you both!! Congratulations!’

And as far as fathers-in-law go, Chris seems to be in the clear from Katherine’s dad, Arnold Schwarzenegger, after the 71-year-old acting legend confessed that Chris is a ‘really fantastic’ match for his daughter.

Arnie told Extra: ‘She is so happy, they both are so happy. As I said to him, he is such a likable guy. I love Chris — he’s fantastic.’

After revealing that his new son-in-law-to-be even approached him beforehand for his blessing, he added: ‘He’s a wonderful guy. They both look really great together, they’re both happy together, so I wish them both the best of luck.’

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MORE: Sheridan Smith favourite to play Sam Fox and the former Page 3 model approves: ‘She’d be perfect’

MORE: Neil Jones was the one doing the comforting after wife Katya’s kiss with Seann Walsh: ‘People make mistakes’

James Argent apologises to Gemma Collins over nasty fat-shaming texts: ‘I’m a hypocrite’


James Argent has publicly apologised to his girlfriend Gemma Collins for sending nasty text messages about her weight, admitting that he’s a ‘hypocrite’.

The former Towie stars briefly split earlier this month after James, 31, sent the Dancing On Ice star a barrage of text messages after a spat, writing that she has ‘more rolls than Greggs’.

The couple rowed after Arg posted footage of Gemma sleeping and snoring on social media.

Gemma, 38, was understandably ‘furious’ with her longtime boyfriend and kicked him out of her Essex home.

But Arg has seen the error of his ways and issued The GC an apology on Monday’s Good Morning Britain.

Speaking to hosts Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid, Arg said: ‘I’m absolutely on. We’re OK. We’ve had a bit of a tough time recently.

Arg and Gem have kissed and made up (Picture: Getty Images)

‘I looked at Joe Swash and Stacey Solomon’s Instagram, it was really cute and I thought maybe I’d so something similar with Gemma but it went a bit wrong.

‘She was furious. I was kicked out of the flat. We didn’t get physical with each other but my bags were chucked out. We did get a bit personal.’

When Piers and Susannah noted Arg’s own weight, the TV star admitted: ‘Pot kettle black. I’m a hypocrite, I struggle with my weight. I’m the biggest I’ve ever been.

‘Gemma’s lost weight doing Dancing On Ice, she looks the best she’s ever been.’

Explaining how the epic row unfolded, Arg said: ‘We both started cussing each other. It was very childish, it wasn’t in my nature and we both were cussing each other.’

After reconciling, Arg whisked Gemma away to Paris for a romantic break to mend their relationship although it was rudely interrupted by paparazzi, who managed to track the couple down doing all the touristy things like kissing in front of the Eiffel Tower.

Arg said: ‘We got back together. We went to Paris and it was supposed to be a private trip. We hadn’t told anyone.

‘We learnt the hard way. It wasn’t the perfect reconciliation. It’s tough because we wanted to go to the most romantic city in the world to save the relationship. There are certain places you would expect to have privacy.’

The couple have dated on and off since 2012 and Gemma has previously expressed her hopes to get married and have children when she turns 38, which she is now, so the clock’s ticking Arg.

Coyly laughing when asked if he’s ready to propose, he said: ‘Listen, I love Gemma to bits. I’ve never proposed to Gemma.

‘If we remain stable and we’re in a healthy place, it’s definitely something I’d consider. I love Gemma to bits, I love everything about her.’

He added: ‘I do apologise yet again for anything I said, I didn’t mean it. It was very childish.

‘We will [get married], it’s been a bit mad recently but we have a stable relationship.’

It seems Gemma’s also inspired Arg to consider appearing in next year’s Dancing On Ice, as he teased: ‘Nothing’s been signed as of yet. I’m a big fan of the show.

‘No, I haven’t had an offer yet, no. I did feel part of it because I was there most weeks supporting Gemma.’

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MORE: Gemma Collins vows to ‘never be seen on skates again’ after Dancing On Ice final

MORE: Dancing On Ice stars Gemma Collins and Jason Gardiner ‘will be kept apart’ during final as she ‘unfollows co-stars’

Jodie Comer is so good at playing Villanelle on Killing Eve that men are scared of her

For use in UK, Ireland or Benelux countries only Undated BBC handout photo of Villanelle, played by Jodie Comer, in season two of Killing Eve. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday December 24, 2018. See PA story SHOWBIZ KillingEve. Photo credit should read: Aimee Spinks/BBC America/BBC/PA Wire NOTE TO EDITORS: Not for use more than 21 days after issue. You may use this picture without charge only for the purpose of publicising or reporting on current BBC programming, personnel or other BBC output or activity within 21 days of issue. Any use after that time MUST be cleared through BBC Picture Publicity. Please credit the image to the BBC and any named photographer or independent programme maker, as described in the caption.
She’s just too good at playing a soulless assassin (Picture: PA)

Jodie Comer has become a legit global star thanks to her role as Villanelle in Killing Eve, so you’d assume she’d have people queuing up for dates.

But her portrayal of a psychopathic murderess that can have anyone she wants is a bit too on the nose to encourage flirting, or even polite conversation.

The Liverpudlian actress has admitted Villanelle has led men to be scared of her, which we would see as a sign of a job well done.

Speaking to The Sun on Sunday, the 26-year-old said of the stylish assassin: ‘I wanted people to be scared of her. But when I am introduced to men sometimes they are a little bit hesitant and yes, maybe they can be a bit frightened.’

Jodie Comer arrives at the 76th annual Golden Globe Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 6, 2019, in Beverly Hills, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)
Jodie is much nicer in real life (Picture: Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

However, Jodie is much nicer in real life, as she added: ‘But then when they meet me, they see the real me and it’s like, “Oh, she’s safe, she’s all good”.’

Pre Killing Eve, Jodie was best known for her roles in My Mad Fat Diary, Doctor Foster and Thirteen, while she also starred in Lady Chatterley’s Lover and The White Princess.

But after bagging the role of Villanelle in Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s hit series, her fame went stratospheric, with pretty everybody becoming infatuated with Villanelle and Sandra Oh’s Eve Polastri’s relationship.

Jodie has landed on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list this year, was named Best Entertainer at the Stylist Remarkable Women Awards, and has been nominated for National Television Awards and Critics’ Choice gongs.

And all that acclaim has left Comer with no time for a relationship, after splitting from her long-term boyfriend from home.

She said: ‘I am very much work-focused at the minute.

‘I feel like if I meet someone at the right time that would be great, but at the moment I am cool with just being by myself. It’s nice.’

And Jodie’s schedule isn’t going to get any less jam-packed – Killing Eve series two will begin on 7 April, with the trailer promising plenty of new ~lewks~ from Villanelle.

We cannot wait.

Killing Eve is set to return on 7 April on BBC America.

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Chiwetel Ejiofor sent zombies after The Walking Dead’s Andrew Lincoln in revenge for Love Actually

Chiwetel Ejiofor got his own back on Andrew Lincoln for being a creep in Love Actually (Picture: Universal Pictures)

Chiwetel Ejiofor got sweet revenge on The Walking Dead star Andrew Lincoln for his character trying to woo his wife in Love Actually.

In the 2003 film, Lincoln’s character Mark is in love with Juliet, the wife of Ejiofor’s character played by Keira Knightley.

In recent years Mark’s behaviour has been called out as creepy, especially the famous scene where he admits his feelings to Juliet in a series of placards.

Chiwetel can see where the criticism comes from, and joked that he was the reason Andrew was hounded by zombies for nine seasons of The Walking Dead.

The actor told PeopleTV: ‘It’s Christmas to Valentine’s Day, everybody’s talking about Love Actually every year, which is really, really great. Course Andy’s a bit of a weirdo in that film.’

Adding that Mark’s storyline is ‘certainly worrying’, he continued: ‘I never saw him the same way after that, but I did set the zombies after him, so he got his comeuppance in the end.’

FILMS... Love Actually (2003); Chiwetel Ejiofor pictured with Keira Knightly in a scene from the film.
Chiwetel Ejiofor starred opposite Keira Knightley in the film (Picture: Universal Pictures)
The Walking Dead (Picture: AMC)
Andrew was hounded by zombies for nine seasons in The Walking Dead (Picture: AMC)

Despite the problematic elements of the film the Doctor Stranger star feels people still watch it because they want to see something ‘romantic and optimistic’.

‘I think people do look for that,’ he added.

‘They looked for it then when the film came out. They look for it now, maybe even more so now.

‘People want to engage with things that are optimistic and light and have a lot of positivity.’

Lincoln quit The Walking Dead last year in order to spend more time with his family, but his character Rick Grimes will be returning in a series of spin-off films.

AMC recently confirmed that the show is getting a brand new spin-off on top of the Andrew Lincoln ones, with bosses already in the planning process.

CEO Ed Carroll told Deadline: ‘We’re not at a stage where we’ll be announcing its plans to premiere, but we have hired creatve people that have pitched story outlines.

‘We feel very good about the development of that series.’

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MORE: James Argent apologises to Gemma Collins over nasty fat-shaming texts: ‘I’m a hypocrite’

MORE: Inside Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger’s wedding as couple plan big day with family


Google patent shows Project Stream game controller

Google's console plans may be revealed very soon
Google’s console plans may be revealed very soon

Plans for Google to make its own video game console could be revealed by next Monday – but the colour pics of the controller are fakes.

With Sony and Microsoft expected to unveil their new consoles next year it may seem like the journey into the next generation is continuing more or less as normal, but this time it looks like there’s going to be at least one interloper.

Apple and Amazon are both rumoured to be working on their own game streaming services and/or consoles, but it’s Google whose plans seem to be the most advanced – after their successful Project Stream experiment last year.

That had Assassin’s Creed Odyssey on PC working as a streamed game, but since that test they’ve never announced anything else or explained what they’re up to. They still haven’t, but this video game-related patent has been discovered online.

You may already have seen the images above floating about, but they’re fan-made mock-ups based on the patent and not something Google themselves has created.

It does obviously look a lot like Google’s drawing, but patents don’t necessarily look anything like the final product. To prove that point here’s what Nintendo’s initial patent for the Switch looked like.

The important thing to note is that the patent itself is not for the controller’s physical appearance – which in the original image looks like any generic third party joypad – but for a notification system that tells you when you have a chat request or invitation, or when your high score has been beaten or a game is available to play.

The patent doesn’t describe what the controller looks like at all, and it’s not actually relevant to the technology Google is talking about.

The patent was made last October but is an update of one originally filled in 2014, so clearly Google has been planning this for a long time.

We may find out as early as next week what they’re up to though, as they have an event in San Francisco planned for Monday, 18 March that rumours suggest will see the first official reveal of their video game plans.

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Shah Rukh Khan’s Don 3 might not happen after all

Shah Rukh Khan’s Don 3 might not happen after all (Picture: Getty Images)

Shah Rukh Khan’s much anticipated movie Don 3 is said to have been in the works for some time.

After the success of the first two films The Chase Begins and Don 2: The King is Back, which follow the underworld boss, the movies became one of India’s most popular franchises.

But while fans eagerly await for the next installment, it seems the film that would complete the trilogy might actually have been put on the back burner.

We can’t deal either.

It’s said the crew are ‘still working on it’ (Picture: Getty Images)

When chatting to Mumbai Mirror, the co-producer Ritesh Sidhwani spoke about the impending release.

He told the publication: ‘We are still working on it and don’t know when it will happen. It’s a keenly awaited franchise and we can’t disappoint the fans.’

It has been eight years since the last movie hit our screens, and fans have been promised that the third film is very much on the director’s mind.

Earlier this year, the star of the show Shah Rukh was asked about the movie and where production were up to with the film.

And things didn’t look good, as he confessed: ‘This is like a staple question that I’m asked wherever I go. I don’t have any updates for you.’

It has been claimed that Shah Rukh is set to play the astronaut Rakesh Sharma in the upcoming biopic.

The script was thought to have originally been handed to Aamir Khan, but landed in Shah Rukh’s lap when it was supposedly turned down by his fellow actor.

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What did Dancing On Ice champion James Jordan actually win?

James Jordan wins Danxcing On Ice 2019
James Jordan is your 2019 Dancing On Ice winner

Dancing On Ice has put away its skates for another series, with James Jordan crowned champion ahead of Love Island’s Wes Nelson.

Sunday night’s show saw the former Strictly pro and skating partner Alexandra Schaumann take the title after achieving a near perfect score for his first routine while battling a serious shoulder injury.

He went on to pick up a perfect 40 for his second, before he and Wes both took on Torvill and Dean’s Bolero as their final routine of the series.

So the series has another champion – but just what did James and Alexandra win, exactly?

What did Dancing On Ice winner James Jordan get?

Aside from the honour of being series winner, James also got his hands on the Dancing On Ice trophy.

After the couple were named winners the ballroom dancer, referring to the coveted prize, said: ‘I couldn’t have given it any more and the only reason I had to give so much is because of that little thing there.’

Both James and Wes received standing ovations from the judges for their final routines.

What routines did James perform in the final?

James and Alexandra kicked things off with an Argentinian Tango which won them 39 out of 40 – with Jason Gardiner and Ashley Banjo both giving them 9.5.

As Jason remarked something was ‘missing’ from the routine Holly Willoughby explained: I want to point out that you are here tonight with a very serious injury in your shoulder, aren’t you?’

‘I am but I didn’t want to talk about it,’ James told her before Holly added: ‘I wanted to talk about that because you’ve been such a trooper. You’ve been amazing…even by just being here.’

The couple went on to score a perfect 40 as they reprised their Dirty Dancing themed routine from the semi-final ahead of their Bolero.

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If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Metro.co.uk Entertainment team by emailing us celebtips@metro.co.uk, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you.

Wes Nelson denies Megan Barton-Hanson reconciliation and says break-up pushed him towards Dancing on Ice final

Paddy Doherty shares devastating prostate cancer battle: ‘I thought about taking my own life’

LONDON, ENGLAND - AUGUST 18: Paddy Doherty enters the Channel 5's Celebrity Big Brother House at Elstree Studios on August 18, 2011 in Borehamwood, England. (Photo by Mike Marsland/Wireimage)
Paddy was told seven months ago that he had prostate cancer (Picture: WireImage)

Big Fat Gypsy Wedding star Paddy Doherty has revealed he was diagnosed with prostate cancer seven months ago, and has been in such pain that he considered taking his own life.

The 60-year-old is preparing to undergo two serious operations on Tuesday at Manchester Royal Infirmary – one will remove his prostate and the other will rectify a blood loss problem.

Until now, Paddy had only confided in close family members including his wife Roseanne, and says he ‘drank himself into oblivion’ to cope with the devastating news.

Speaking to The Sun, Paddy said: ‘I’ve been to hell and back with this and it’s worse than getting a horrendous beating.

‘The pain got so bad that I actually thought about taking my own life on two occasions.’

Paddy only confided in family, including his wife Roseanne (Picture: FilmMagic)

The reality TV star explained how he was ‘in a bad way’ at the funeral of his nephew, Mikey Connors, last August and feared going to the toilet as he struggled to pass water.

It left Paddy in ‘excruciating’ pain which he wouldn’t ‘inflict on his worst enemy’.

It was only when Paddy started passing blood that he knew he had to go and visit a doctor, who was able to confirm after several tests that he had prostate cancer.

LONDON - SEPTEMBER 13: Paddy Doherty attends the 2011 TVChoice Awards on September 13, 2011 at the Savoy Hotel in London. (Photo by Anthony Harvey/Getty Images)
The TV star will undergo two operations on Tuesday (Picture: Getty Images)

Paddy feared he would lose his life, but was reassured as the doctors discovered the cancer in time.

Nurses tried to treat Paddy with high-powered steroids to numb the pain but to no avail and he reveals the pain is worse than getting beaten up.

Paddy said it felt ‘embarrassing and demeaning’ when his grandchildren would hear him scream in pain, and admitted he ‘doesn’t want to leave this world’.

He also encouraged other men to seek help before it’s too late and added: ‘This has definitely been the biggest battle of my life but it’s one I’m determined to win.’

Need support? Contact the Samaritans

For emotional support you can call the Samaritans 24-hour helpline on 116 123, email jo@samaritans.org, visit a Samaritans branch in person or go to the Samaritans website.

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MORE: What did Dancing On Ice champion James Jordan actually win?

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